Lucide is a community-run fork of Feather Icons, open for anyone to contribute icons.
This icon library supports Lucide v0.104.0.
npm install lucide-qwik
You can import the icon(s) you need as usual:
import { ThumbsUpIcon } from "lucide-qwik";
or import them all at once:
import * as Icons from "lucide-qwik";
export const App = component$(() => {
return <div>
<Icons.ThumbsUpIcon />
<Icons.BatteryChargingIcon />
Lucide Icon
component have these optional props
export interface IconProps extends QwikDOMAttributes {
size?: number, // default: 24
color?: string, // default: "currentColor"
strokeWidth?: number, // default: 2
strokeLinecap?: string, // default: "round"
strokeLinejoin?: string // default: "round"
Notice that IconProps
extends QwikDOMAttributes
so Icon
component also have attributes like class
, onClick$
, key
, etc.
This library is licensed under MIT License.