Server reflection allows servers to assist clients in runtime construction of requests without having stub information precompiled into the client.
According to the GRPC Server Reflection Protocol , the primary usecase for server reflection is to write (typically) command line debugging tools for talking to a grpc server. In particular, such a tool will take in a method and a payload (in human readable text format) send it to the server (typically in binary proto wire format), and then take the response and decode it to text to present to the user.
GrpcReflection adds reflection support to a grpc-elixir
based application. It is a supervised application that can support implemented as a gRPC server using grpc-elixir
, .
The package can be installed by adding grpc_reflection
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
{:grpc_reflection, "~> 0.1.5"}
Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at
This is written and tested using grpcurl and postman. It supports both v1alpha and v1 reflection by using one or both of the provided servers: rpcReflection.V1.Server
or rpcReflection.V1alpha.Server
Rebuild your protos with descriptors enabled. Each module and/or service that you would like to expose through reflection must use the protoc elixir-out option
. -
Create a reflection server
defmodule Helloworld.Reflection.Server do use GrpcReflection.Server, version: :v1, services: [Helloworld.Greeter.Service] end
Config Option Description version Either :v1
depending on intended client supportservices This is a list of GRPC services that should be included for reflection -
Add the reflection supervisor to your supervision tree to host the cached reflection state
children = [ ...other children, GrpcReflection ]
Add your servers to your grpc endpoint
Here are some example grpcurl
commands and responses excersizing the reflection capabilities
$ grpcurl -v -plaintext list
$ grpcurl -v -plaintext list helloworld.Greeter
$ grpcurl -v -plaintext describe helloworld.Greeter.SayHello
helloworld.Greeter.SayHello is a method:
rpc SayHello ( .helloworld.HelloRequest ) returns ( .helloworld.HelloReply );
$ grpcurl -v -plaintext describe .helloworld.HelloReply
helloworld.HelloReply is a message:
message HelloReply {
optional string message = 1;
optional .google.protobuf.Timestamp today = 2;
$ grpcurl -plaintext -format text -d 'name: "faker"' localhost:50051 helloworld.Greeter.SayHello
message: "Hello faker"
today: <
seconds:1708412184 nanos:671267628
This module is more thoroughly tested with proto3, but it has some testing with proto2. In either case feedback is appreciated as we approach full proto support in this module.
This is not an exhaustive list, contributions are appreciated.
Application | Reflection version required |
grpcurl | V1 |
postman | V1alpha |