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Simple React Project With Hooks

UI Purpose:

Dynamically create reusable widgets that can modify different values.

Shaded boxes in the mockup mean interactive.

You may design and style it however you like.

Please only allow setting non-negative values.

Leave room for future integration of server API calls but you don't have to implement the server.


  1. The template requests when creating a new widget, the value name should be entered (not the value). This way the value is bound to the widget.
  2. There can be more than 1 value and more than 2 widgets to track
  3. The template requests that every time the create widget button is clicked, a new widget should be created. We could see more than 1 widget of the same type, and each of them could track a different value or the same value.


  • User creates new widget (widget-name=’widget 1’, value-name=’value 1’, type=’input’)
  • User creates new widget (widget-name=’widget 2’, value-name=’value 1’, type=’buttons’)
  • User creates new widget (widget-name=’widget 3’, value-name=’value 1’, type=’input’)
  • User creates new widget (widget-name=’widget 4’, value-name=’value 2’, type=’input’)

Now, the page should render 4 widgets. When user clicks a button in widget 2, the value shown in widget 1 and 3 should also both change. The value in widget 4 will remain unchanged.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.

The page will reload when you make changes.
You may also see any lint errors in the console.

Live URL

Open to view it in your browser.


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