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Fix nextls command not found when installing with Nix #283

merged 3 commits into from
Oct 16, 2023


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@goofansu goofansu commented Oct 10, 2023

Solve #278.

  • Rename burrito_out/next_ls_<system>_<arch> to burrito_out/nextls, which is the command to install.
  • Remove the original bin directory containing the next_ls app that isn't expected to be installed, then rename burrito_out directory to bin.


gh repo clone elixir-tools/next-ls
gh co 283
nix profile install .
nextls --version

CleanShot 2023-10-11 at 01 45 32

It works in Doom Emacs to format a buffer after saving it.
  • config.el
(use-package! elixir-mode
  :hook (before-save . elixir-format-before-save)
  (defun elixir-format-before-save ()
    (when (derived-mode-p 'elixir-mode)
  • Eglot events log
[client-request] (id:9) Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :id 9 :method "textDocument/formatting" :params
           (:uri "file:///Users/james/src/req/lib/req.ex")
           (:tabSize 2 :insertSpaces t :insertFinalNewline t :trimFinalNewlines t)))
[server-reply] (id:9) Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:id 9 :jsonrpc "2.0" :result
     [(:newText "defmodule Req do\n  @moduledoc \"\"\"\n  The high-level API.\n\n  Req is composed of three main pieces:\n\n    * `Req` - the high-level API (you're here!)\n\n    * `Req.Request` - the low-level API and the request struct\n\n    * `Req.Steps` - the collection of built-in steps\n\n  The high-level API is what most users of Req will use most of the time.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  Making a GET request with `Req.get!/1`:\n\n      iex> Req.get!(\"\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  Same, but by explicitly building request struct first:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  Making a POST request with `!/2`:\n\n      iex>!(\"\", form: [comments: \"hello!\"]).body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"comments\" => \"hello!\"}\n  \"\"\"\n\n  @type url() :: URI.t() | String.t()\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Returns a new request struct with built-in steps.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of available options. See `Req.Request` module documentation\n  for more information on the underlying request struct.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> req.method\n      :get\n      iex> URI.to_string(req.url)\n      \"\"\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec new(options :: keyword()) :: Req.Request.t()\n  def new(options \\\\ []) do\n    options = Keyword.merge(default_options(), options)\n    {plugins, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :plugins, [])\n\n    %Req.Request{\n      registered_options:\n[\n          :user_agent,\n          :compressed,\n          :range,\n          :http_errors,\n          :base_url,\n          :params,\n          :auth,\n          :form,\n          :json,\n          :compress_body,\n          :compressed,\n          :raw,\n          :decode_body,\n          :output,\n          :follow_redirects,\n          :location_trusted,\n          :max_redirects,\n          :retry,\n          :retry_delay,\n          :max_retries,\n          :cache,\n          :cache_dir,\n          :plug,\n          :finch,\n          :finch_request,\n          :connect_options,\n          :receive_timeout,\n          :pool_timeout,\n          :unix_socket\n        ])\n    }\n    |> update(options)\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_request_steps(\n      put_user_agent: &Req.Steps.put_user_agent/1,\n      compressed: &Req.Steps.compressed/1,\n      encode_body: &Req.Steps.encode_body/1,\n      put_base_url: &Req.Steps.put_base_url/1,\n      auth: &Req.Steps.auth/1,\n      put_params: &Req.Steps.put_params/1,\n      put_range: &Req.Steps.put_range/1,\n      cache: &Req.Steps.cache/1,\n      put_plug: &Req.Steps.put_plug/1,\n      compress_body: &Req.Steps.compress_body/1\n    )\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_response_steps(\n      retry: &Req.Steps.retry/1,\n      follow_redirects: &Req.Steps.follow_redirects/1,\n      decompress_body: &Req.Steps.decompress_body/1,\n      decode_body: &Req.Steps.decode_body/1,\n      handle_http_errors: &Req.Steps.handle_http_errors/1,\n      output: &Req.Steps.output/1\n    )\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_error_steps(retry: &Req.Steps.retry/1)\n    |> run_plugins(plugins)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Updates a request struct.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of available options. See `Req.Request` module documentation\n  for more information on the underlying request struct.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> req = Req.update(req, auth: {\"alice\", \"secret\"})\n      iex> req.options\n      %{auth: {\"alice\", \"secret\"}, base_url: \"\"}\n\n  Passing `:headers` will automatically encode and merge them:\n\n      iex> req = [point_x: 1])\n      iex> req = Req.update(req, headers: [point_y: 2])\n      iex> req.headers\n      [{\"point-x\", \"1\"}, {\"point-y\", \"2\"}]\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec update(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Request.t()\n  def update(%Req.Request{} = request, options) when is_list(options) do\n    request_option_names = [:method, :url, :headers, :body, :adapter]\n\n    {request_options, options} = Keyword.split(options, request_option_names)\n\n    registered =\n      MapSet.union(\n        request.registered_options,\n\n      )\n\n    Req.Request.validate_options(options, registered)\n\n    request_options =\n      if request_options[:headers] do\n        update_in(request_options[:headers], &encode_headers/1)\n      else\n        request_options\n      end\n\n    request =\n      Map.merge(request,, fn\n        :url, _, url ->\n          URI.parse(url)\n\n        :headers, old, new ->\n          old ++ new\n\n        _, _, value ->\n          value\n      end)\n\n    request = update_in(request.options, &Map.merge(&1,\n\n    if request.options[:output] do\n      update_in(request.options, &Map.put(&1, :decode_body, false))\n    else\n      request\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a GET request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.get!(\"\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").status\n      200\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec get!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def get!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case get(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a GET request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.get(\"\")\n      iex> res.body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.get(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\")\n      iex> res.status\n      200\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec get(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def get(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def get(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :get}, options)\n  end\n\n  def get(url, options) do\n    request([method: :get, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a HEAD request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.head!(\"\").status\n      201\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.head!(req, url: \"/status/201\").status\n      201\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec head!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def head!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case head(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a HEAD request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.head(\"\")\n      iex> res.status\n      201\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.head(req, url: \"/status/201\")\n      iex> res.status\n      201\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec head(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def head(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def head(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :head}, options)\n  end\n\n  def head(url, options) do\n    request([method: :head, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a POST request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex>!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n      iex>!(\"\", form: [x: 1]).body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"x\" => \"1\"}\n\n      iex>!(\"\", json: %{x: 2}).body[\"json\"]\n      %{\"x\" => 2}\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex>!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec post!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def post!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    if Keyword.keyword?(options) do\n      case post(url_or_request, options) do\n        {:ok, response} -> response\n        {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n      end\n    else\n      case options do\n        {:form, data} ->\n          IO.warn(\n            \"!(url, {:form, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n              \"!(url, form: data)\"\n          )\n\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), form: data)\n\n        {:json, data} ->\n          IO.warn(\n            \"!(url, {:json, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n              \"!(url, json: data)\"\n          )\n\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), json: data)\n\n        data ->\n          IO.warn(\"!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of!(url, body: body)\")\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), body: data)\n      end\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def post!(url, body, options) do\n    case body do\n      {:form, data} ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, {:form, data}, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [form: data] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), form: data] ++ options)\n\n      {:json, data} ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, {:json, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [json: data] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), json: data] ++ options)\n\n      data ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [body: body] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), body: data] ++ options)\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a POST request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", form: [x: 1])\n      iex> res.body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"x\" => \"1\"}\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", json: %{x: 2})\n      iex> res.body[\"json\"]\n      %{\"x\" => 2}\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} =, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec post(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def post(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def post(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :post}, options)\n  end\n\n  def post(url, options) do\n    request([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PUT request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.put!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.put!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec put!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def put!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case put(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def put!(%URI{} = url, {type, _} = body, options) when type in [:form, :json] do\n    IO.warn(\n      \"Req.put!(url, {:#{type}, #{type}}, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n        \"Req.put!(url, [#{type}: #{type}] ++ options)\"\n    )\n\n    request!([method: :put, url: url, body: body] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PUT request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.put(\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.put(req, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec put(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def put(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def put(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :put}, options)\n  end\n\n  def put(url, options) do\n    if Keyword.keyword?(options) do\n      request([method: :put, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n    else\n      IO.warn(\"Req.put!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of Req.put!(url, body: body)\")\n      request(url: URI.parse(url), body: options)\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PATCH request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.patch!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.patch!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec patch!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def patch!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case patch(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PATCH request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.patch(\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.patch(req, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec patch(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def patch(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def patch(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :patch}, options)\n  end\n\n  def patch(url, options) do\n    request([method: :patch, url: url] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a DELETE request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.delete!(\"\").body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.delete!(req).body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec delete!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def delete!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case delete(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a DELETE request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.delete(\"\")\n      iex> res.body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.delete(req)\n      iex> res.body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec delete(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def delete(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def delete(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :delete}, options)\n  end\n\n  def delete(url, options) do\n    request([method: :delete, url: url] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request.\n\n  `request/1` and `request/2` functions give three ways of making requests:\n\n    1. With a list of options, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> Req.request(url: url)\n       ```\n\n    2. With a request struct, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> url) |> Req.request()\n       ```\n\n    3. With a request struct and more options, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> base_url) |> Req.request(url: url)\n       ```\n\n  This function as well as all the other ones in this module accept the same set of options described below.\n\n  ## Options\n\n  Basic request options:\n\n    * `:method` - the request method, defaults to `:get`.\n\n    * `:url` - the request URL.\n\n    * `:headers` - the request headers.\n\n      The headers are automatically encoded using these rules:\n\n        * atom header names are turned into strings, replacing `_` with `-`. For example,\n          `:user_agent` becomes `\"user-agent\"`\n\n        * string header names are left as is. Because header keys are case-insensitive\n          in both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, it is recommended for header keys to be in\n          lowercase, to avoid sending duplicate keys in a request.\n\n        * `NaiveDateTime` and `DateTime` header values are encoded as \"HTTP date\". Otherwise,\n          the header value is encoded with `String.Chars.to_string/1`.\n\n      If you set `:headers` options both in `` and `request/2`, the header lists are merged.\n\n    * `:body` - the request body.\n\n  Additional URL options:\n\n    * `:base_url` - if set, the request URL is prepended with this base URL (via\n      [`put_base_url`](`Req.Steps.put_base_url/1`) step).\n\n    * `:params` - if set, appends parameters to the request query string (via\n      [`put_params`](`Req.Steps.put_params/1`) step).\n\n  Authentication options:\n\n    * `:auth` - sets request authentication (via [`auth`](`Req.Steps.auth/1`) step).\n\n  Request body options:\n\n    * `:form` - if set, encodes the request body as form data ([`encode_body`](`Req.Steps.encode_body/1`) step).\n\n    * `:json` - if set, encodes the request body as JSON ([`encode_body`](`Req.Steps.encode_body/1`) step).\n\n    * `:compress_body` - if set to `true`, compresses the request body using gzip (via [`compress_body`](`Req.Steps.compress_body/1`) step).\n      Defaults to `false`.\n\n  Response body options:\n\n    * `:compressed` - if set to `true`, asks the server to return compressed response.\n      (via [`compressed`](`Req.Steps.compressed/1`) step). Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:raw` - if set to `true`, disables automatic body decompression\n      ([`decompress_body`](`Req.Steps.decompress_body/1`) step) and decoding\n      ([`decode_body`](`Req.Steps.decode_body/1`) step). Defaults to `false`.\n\n    * `:decode_body` - if set to `false`, disables automatic response body decoding.\n      Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:output` - if set, writes the response body to a file (via\n      [`output`](`Req.Steps.output/1`) step). Can be set to a string path or an atom\n      `:remote_name` which would use the remote name as the filename in the current working\n      directory. Once the file is written, the response body is replaced with `\"\"`.\n\n      Setting `:output` also sets the `decode_body: false` option to prevent decoding the\n      response before writing it to the file.\n\n  Response redirect options ([`follow_redirects`](`Req.Steps.follow_redirects/1`) step):\n\n    * `:follow_redirects` - if set to `false`, disables automatic response redirects. Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:location_trusted` - by default, authorization credentials are only sent\n      on redirects with the same host, scheme and port. If `:location_trusted` is set to `true`, credentials\n      will be sent to any host.\n\n    * `:max_redirects` - the maximum number of redirects, defaults to `10`.\n\n  Retry options ([`retry`](`Req.Steps.retry/1`) step):\n\n    * `:retry`: can be set to: `:safe` (default) to only retry GET/HEAD requests on HTTP 408/5xx\n      responses or exceptions, `false` to never retry, and `fun` - a 1-arity function that accepts\n      either a `Req.Response` or an exception struct and returns boolean whether to retry\n\n    * `:retry_delay` - a function that receives the retry count (starting at 0) and returns the delay, the\n      number of milliseconds to sleep before making another attempt.\n      Defaults to a simple exponential backoff: 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, ...\n\n    * `:max_retries` - maximum number of retry attempts, defaults to `3` (for a total of `4`\n      requests to the server, including the initial one.)\n\n  Caching options ([`cache`](`Req.Steps.cache/1`) step):\n\n    * `:cache` - if `true`, performs HTTP caching. Defaults to `false`.\n\n    * `:cache_dir` - the directory to store the cache, defaults to `<user_cache_dir>/req`\n      (see: `:filename.basedir/3`)\n\n  Request adapters:\n\n    * `:adapter` - adapter to use to make the actual HTTP request. See `:adapter` field description\n      in the `Req.Request` module documentation for more information. Defaults to calling [`run_finch`](`Req.Steps.run_finch/1`).\n\n    * `:plug` - if set, calls the given Plug instead of making an HTTP request over the network (via [`put_plug`](`Req.Steps.put_plug/1`) step).\n\n  Finch options ([`run_finch`](`Req.Steps.run_finch/1`) step)\n\n    * `:finch` - the Finch pool to use. Defaults to pool automatically started by `Req`.\n\n    * `:connect_options` - dynamically starts (or re-uses already started) Finch pool with\n      the given connection options:\n\n        * `:timeout` - socket connect timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `30_000`.\n\n        * `:protocol` - the HTTP protocol to use, defaults to `:http1`.\n\n        * `:hostname` - Mint explicit hostname\n\n        * `:transport_opts` - Mint transport options\n\n        * `:proxy_headers` - Mint proxy headers\n\n        * `:proxy` - Mint HTTP/1 proxy settings, a `{schema, address, port, options}` tuple.\n\n        * `:client_settings` - Mint HTTP/2 client settings\n\n    * `:pool_timeout` - pool checkout timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `5000`.\n\n    * `:receive_timeout` - socket receive timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `15_000`.\n\n    * `:unix_socket` - if set, connect through the given UNIX domain socket\n    \n    * `:finch_request` - a function to modify the built Finch request before execution. This function takes a \n       Finch request and returns a Finch request. If not provided, the finch request will not be modified\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With options keywords list:\n\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(url: \"\")\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n      iex> response.body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(req)\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n\n  With request struct and options:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\")\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n\n  With mock adapter:\n\n      iex> adapter = fn request ->\n      ...>   response = %Req.Response{status: 200, body: \"it works!\"}\n      ...>   {request, response}\n      ...> end\n      iex>\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(adapter: adapter, url: \"http://example\")\n      iex> response.body\n      \"it works!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request(Req.Request.t() | keyword()) :: {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def request(request_or_options)\n\n  def request(%Req.Request{} = request) do\n    request(request, [])\n  end\n\n  def request(options) do\n    request(, [])\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def request(request, options) when is_list(options) do\n    {plugins, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :plugins, [])\n\n    request\n    |> Req.update(options)\n    |> run_plugins(plugins)\n    |>\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def request(method, url, options) do\n    IO.warn(\n      \"Req.request(method, url, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n        \"Req.request!([method: method, url: url] ++ options)\"\n    )\n\n    request([method: method, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or raises an error.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> Req.request!(url: \"\").status\n      200\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request!(Req.Request.t() | keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def request!(request_or_options) do\n    case request(request_or_options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or raises an error.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.request!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").status\n      200\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request!(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def request!(request, options) do\n    case request(request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Returns default options.\n\n  See `default_options/1` for more information.\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec default_options() :: keyword()\n  def default_options() do\n    Application.get_env(:req, :default_options, [])\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Sets default options for ``.\n\n  Avoid setting default options in libraries as they are global.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> Req.default_options(base_url: \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(\"/statuses/201\").status\n      201\n      iex> |> Req.get!(url: \"/statuses/201\").status\n      201\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec default_options(keyword()) :: :ok\n  def default_options(options) do\n    Application.put_env(:req, :default_options, options)\n  end\n\n  defp encode_headers(headers) do\n    for {name, value} <- headers do\n      name =\n        case name do\n          atom when is_atom(atom) ->\n            atom |> Atom.to_string() |> String.replace(\"_\", \"-\")\n\n          binary when is_binary(binary) ->\n            binary\n        end\n\n      value =\n        case value do\n          %NaiveDateTime{} = naive_datetime ->\n            Req.Steps.format_http_datetime(naive_datetime)\n\n          %DateTime{} = datetime ->\n            datetime |> DateTime.shift_zone!(\"Etc/UTC\") |> Req.Steps.format_http_datetime()\n\n          _ ->\n            String.Chars.to_string(value)\n        end\n\n      {name, value}\n    end\n  end\n\n  # Plugins support is experimental, undocumented, and likely won't make the new release.\n  defp run_plugins(request, [plugin | rest]) when is_atom(plugin) do\n    if Code.ensure_loaded?(plugin) and function_exported?(plugin, :attach, 1) do\n      run_plugins(plugin.attach(request), rest)\n    else\n      run_plugins(, rest)\n    end\n  end\n\n  defp run_plugins(request, [plugin | rest]) when is_function(plugin, 1) do\n    run_plugins(plugin.(request), rest)\n  end\n\n  defp run_plugins(request, []) do\n    request\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  @deprecated \"Manually build Req.Request struct instead\"\n  def build(method, url, options \\\\ []) do\n    %Req.Request{\n      method: method,\n      url: URI.parse(url),\n      headers: Keyword.get(options, :headers, []),\n      body: Keyword.get(options, :body, \"\")\n    }\n  end\nend\n" :range
                 (:character 0 :line 962)
                 (:character 0 :line 0)))])
[client-notification] Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "textDocument/didChange" :params
           (:uri "file:///Users/james/src/req/lib/req.ex" :version 7)
           [(:text "defmodule Req do\n  @moduledoc \"\"\"\n  The high-level API.\n\n  Req is composed of three main pieces:\n\n    * `Req` - the high-level API (you're here!)\n\n    * `Req.Request` - the low-level API and the request struct\n\n    * `Req.Steps` - the collection of built-in steps\n\n  The high-level API is what most users of Req will use most of the time.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  Making a GET request with `Req.get!/1`:\n\n      iex> Req.get!(\"\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  Same, but by explicitly building request struct first:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  Making a POST request with `!/2`:\n\n      iex>!(\"\", form: [comments: \"hello!\"]).body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"comments\" => \"hello!\"}\n  \"\"\"\n\n  @type url() :: URI.t() | String.t()\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Returns a new request struct with built-in steps.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of available options. See `Req.Request` module documentation\n  for more information on the underlying request struct.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> req.method\n      :get\n      iex> URI.to_string(req.url)\n      \"\"\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec new(options :: keyword()) :: Req.Request.t()\n  def new(options \\\\ []) do\n    options = Keyword.merge(default_options(), options)\n    {plugins, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :plugins, [])\n\n    %Req.Request{\n      registered_options:\n[\n          :user_agent,\n          :compressed,\n          :range,\n          :http_errors,\n          :base_url,\n          :params,\n          :auth,\n          :form,\n          :json,\n          :compress_body,\n          :compressed,\n          :raw,\n          :decode_body,\n          :output,\n          :follow_redirects,\n          :location_trusted,\n          :max_redirects,\n          :retry,\n          :retry_delay,\n          :max_retries,\n          :cache,\n          :cache_dir,\n          :plug,\n          :finch,\n          :finch_request,\n          :connect_options,\n          :receive_timeout,\n          :pool_timeout,\n          :unix_socket\n        ])\n    }\n    |> update(options)\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_request_steps(\n      put_user_agent: &Req.Steps.put_user_agent/1,\n      compressed: &Req.Steps.compressed/1,\n      encode_body: &Req.Steps.encode_body/1,\n      put_base_url: &Req.Steps.put_base_url/1,\n      auth: &Req.Steps.auth/1,\n      put_params: &Req.Steps.put_params/1,\n      put_range: &Req.Steps.put_range/1,\n      cache: &Req.Steps.cache/1,\n      put_plug: &Req.Steps.put_plug/1,\n      compress_body: &Req.Steps.compress_body/1\n    )\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_response_steps(\n      retry: &Req.Steps.retry/1,\n      follow_redirects: &Req.Steps.follow_redirects/1,\n      decompress_body: &Req.Steps.decompress_body/1,\n      decode_body: &Req.Steps.decode_body/1,\n      handle_http_errors: &Req.Steps.handle_http_errors/1,\n      output: &Req.Steps.output/1\n    )\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_error_steps(retry: &Req.Steps.retry/1)\n    |> run_plugins(plugins)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Updates a request struct.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of available options. See `Req.Request` module documentation\n  for more information on the underlying request struct.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> req = Req.update(req, auth: {\"alice\", \"secret\"})\n      iex> req.options\n      %{auth: {\"alice\", \"secret\"}, base_url: \"\"}\n\n  Passing `:headers` will automatically encode and merge them:\n\n      iex> req = [point_x: 1])\n      iex> req = Req.update(req, headers: [point_y: 2])\n      iex> req.headers\n      [{\"point-x\", \"1\"}, {\"point-y\", \"2\"}]\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec update(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Request.t()\n  def update(%Req.Request{} = request, options) when is_list(options) do\n    request_option_names = [:method, :url, :headers, :body, :adapter]\n\n    {request_options, options} = Keyword.split(options, request_option_names)\n\n    registered =\n      MapSet.union(\n        request.registered_options,\n\n      )\n\n    Req.Request.validate_options(options, registered)\n\n    request_options =\n      if request_options[:headers] do\n        update_in(request_options[:headers], &encode_headers/1)\n      else\n        request_options\n      end\n\n    request =\n      Map.merge(request,, fn\n        :url, _, url ->\n          URI.parse(url)\n\n        :headers, old, new ->\n          old ++ new\n\n        _, _, value ->\n          value\n      end)\n\n    request = update_in(request.options, &Map.merge(&1,\n\n    if request.options[:output] do\n      update_in(request.options, &Map.put(&1, :decode_body, false))\n    else\n      request\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a GET request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.get!(\"\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").status\n      200\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec get!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def get!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case get(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a GET request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.get(\"\")\n      iex> res.body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.get(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\")\n      iex> res.status\n      200\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec get(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def get(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def get(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :get}, options)\n  end\n\n  def get(url, options) do\n    request([method: :get, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a HEAD request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.head!(\"\").status\n      201\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.head!(req, url: \"/status/201\").status\n      201\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec head!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def head!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case head(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a HEAD request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.head(\"\")\n      iex> res.status\n      201\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.head(req, url: \"/status/201\")\n      iex> res.status\n      201\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec head(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def head(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def head(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :head}, options)\n  end\n\n  def head(url, options) do\n    request([method: :head, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a POST request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex>!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n      iex>!(\"\", form: [x: 1]).body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"x\" => \"1\"}\n\n      iex>!(\"\", json: %{x: 2}).body[\"json\"]\n      %{\"x\" => 2}\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex>!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec post!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def post!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    if Keyword.keyword?(options) do\n      case post(url_or_request, options) do\n        {:ok, response} -> response\n        {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n      end\n    else\n      case options do\n        {:form, data} ->\n          IO.warn(\n            \"!(url, {:form, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n              \"!(url, form: data)\"\n          )\n\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), form: data)\n\n        {:json, data} ->\n          IO.warn(\n            \"!(url, {:json, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n              \"!(url, json: data)\"\n          )\n\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), json: data)\n\n        data ->\n          IO.warn(\"!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of!(url, body: body)\")\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), body: data)\n      end\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def post!(url, body, options) do\n    case body do\n      {:form, data} ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, {:form, data}, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [form: data] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), form: data] ++ options)\n\n      {:json, data} ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, {:json, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [json: data] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), json: data] ++ options)\n\n      data ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [body: body] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), body: data] ++ options)\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a POST request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", form: [x: 1])\n      iex> res.body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"x\" => \"1\"}\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", json: %{x: 2})\n      iex> res.body[\"json\"]\n      %{\"x\" => 2}\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} =, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec post(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def post(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def post(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :post}, options)\n  end\n\n  def post(url, options) do\n    request([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PUT request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.put!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.put!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec put!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def put!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case put(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def put!(%URI{} = url, {type, _} = body, options) when type in [:form, :json] do\n    IO.warn(\n      \"Req.put!(url, {:#{type}, #{type}}, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n        \"Req.put!(url, [#{type}: #{type}] ++ options)\"\n    )\n\n    request!([method: :put, url: url, body: body] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PUT request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.put(\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.put(req, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec put(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def put(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def put(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :put}, options)\n  end\n\n  def put(url, options) do\n    if Keyword.keyword?(options) do\n      request([method: :put, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n    else\n      IO.warn(\"Req.put!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of Req.put!(url, body: body)\")\n      request(url: URI.parse(url), body: options)\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PATCH request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.patch!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.patch!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec patch!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def patch!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case patch(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PATCH request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.patch(\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.patch(req, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec patch(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def patch(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def patch(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :patch}, options)\n  end\n\n  def patch(url, options) do\n    request([method: :patch, url: url] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a DELETE request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.delete!(\"\").body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.delete!(req).body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec delete!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def delete!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case delete(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a DELETE request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.delete(\"\")\n      iex> res.body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.delete(req)\n      iex> res.body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec delete(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def delete(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def delete(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :delete}, options)\n  end\n\n  def delete(url, options) do\n    request([method: :delete, url: url] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request.\n\n  `request/1` and `request/2` functions give three ways of making requests:\n\n    1. With a list of options, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> Req.request(url: url)\n       ```\n\n    2. With a request struct, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> url) |> Req.request()\n       ```\n\n    3. With a request struct and more options, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> base_url) |> Req.request(url: url)\n       ```\n\n  This function as well as all the other ones in this module accept the same set of options described below.\n\n  ## Options\n\n  Basic request options:\n\n    * `:method` - the request method, defaults to `:get`.\n\n    * `:url` - the request URL.\n\n    * `:headers` - the request headers.\n\n      The headers are automatically encoded using these rules:\n\n        * atom header names are turned into strings, replacing `_` with `-`. For example,\n          `:user_agent` becomes `\"user-agent\"`\n\n        * string header names are left as is. Because header keys are case-insensitive\n          in both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, it is recommended for header keys to be in\n          lowercase, to avoid sending duplicate keys in a request.\n\n        * `NaiveDateTime` and `DateTime` header values are encoded as \"HTTP date\". Otherwise,\n          the header value is encoded with `String.Chars.to_string/1`.\n\n      If you set `:headers` options both in `` and `request/2`, the header lists are merged.\n\n    * `:body` - the request body.\n\n  Additional URL options:\n\n    * `:base_url` - if set, the request URL is prepended with this base URL (via\n      [`put_base_url`](`Req.Steps.put_base_url/1`) step).\n\n    * `:params` - if set, appends parameters to the request query string (via\n      [`put_params`](`Req.Steps.put_params/1`) step).\n\n  Authentication options:\n\n    * `:auth` - sets request authentication (via [`auth`](`Req.Steps.auth/1`) step).\n\n  Request body options:\n\n    * `:form` - if set, encodes the request body as form data ([`encode_body`](`Req.Steps.encode_body/1`) step).\n\n    * `:json` - if set, encodes the request body as JSON ([`encode_body`](`Req.Steps.encode_body/1`) step).\n\n    * `:compress_body` - if set to `true`, compresses the request body using gzip (via [`compress_body`](`Req.Steps.compress_body/1`) step).\n      Defaults to `false`.\n\n  Response body options:\n\n    * `:compressed` - if set to `true`, asks the server to return compressed response.\n      (via [`compressed`](`Req.Steps.compressed/1`) step). Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:raw` - if set to `true`, disables automatic body decompression\n      ([`decompress_body`](`Req.Steps.decompress_body/1`) step) and decoding\n      ([`decode_body`](`Req.Steps.decode_body/1`) step). Defaults to `false`.\n\n    * `:decode_body` - if set to `false`, disables automatic response body decoding.\n      Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:output` - if set, writes the response body to a file (via\n      [`output`](`Req.Steps.output/1`) step). Can be set to a string path or an atom\n      `:remote_name` which would use the remote name as the filename in the current working\n      directory. Once the file is written, the response body is replaced with `\"\"`.\n\n      Setting `:output` also sets the `decode_body: false` option to prevent decoding the\n      response before writing it to the file.\n\n  Response redirect options ([`follow_redirects`](`Req.Steps.follow_redirects/1`) step):\n\n    * `:follow_redirects` - if set to `false`, disables automatic response redirects. Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:location_trusted` - by default, authorization credentials are only sent\n      on redirects with the same host, scheme and port. If `:location_trusted` is set to `true`, credentials\n      will be sent to any host.\n\n    * `:max_redirects` - the maximum number of redirects, defaults to `10`.\n\n  Retry options ([`retry`](`Req.Steps.retry/1`) step):\n\n    * `:retry`: can be set to: `:safe` (default) to only retry GET/HEAD requests on HTTP 408/5xx\n      responses or exceptions, `false` to never retry, and `fun` - a 1-arity function that accepts\n      either a `Req.Response` or an exception struct and returns boolean whether to retry\n\n    * `:retry_delay` - a function that receives the retry count (starting at 0) and returns the delay, the\n      number of milliseconds to sleep before making another attempt.\n      Defaults to a simple exponential backoff: 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, ...\n\n    * `:max_retries` - maximum number of retry attempts, defaults to `3` (for a total of `4`\n      requests to the server, including the initial one.)\n\n  Caching options ([`cache`](`Req.Steps.cache/1`) step):\n\n    * `:cache` - if `true`, performs HTTP caching. Defaults to `false`.\n\n    * `:cache_dir` - the directory to store the cache, defaults to `<user_cache_dir>/req`\n      (see: `:filename.basedir/3`)\n\n  Request adapters:\n\n    * `:adapter` - adapter to use to make the actual HTTP request. See `:adapter` field description\n      in the `Req.Request` module documentation for more information. Defaults to calling [`run_finch`](`Req.Steps.run_finch/1`).\n\n    * `:plug` - if set, calls the given Plug instead of making an HTTP request over the network (via [`put_plug`](`Req.Steps.put_plug/1`) step).\n\n  Finch options ([`run_finch`](`Req.Steps.run_finch/1`) step)\n\n    * `:finch` - the Finch pool to use. Defaults to pool automatically started by `Req`.\n\n    * `:connect_options` - dynamically starts (or re-uses already started) Finch pool with\n      the given connection options:\n\n        * `:timeout` - socket connect timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `30_000`.\n\n        * `:protocol` - the HTTP protocol to use, defaults to `:http1`.\n\n        * `:hostname` - Mint explicit hostname\n\n        * `:transport_opts` - Mint transport options\n\n        * `:proxy_headers` - Mint proxy headers\n\n        * `:proxy` - Mint HTTP/1 proxy settings, a `{schema, address, port, options}` tuple.\n\n        * `:client_settings` - Mint HTTP/2 client settings\n\n    * `:pool_timeout` - pool checkout timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `5000`.\n\n    * `:receive_timeout` - socket receive timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `15_000`.\n\n    * `:unix_socket` - if set, connect through the given UNIX domain socket\n\n    * `:finch_request` - a function to modify the built Finch request before execution. This function takes a\n       Finch request and returns a Finch request. If not provided, the finch request will not be modified\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With options keywords list:\n\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(url: \"\")\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n      iex> response.body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(req)\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n\n  With request struct and options:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\")\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n\n  With mock adapter:\n\n      iex> adapter = fn request ->\n      ...>   response = %Req.Response{status: 200, body: \"it works!\"}\n      ...>   {request, response}\n      ...> end\n      iex>\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(adapter: adapter, url: \"http://example\")\n      iex> response.body\n      \"it works!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request(Req.Request.t() | keyword()) :: {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def request(request_or_options)\n\n  def request(%Req.Request{} = request) do\n    request(request, [])\n  end\n\n  def request(options) do\n    request(, [])\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def request(request, options) when is_list(options) do\n    {plugins, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :plugins, [])\n\n    request\n    |> Req.update(options)\n    |> run_plugins(plugins)\n    |>\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def request(method, url, options) do\n    IO.warn(\n      \"Req.request(method, url, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n        \"Req.request!([method: method, url: url] ++ options)\"\n    )\n\n    request([method: method, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or raises an error.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> Req.request!(url: \"\").status\n      200\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request!(Req.Request.t() | keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def request!(request_or_options) do\n    case request(request_or_options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or raises an error.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.request!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").status\n      200\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request!(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def request!(request, options) do\n    case request(request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Returns default options.\n\n  See `default_options/1` for more information.\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec default_options() :: keyword()\n  def default_options() do\n    Application.get_env(:req, :default_options, [])\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Sets default options for ``.\n\n  Avoid setting default options in libraries as they are global.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> Req.default_options(base_url: \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(\"/statuses/201\").status\n      201\n      iex> |> Req.get!(url: \"/statuses/201\").status\n      201\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec default_options(keyword()) :: :ok\n  def default_options(options) do\n    Application.put_env(:req, :default_options, options)\n  end\n\n  defp encode_headers(headers) do\n    for {name, value} <- headers do\n      name =\n        case name do\n          atom when is_atom(atom) ->\n            atom |> Atom.to_string() |> String.replace(\"_\", \"-\")\n\n          binary when is_binary(binary) ->\n            binary\n        end\n\n      value =\n        case value do\n          %NaiveDateTime{} = naive_datetime ->\n            Req.Steps.format_http_datetime(naive_datetime)\n\n          %DateTime{} = datetime ->\n            datetime |> DateTime.shift_zone!(\"Etc/UTC\") |> Req.Steps.format_http_datetime()\n\n          _ ->\n            String.Chars.to_string(value)\n        end\n\n      {name, value}\n    end\n  end\n\n  # Plugins support is experimental, undocumented, and likely won't make the new release.\n  defp run_plugins(request, [plugin | rest]) when is_atom(plugin) do\n    if Code.ensure_loaded?(plugin) and function_exported?(plugin, :attach, 1) do\n      run_plugins(plugin.attach(request), rest)\n    else\n      run_plugins(, rest)\n    end\n  end\n\n  defp run_plugins(request, [plugin | rest]) when is_function(plugin, 1) do\n    run_plugins(plugin.(request), rest)\n  end\n\n  defp run_plugins(request, []) do\n    request\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  @deprecated \"Manually build Req.Request struct instead\"\n  def build(method, url, options \\\\ []) do\n    %Req.Request{\n      method: method,\n      url: URI.parse(url),\n      headers: Keyword.get(options, :headers, []),\n      body: Keyword.get(options, :body, \"\")\n    }\n  end\nend\n")]))
[client-notification] Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "textDocument/didSave" :params
          (:text "defmodule Req do\n  @moduledoc \"\"\"\n  The high-level API.\n\n  Req is composed of three main pieces:\n\n    * `Req` - the high-level API (you're here!)\n\n    * `Req.Request` - the low-level API and the request struct\n\n    * `Req.Steps` - the collection of built-in steps\n\n  The high-level API is what most users of Req will use most of the time.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  Making a GET request with `Req.get!/1`:\n\n      iex> Req.get!(\"\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  Same, but by explicitly building request struct first:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  Making a POST request with `!/2`:\n\n      iex>!(\"\", form: [comments: \"hello!\"]).body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"comments\" => \"hello!\"}\n  \"\"\"\n\n  @type url() :: URI.t() | String.t()\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Returns a new request struct with built-in steps.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of available options. See `Req.Request` module documentation\n  for more information on the underlying request struct.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> req.method\n      :get\n      iex> URI.to_string(req.url)\n      \"\"\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec new(options :: keyword()) :: Req.Request.t()\n  def new(options \\\\ []) do\n    options = Keyword.merge(default_options(), options)\n    {plugins, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :plugins, [])\n\n    %Req.Request{\n      registered_options:\n[\n          :user_agent,\n          :compressed,\n          :range,\n          :http_errors,\n          :base_url,\n          :params,\n          :auth,\n          :form,\n          :json,\n          :compress_body,\n          :compressed,\n          :raw,\n          :decode_body,\n          :output,\n          :follow_redirects,\n          :location_trusted,\n          :max_redirects,\n          :retry,\n          :retry_delay,\n          :max_retries,\n          :cache,\n          :cache_dir,\n          :plug,\n          :finch,\n          :finch_request,\n          :connect_options,\n          :receive_timeout,\n          :pool_timeout,\n          :unix_socket\n        ])\n    }\n    |> update(options)\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_request_steps(\n      put_user_agent: &Req.Steps.put_user_agent/1,\n      compressed: &Req.Steps.compressed/1,\n      encode_body: &Req.Steps.encode_body/1,\n      put_base_url: &Req.Steps.put_base_url/1,\n      auth: &Req.Steps.auth/1,\n      put_params: &Req.Steps.put_params/1,\n      put_range: &Req.Steps.put_range/1,\n      cache: &Req.Steps.cache/1,\n      put_plug: &Req.Steps.put_plug/1,\n      compress_body: &Req.Steps.compress_body/1\n    )\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_response_steps(\n      retry: &Req.Steps.retry/1,\n      follow_redirects: &Req.Steps.follow_redirects/1,\n      decompress_body: &Req.Steps.decompress_body/1,\n      decode_body: &Req.Steps.decode_body/1,\n      handle_http_errors: &Req.Steps.handle_http_errors/1,\n      output: &Req.Steps.output/1\n    )\n    |> Req.Request.prepend_error_steps(retry: &Req.Steps.retry/1)\n    |> run_plugins(plugins)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Updates a request struct.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of available options. See `Req.Request` module documentation\n  for more information on the underlying request struct.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> req = Req.update(req, auth: {\"alice\", \"secret\"})\n      iex> req.options\n      %{auth: {\"alice\", \"secret\"}, base_url: \"\"}\n\n  Passing `:headers` will automatically encode and merge them:\n\n      iex> req = [point_x: 1])\n      iex> req = Req.update(req, headers: [point_y: 2])\n      iex> req.headers\n      [{\"point-x\", \"1\"}, {\"point-y\", \"2\"}]\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec update(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Request.t()\n  def update(%Req.Request{} = request, options) when is_list(options) do\n    request_option_names = [:method, :url, :headers, :body, :adapter]\n\n    {request_options, options} = Keyword.split(options, request_option_names)\n\n    registered =\n      MapSet.union(\n        request.registered_options,\n\n      )\n\n    Req.Request.validate_options(options, registered)\n\n    request_options =\n      if request_options[:headers] do\n        update_in(request_options[:headers], &encode_headers/1)\n      else\n        request_options\n      end\n\n    request =\n      Map.merge(request,, fn\n        :url, _, url ->\n          URI.parse(url)\n\n        :headers, old, new ->\n          old ++ new\n\n        _, _, value ->\n          value\n      end)\n\n    request = update_in(request.options, &Map.merge(&1,\n\n    if request.options[:output] do\n      update_in(request.options, &Map.put(&1, :decode_body, false))\n    else\n      request\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a GET request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.get!(\"\").body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").status\n      200\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec get!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def get!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case get(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a GET request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.get(\"\")\n      iex> res.body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.get(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\")\n      iex> res.status\n      200\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec get(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def get(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def get(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :get}, options)\n  end\n\n  def get(url, options) do\n    request([method: :get, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a HEAD request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.head!(\"\").status\n      201\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.head!(req, url: \"/status/201\").status\n      201\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec head!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def head!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case head(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a HEAD request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.head(\"\")\n      iex> res.status\n      201\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.head(req, url: \"/status/201\")\n      iex> res.status\n      201\n\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec head(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def head(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def head(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :head}, options)\n  end\n\n  def head(url, options) do\n    request([method: :head, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a POST request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex>!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n      iex>!(\"\", form: [x: 1]).body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"x\" => \"1\"}\n\n      iex>!(\"\", json: %{x: 2}).body[\"json\"]\n      %{\"x\" => 2}\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex>!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec post!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def post!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    if Keyword.keyword?(options) do\n      case post(url_or_request, options) do\n        {:ok, response} -> response\n        {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n      end\n    else\n      case options do\n        {:form, data} ->\n          IO.warn(\n            \"!(url, {:form, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n              \"!(url, form: data)\"\n          )\n\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), form: data)\n\n        {:json, data} ->\n          IO.warn(\n            \"!(url, {:json, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n              \"!(url, json: data)\"\n          )\n\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), json: data)\n\n        data ->\n          IO.warn(\"!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of!(url, body: body)\")\n          request!(method: :post, url: URI.parse(url_or_request), body: data)\n      end\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def post!(url, body, options) do\n    case body do\n      {:form, data} ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, {:form, data}, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [form: data] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), form: data] ++ options)\n\n      {:json, data} ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, {:json, data}) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [json: data] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), json: data] ++ options)\n\n      data ->\n        IO.warn(\n          \"!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n            \"!(url, [body: body] ++ options)\"\n        )\n\n        request!([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url), body: data] ++ options)\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a POST request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", form: [x: 1])\n      iex> res.body[\"form\"]\n      %{\"x\" => \"1\"}\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} =\"\", json: %{x: 2})\n      iex> res.body[\"json\"]\n      %{\"x\" => 2}\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} =, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec post(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def post(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def post(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :post}, options)\n  end\n\n  def post(url, options) do\n    request([method: :post, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PUT request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.put!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.put!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec put!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def put!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case put(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def put!(%URI{} = url, {type, _} = body, options) when type in [:form, :json] do\n    IO.warn(\n      \"Req.put!(url, {:#{type}, #{type}}, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n        \"Req.put!(url, [#{type}: #{type}] ++ options)\"\n    )\n\n    request!([method: :put, url: url, body: body] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PUT request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.put(\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.put(req, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec put(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def put(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def put(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :put}, options)\n  end\n\n  def put(url, options) do\n    if Keyword.keyword?(options) do\n      request([method: :put, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n    else\n      IO.warn(\"Req.put!(url, body) is deprecated in favour of Req.put!(url, body: body)\")\n      request(url: URI.parse(url), body: options)\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PATCH request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.patch!(\"\", body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.patch!(req, body: \"hello!\").body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec patch!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def patch!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case patch(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a PATCH request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.patch(\"\", body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.patch(req, body: \"hello!\")\n      iex> res.body[\"data\"]\n      \"hello!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec patch(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def patch(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def patch(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :patch}, options)\n  end\n\n  def patch(url, options) do\n    request([method: :patch, url: url] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a DELETE request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> Req.delete!(\"\").body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.delete!(req).body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec delete!(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def delete!(url_or_request, options \\\\ []) do\n    case delete(url_or_request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes a DELETE request.\n\n  See `request/1` for a list of supported options.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With URL:\n\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.delete(\"\")\n      iex> res.body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, res} = Req.delete(req)\n      iex> res.body[\"method\"]\n      \"DELETE\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec delete(url() | Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def delete(url_or_request, options \\\\ [])\n\n  def delete(%Req.Request{} = request, options) do\n    request(%{request | method: :delete}, options)\n  end\n\n  def delete(url, options) do\n    request([method: :delete, url: url] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request.\n\n  `request/1` and `request/2` functions give three ways of making requests:\n\n    1. With a list of options, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> Req.request(url: url)\n       ```\n\n    2. With a request struct, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> url) |> Req.request()\n       ```\n\n    3. With a request struct and more options, for example:\n\n       ```\n       iex> base_url) |> Req.request(url: url)\n       ```\n\n  This function as well as all the other ones in this module accept the same set of options described below.\n\n  ## Options\n\n  Basic request options:\n\n    * `:method` - the request method, defaults to `:get`.\n\n    * `:url` - the request URL.\n\n    * `:headers` - the request headers.\n\n      The headers are automatically encoded using these rules:\n\n        * atom header names are turned into strings, replacing `_` with `-`. For example,\n          `:user_agent` becomes `\"user-agent\"`\n\n        * string header names are left as is. Because header keys are case-insensitive\n          in both HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, it is recommended for header keys to be in\n          lowercase, to avoid sending duplicate keys in a request.\n\n        * `NaiveDateTime` and `DateTime` header values are encoded as \"HTTP date\". Otherwise,\n          the header value is encoded with `String.Chars.to_string/1`.\n\n      If you set `:headers` options both in `` and `request/2`, the header lists are merged.\n\n    * `:body` - the request body.\n\n  Additional URL options:\n\n    * `:base_url` - if set, the request URL is prepended with this base URL (via\n      [`put_base_url`](`Req.Steps.put_base_url/1`) step).\n\n    * `:params` - if set, appends parameters to the request query string (via\n      [`put_params`](`Req.Steps.put_params/1`) step).\n\n  Authentication options:\n\n    * `:auth` - sets request authentication (via [`auth`](`Req.Steps.auth/1`) step).\n\n  Request body options:\n\n    * `:form` - if set, encodes the request body as form data ([`encode_body`](`Req.Steps.encode_body/1`) step).\n\n    * `:json` - if set, encodes the request body as JSON ([`encode_body`](`Req.Steps.encode_body/1`) step).\n\n    * `:compress_body` - if set to `true`, compresses the request body using gzip (via [`compress_body`](`Req.Steps.compress_body/1`) step).\n      Defaults to `false`.\n\n  Response body options:\n\n    * `:compressed` - if set to `true`, asks the server to return compressed response.\n      (via [`compressed`](`Req.Steps.compressed/1`) step). Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:raw` - if set to `true`, disables automatic body decompression\n      ([`decompress_body`](`Req.Steps.decompress_body/1`) step) and decoding\n      ([`decode_body`](`Req.Steps.decode_body/1`) step). Defaults to `false`.\n\n    * `:decode_body` - if set to `false`, disables automatic response body decoding.\n      Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:output` - if set, writes the response body to a file (via\n      [`output`](`Req.Steps.output/1`) step). Can be set to a string path or an atom\n      `:remote_name` which would use the remote name as the filename in the current working\n      directory. Once the file is written, the response body is replaced with `\"\"`.\n\n      Setting `:output` also sets the `decode_body: false` option to prevent decoding the\n      response before writing it to the file.\n\n  Response redirect options ([`follow_redirects`](`Req.Steps.follow_redirects/1`) step):\n\n    * `:follow_redirects` - if set to `false`, disables automatic response redirects. Defaults to `true`.\n\n    * `:location_trusted` - by default, authorization credentials are only sent\n      on redirects with the same host, scheme and port. If `:location_trusted` is set to `true`, credentials\n      will be sent to any host.\n\n    * `:max_redirects` - the maximum number of redirects, defaults to `10`.\n\n  Retry options ([`retry`](`Req.Steps.retry/1`) step):\n\n    * `:retry`: can be set to: `:safe` (default) to only retry GET/HEAD requests on HTTP 408/5xx\n      responses or exceptions, `false` to never retry, and `fun` - a 1-arity function that accepts\n      either a `Req.Response` or an exception struct and returns boolean whether to retry\n\n    * `:retry_delay` - a function that receives the retry count (starting at 0) and returns the delay, the\n      number of milliseconds to sleep before making another attempt.\n      Defaults to a simple exponential backoff: 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, ...\n\n    * `:max_retries` - maximum number of retry attempts, defaults to `3` (for a total of `4`\n      requests to the server, including the initial one.)\n\n  Caching options ([`cache`](`Req.Steps.cache/1`) step):\n\n    * `:cache` - if `true`, performs HTTP caching. Defaults to `false`.\n\n    * `:cache_dir` - the directory to store the cache, defaults to `<user_cache_dir>/req`\n      (see: `:filename.basedir/3`)\n\n  Request adapters:\n\n    * `:adapter` - adapter to use to make the actual HTTP request. See `:adapter` field description\n      in the `Req.Request` module documentation for more information. Defaults to calling [`run_finch`](`Req.Steps.run_finch/1`).\n\n    * `:plug` - if set, calls the given Plug instead of making an HTTP request over the network (via [`put_plug`](`Req.Steps.put_plug/1`) step).\n\n  Finch options ([`run_finch`](`Req.Steps.run_finch/1`) step)\n\n    * `:finch` - the Finch pool to use. Defaults to pool automatically started by `Req`.\n\n    * `:connect_options` - dynamically starts (or re-uses already started) Finch pool with\n      the given connection options:\n\n        * `:timeout` - socket connect timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `30_000`.\n\n        * `:protocol` - the HTTP protocol to use, defaults to `:http1`.\n\n        * `:hostname` - Mint explicit hostname\n\n        * `:transport_opts` - Mint transport options\n\n        * `:proxy_headers` - Mint proxy headers\n\n        * `:proxy` - Mint HTTP/1 proxy settings, a `{schema, address, port, options}` tuple.\n\n        * `:client_settings` - Mint HTTP/2 client settings\n\n    * `:pool_timeout` - pool checkout timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `5000`.\n\n    * `:receive_timeout` - socket receive timeout in milliseconds, defaults to `15_000`.\n\n    * `:unix_socket` - if set, connect through the given UNIX domain socket\n\n    * `:finch_request` - a function to modify the built Finch request before execution. This function takes a\n       Finch request and returns a Finch request. If not provided, the finch request will not be modified\n\n  ## Examples\n\n  With options keywords list:\n\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(url: \"\")\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n      iex> response.body[\"description\"]\n      \"Elixir is a dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications\"\n\n  With request struct:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(req)\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n\n  With request struct and options:\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\")\n      iex> response.status\n      200\n\n  With mock adapter:\n\n      iex> adapter = fn request ->\n      ...>   response = %Req.Response{status: 200, body: \"it works!\"}\n      ...>   {request, response}\n      ...> end\n      iex>\n      iex> {:ok, response} = Req.request(adapter: adapter, url: \"http://example\")\n      iex> response.body\n      \"it works!\"\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request(Req.Request.t() | keyword()) :: {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def request(request_or_options)\n\n  def request(%Req.Request{} = request) do\n    request(request, [])\n  end\n\n  def request(options) do\n    request(, [])\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) ::\n          {:ok, Req.Response.t()} | {:error, Exception.t()}\n  def request(request, options) when is_list(options) do\n    {plugins, options} = Keyword.pop(options, :plugins, [])\n\n    request\n    |> Req.update(options)\n    |> run_plugins(plugins)\n    |>\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  def request(method, url, options) do\n    IO.warn(\n      \"Req.request(method, url, options) is deprecated in favour of \" <>\n        \"Req.request!([method: method, url: url] ++ options)\"\n    )\n\n    request([method: method, url: URI.parse(url)] ++ options)\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or raises an error.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> Req.request!(url: \"\").status\n      200\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request!(Req.Request.t() | keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def request!(request_or_options) do\n    case request(request_or_options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Makes an HTTP request and returns a response or raises an error.\n\n  See `request/1` for more information.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> req = \"\")\n      iex> Req.request!(req, url: \"/repos/elixir-lang/elixir\").status\n      200\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec request!(Req.Request.t(), options :: keyword()) :: Req.Response.t()\n  def request!(request, options) do\n    case request(request, options) do\n      {:ok, response} -> response\n      {:error, exception} -> raise exception\n    end\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Returns default options.\n\n  See `default_options/1` for more information.\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec default_options() :: keyword()\n  def default_options() do\n    Application.get_env(:req, :default_options, [])\n  end\n\n  @doc \"\"\"\n  Sets default options for ``.\n\n  Avoid setting default options in libraries as they are global.\n\n  ## Examples\n\n      iex> Req.default_options(base_url: \"\")\n      iex> Req.get!(\"/statuses/201\").status\n      201\n      iex> |> Req.get!(url: \"/statuses/201\").status\n      201\n  \"\"\"\n  @spec default_options(keyword()) :: :ok\n  def default_options(options) do\n    Application.put_env(:req, :default_options, options)\n  end\n\n  defp encode_headers(headers) do\n    for {name, value} <- headers do\n      name =\n        case name do\n          atom when is_atom(atom) ->\n            atom |> Atom.to_string() |> String.replace(\"_\", \"-\")\n\n          binary when is_binary(binary) ->\n            binary\n        end\n\n      value =\n        case value do\n          %NaiveDateTime{} = naive_datetime ->\n            Req.Steps.format_http_datetime(naive_datetime)\n\n          %DateTime{} = datetime ->\n            datetime |> DateTime.shift_zone!(\"Etc/UTC\") |> Req.Steps.format_http_datetime()\n\n          _ ->\n            String.Chars.to_string(value)\n        end\n\n      {name, value}\n    end\n  end\n\n  # Plugins support is experimental, undocumented, and likely won't make the new release.\n  defp run_plugins(request, [plugin | rest]) when is_atom(plugin) do\n    if Code.ensure_loaded?(plugin) and function_exported?(plugin, :attach, 1) do\n      run_plugins(plugin.attach(request), rest)\n    else\n      run_plugins(, rest)\n    end\n  end\n\n  defp run_plugins(request, [plugin | rest]) when is_function(plugin, 1) do\n    run_plugins(plugin.(request), rest)\n  end\n\n  defp run_plugins(request, []) do\n    request\n  end\n\n  @doc false\n  @deprecated \"Manually build Req.Request struct instead\"\n  def build(method, url, options \\\\ []) do\n    %Req.Request{\n      method: method,\n      url: URI.parse(url),\n      headers: Keyword.get(options, :headers, []),\n      body: Keyword.get(options, :body, \"\")\n    }\n  end\nend\n" :textDocument
                 (:uri "file:///Users/james/src/req/lib/req.ex")))
[server-notification] Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params
          (:token "0IMmxrOY" :value
                  (:kind "begin" :title "Compiling ~/src/req/...")))
[server-notification] Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "window/logMessage" :params
          (:message "[NextLS] Compiling 1 file (.ex)" :type 4))
[server-notification] Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params
          (:token "_Tds8WWr" :value
                  (:kind "begin" :title "Indexing!")))
[server-notification] Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "window/logMessage" :params
          (:message "[NextLS] Compiled ~/src/req/!" :type 4))
[server-notification] Wed Oct 11 00:02:12 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params
          (:token "0IMmxrOY" :value
                  (:kind "end" :message "Compiled ~/src/req/!")))
[server-notification] Wed Oct 11 00:02:13 2023:
(:jsonrpc "2.0" :method "$/progress" :params
          (:token "_Tds8WWr" :value
                  (:kind "end" :message "Finished indexing!")))

@goofansu goofansu changed the title Move nextls to bin [nix] Move nextls to bin Oct 10, 2023
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i have been formatting it with nixpkgs-fmt.

unless serokell/nixfmt is more popular, please format it with nixpkgs-fmt

i am getting a symlink permissions error when trying thid locally.

i think my nix-darwin or nix might be busted tho, will be able to look more into it next week (i'm on vacation right now)

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goofansu commented Oct 10, 2023


i have been formatting it with nixpkgs-fmt.

Ok, I use nixfmt because the Emacs nix-mode uses it by default. I’ll remove the format commit.

i think my nix-darwin or nix might be busted tho, will be able to look more into it next week (i'm on vacation right now)

I’m using nix-darwin too. Have a nice vacation!

@goofansu goofansu force-pushed the copy-nextls-to-bin branch 2 times, most recently from 052f68f to f3e466f Compare October 11, 2023 00:39
@goofansu goofansu changed the title [nix] Move nextls to bin Fix nextls command not found when installing with nix Oct 11, 2023
@goofansu goofansu changed the title Fix nextls command not found when installing with nix Fix nextls command not found when installing with Nix Oct 11, 2023
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This is not entirely on topic, I'm a bit of a nix novice. I was wondering how I'd use this flake.nix file outside of nix profile, for example, what if I want to use next-ls inside a flake file that gets activated with .envrc: use flake.

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@tcoopman The method is to use the flake outputs in your flake.nix as the input.

Show the flake outputs:

nix flake show github:elixir-tools/next-ls

Use it in your flake.nix. The example is based on the template: nix flake new -t github:nix-community/nix-direnv.

  description = "A basic flake with a shell";
  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable";
  inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils"; = "github:elixir-tools/next-ls";
  # or local
  # = "path:/local-path-to-next-ls";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, next-ls }:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: let
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
      nextls = next-ls.packages.${system}.default;
    in {
      devShells.default = pkgs.mkShell {
        packages = [ pkgs.bashInteractive nextls ];

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I confirmed this works.

I had to completely uninstall nix from my mac first, then reinstall 😅. It was goofed up somehow.

@mhanberg mhanberg merged commit 1112525 into elixir-tools:main Oct 16, 2023
3 checks passed
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goofansu commented Oct 16, 2023

@mhanberg Cool! It feels good because the re-installation is reliable. I’ve re-installed Nix serveral times, so the uninstallation link appears in the References of my nix-config:

@goofansu goofansu deleted the copy-nextls-to-bin branch October 16, 2023 14:04
@goofansu goofansu restored the copy-nextls-to-bin branch October 16, 2023 15:49
@goofansu goofansu deleted the copy-nextls-to-bin branch October 16, 2023 15:49
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goofansu commented Oct 16, 2023

@mhanberg Just found the commit (bf7be10) that formats the flake.nix file with nixfmt was included in the force-push. If you are using nixpkgs-fmt, please re-format it, thanks.

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Oh, good catch. thanks for that!

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