This project implements Brute Force, Backtracking, DSatur, Recursive Largest First (RLF), Branch-and-Cut algorithm, Bron Kerbosh, Bipartite Detection algorithms to solve the NP-hard Graph Coloring Problem by computing the exact chromatic number, its upper bound, and its lower bound.
Please download this repository and navigate into the root folder of this project.
- To run the tournament version of our code just type in the command "java -jar Group09.jar %Graph_File%", where "%Graph_File%" needs to be substituted with the path to the graph file on which to run our program, and hit enter.
- To run the report version of our code with verbose output, just type in "java -jar 09-CodeThirdPhase.jar %Graph_File%" and hit enter. (See above for substitution rules on "%Graph_File%").
To inspect our code, navigate into the corresponding folder ("ReportCode" for the code run when executing "09-CodeThirdPhase.jar" and "TournamentCode" for the code to be used in our tournament version. The only difference between these two folders is the "" / "" file, which has its only differences in what it prints in the terminal/cmd).