A square of programmable RGB WS2812B LEDS connected to a Wifi sniffer to assign every MAC address a flicker of light.
Status: software partially implemented
- WEMOS D1 mini board
- An 8x8 array of WS2812B leds
- A beefy 5V 6A adapter to allow the LEDS to shine
- A frame to put it all in
- Some baking paper, to dissipate the light a bit
- A 2.5mm DC jack to connect up the power supply nicely
- A button, one will do but I ended up buying a collection of different buttons
On the WEMOS D1:
- Connected D2 to the RGB led DIN (Data In) line
- Connected GND to the ground of the 5V
- Connected 5V to 5V power supply
- Put simple push-button between 3.3V and D8. D8 has a build-in pull-down 10K resistor, so direct connection should not be a problem
On the LED array:
- Desolder one of the connectors, the data out one, and re-use it to connect up the WEMOS on the other end.
- Connect up the 5V and GND lines just to make sure enough amps can go to either side of the strip (probably pointless, but I liked the extra soldering)
On the frame, make a few holes and put in the led array.
- Arduino IDE with
- The Adafruit NeoPixel library, installed via IDE library manager
- The ESP8266WiFi library, installed via IDE library manager
- The WEMOS D1 compiler and configuration setup
- The
file from this repository