Pushbox is an open-source project created to centralize your push notifications. It provides an API to your devices register and subscribes and also provides an API to send notifications for this devices.
- Support device external reference
- Support device extra data and tags
- Support Topics and Subscribes
To Do
- Create docker tutorial
- Create osx tutorial
- Create linux tutorial
To create a apiKey run rails console and create a User. For a client user uses the role client and for admin user uses the role admin
User.create(name: "App Client", role: :client)
User.create(name: "Backend Client", role: :admin)
The api_key for user is generated automatically when user is created. Next you have to get it.
User.where(role: :cliente).take.api_key
User.where(role: :admin).take.api_key
Now that you has the api_key, send it in all of your requests using the header PushBox-Api-Key
- Expo
To Do
- Create GCM Provider
- Create APNS Provider
- Create an API_KEY for Device and insure that it only make changes in itslef. All device requests has to check Device-API-Key
- Implement a job queue to send notifications
Swagger API docs (https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/eduardolagares5/Pushbox/0.0.2)
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-PushBox-Api-Key: CpmKey3TWF7tV0IeNBp8SnUI4fw9XU8l"
--request POST
--data '{ "title": "Novo evento", "tag": "tag1", "data":{"tipo":"lista"}, "body":"", "body_type":"text" }'