A gateway between IRC chat channels and Telegram groups, supergroups and channels.
This script requires tcl
, eggdrop
, curl
and jq
- Tcl version 8.6.x or higher - The language this script is programmed in
- Eggdrop - The IRC bot used for connecting to your favourite IRC channels
- cURL - Used for querying the Telegram servers
- jq version 1.5 or higher - Used for processing the JSON data
- Bi-directional chats between IRC and Telegram
- Support for Telegram groups, supergroups, channels and private messages
- 1-to-1, 1-to-many and many-to-many linking IRC channels to Telegram groups/supergroups/channels
- Seamless translation of Unicode emoji's to ASCII variants and vice-versa
- Support for Telegram Stickers
- Download Telegram attachments using DCC on your favourite IRC client (a PHP-script on your webserver is available as an alternative)
- Multi-language support (currently English, Dutch and German are available)
- Global and per-user settings for allowing/denying notifications for joins/leaves/kicks/bans etc.
- You can login/logout to your Eggdrop bot from your Telegram client
- Linking your Eggdrop user profile to your Telegram account
- Modular support for public and private Telegram bot commands
How do I setup this IRC-Telegram gateway?
- First get an eggdrop bot up and running
- On your Telegram client, send
to @BotFather - Send
to @BotFather - Enter the nickname of the bot you want to create
- Enter the username of the bot you want to create
- You'll see confirmation message like this:
Done! Congratulations on your new bot. You will find it at telegram.me/<BOTBNAME>. You can now add a description, about section and profile picture for your bot, see /help for a list of commands. By the way, when you.ve finished creating your cool bot, ping out Bot Support if you want a better username for it. Just make sure the bot is fully operational before you do this.
Use this token to access the HTTP API:
For a description of the Bot API, see this page: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api
- Copy the
part into the Telegram-API-config.tcl script attg_bot_id
- Copy the
part into the Telegram-API-config.tcl script attg_bot_token
- Add the bot to your Telegram group (don't forget the @ sign before the nickname of your bot)
- Send a message to the group
- Open the
link in your webbrowser, where 123456789 is your bot id, and the AABCD-...12345 is your bottoken - Look up the chat_id of your chat group, and add it to the tg_channels array in Telegram-API-config.tcl script, along with the name of your IRC chat group
- Add the Telegram-API.tcl script to your Eggdrop:
source /path/to/your/scripts/Telegram-API.tcl
14. You're done! Enjoy!
Please note that the only file you should modify is `Telegram-API-config.tcl`.
The standard Docker image for Eggdrop does not contain curl
and jq
, so you'll need to add these packages manually to the Docker image. You'll also need to do this everytime you upgrade the Docker image to the latest version. To do this, open a bash
command prompt inside Docker and type:
# apk add curl jq
- Rename the
folder toTelegram-API.bak
(ALWAYS create a backup!) - Install the new version with
git clone https://github.com/eelcohn/Telegram-API/
- Compare your backed-up custom
file with the defaultTelegram-API-config.tcl
file. Take note of any settings that have been added/changed/deleted, and edit your custom config file accordingly - Restore your
file from your backup folder
The poll frequency in seconds. The Telegram-API script uses a polling technique for fetching status updates from the Telegram servers. This variable determines the wait period between each status update poll.
Disables link previews for links in messages sent to the Telegram groups/channels. See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api for more information.
If this variable is set to true, the Telegram username will be used when a message is sent from the Telegram group to an IRC channel. If set to false, the Telegram first and last name will be used.
The locale used for translating messages. Language files (used by ::telegram::locale
) can be found in the lang
This variable is used for formatting dates and times. See https://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/tutorial/Tcl41.html for valid settings.
If this variable is set, colors are added to the Telegram nicknames when a message is sent from a Telegram group to an IRC channel. The color is calculated by taking the modulus of the Telegram user ID and the ::telegram::colorize_nicknames
variable. Valid setting is between 1 and 15.
Flag | Description |
c | nick_change: If this flag is set, a nick changed message is sent to the Telegram group if the specified user changes it's nickname |
j | join: If this flag is set, a join message is sent to the Telegram group if the specified user joins the IRC channel |
k | kick: If this flag is set, a kick message is sent to the Telegram group if the specified user is kicked from the IRC channel |
l | leave: If this flag is set, a leave message is sent to the Telegram group if the specified user leaves the IRC channel |
m | mode_change: If this flag is set, a message is sent to the Telegram group if the IRC mode for the specified user is changed |
v | voice: If this flag is set, messages by the specified user are sent to the Telegram group |
Flag | Description |
i | invite: If this flag is set, a message with an invite link to the Telegram group will be sent to the IRC channel if an user joins the IRC channel |
m | mode_change: If this flag is set, a message is sent to the Telegram group if the IRC mode of the IRC channel is changed |
p | pinned: If this flag is set, pinned messages in the Telegram group will be sent to the IRC channel if an user joins the IRC channel |
s | set_topic: If this flag is set, and the topic of the IRC channel is changed, the topic of the Telegram group is set to the new topic of the IRC channel |
t | topic: If this flag is set, and the topic of the IRC channel is changed, a message will be sent to the Telegram group |
w | welcome_pub: If this flag is set, a public message will be sent to the Telegram group if an user joins the Telegram group |
W | welcome_prv: If this flag is set, a private message will be sent to the user if the user joins the Telegram group |
All Telegram messages starting with any character in the ::telegram::cmdmodifier
variable is interpreted as an bot-command.
File | Description |
Telegram-API-config.tcl |
All user configurable settings are set in this file. Rename to Telegram-API-config.tcl and edit according to your preferences before use. |
Telegram-API.tcl |
Main code. Include this file in your eggdrop.conf file. |
utftable.tcl |
Translation from UTF characters and emoticons to ASCII characters and emoticons. |
lang/Telegram-API.*.tcl |
All language dependant strings are defined here. For example, if you want to change the way Telegram messages are sent towards the IRC channel, you can define it here. |
lib/libjson.tcl |
Generic JSON library for Tcl. All generic JSON functions are defined here. |
lib/libtelegram.tcl |
Generic Telegram library for Tcl. All functions which call the Telegram API methods are defined here. See https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#available-methods for a list of all available Telegram API methods. |
lib/libunicode.tcl |
Generic Unicode library for Tcl. All generic functions for translating between UTF-8/UTF-16/Escaped Unicode/ASCII characters are defined here. |
modules/*.tcl |
All publically available Telegram bot commands are defined here. Optional, not needed for basic operation. |
web/tg.php |
PHP script which allow IRC users to download images, video's and other attachments posted in the Telegram group. |
libtelegram::initialize: curl not found. Please install curl before starting the Telegram API script.
You haven't installed curl
or the script cannot find/start curl
for some reason. (Re)install curl
and try again.
You haven't installed jq
or the script cannot find/start jq
for some reason. (Re)install jq
and try again.
You have set an incorrect bot id and/or bot token in the Telegram-API-config.tcl
file, and the script cannot log into the Telegram servers. Please check the bot id and token and try again.
`"telegram::pollTelegram: The group with id 12345 has been migrated to a supergroup by lamer. Please edit your config file and add 67890"
The Telegram user called lamer migrated the group to a supergroup. Replace the chat_id in your Telegram-API-config.tcl file.
One of the groups in your Telegram-API-config.tcl
file has been migrated (by you?) to a supergroup or channel. Please change it to the new chat_id.
The Telegram servers complain that the poll frequency for your bot is set too low, and you're sending too many update requests. Increase the ::telegram::tg_poll_freq
setting in your config file by a couple of seconds.
This should not happen. Please report this error by opening an issue.
You're probably running an older version of Tcl. Please update Tcl to the latest version.
You can try to get support on the #telegram-api
channel on irc.freenode.net
Please let me know if you use this script, if you run into bugs or problems, and of course if you like it! Or you can buy me a cup of coffee ;-)