npm install -g pnpm
npx pnpm add -g pnpm
pnpm i
pnpm dev
|- src
|- api 远程调用
|- configs 环境差异配置
|- components 通用组件
|- helper 工具函数
|- pages 页面组件
|- router 路由配置
import {Table, Tag, Space} from 'antd'
Git message
feat: {
description: 'A new feature',
title: 'Features',
emoji: '✨',
fix: {
description: 'A bug fix',
title: 'Bug Fixes',
emoji: '🐛',
docs: {
description: 'Documentation only changes',
title: 'Documentation',
emoji: '📚',
style: {
'Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)',
title: 'Styles',
emoji: '💎',
refactor: {
'A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature',
title: 'Code Refactoring',
emoji: '📦',
perf: {
description: 'A code change that improves performance',
title: 'Performance Improvements',
emoji: '🚀',
test: {
description: 'Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests',
title: 'Tests',
emoji: '🚨',
build: {
'Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: gulp, broccoli, npm)',
title: 'Builds',
emoji: '🛠',
ci: {
'Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle, BrowserStack, SauceLabs)',
title: 'Continuous Integrations',
emoji: '⚙️',
chore: {
description: "Other changes that don't modify src or test files",
title: 'Chores',
emoji: '♻️',
revert: {
description: 'Reverts a previous commit',
title: 'Reverts',
emoji: '🗑',