Main features:
- shows current space id in the menu bar
- default name can be changed
- switch to space by name or id from menu
SpaceName is an extension for Hammerspoon. Once Hammerspoon is installed, you can install the SpaceName Spoon:
git clone ~/.hammerspoon/Spoons/SpaceName.spoon
To initialize, add to ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua
(creating it if it does not exist):
spaceName = hs.loadSpoon("SpaceName")
if spaceName then
-- hotkey to change current space's name
set={{"ctrl"}, "n"},
-- hotkey to show menu with all spaces
show={{"ctrl"}, "m"}
Reload the Hammerspoon config.
Right after start current space id (or name if it was set) will be shown in the menu bar:
Or current space name if it set (see below):
Click on the space id (or name) to show all available spaces:
Choose "Set name" in menu bar to set a name for current space:
Enter new name:
Menu text will change:
Click on the space id (or name) to show all available spaces and select one to switch: