ABAP spec-like testing library.
WARNING: Prototype!
This is a wrapper around abap unit to make the calls more readable and shorter. For example:
DATA(integer) = NEW integer( 2 ).
act = integer->sum( 3 )
exp = 5
DATA(integer) = NEW integer( 2 ).
z_aspec=>expect( integer->sum( 3 ) )->to_equal( 5 ).
Or inheriting z_aspec
DATA(integer) = NEW integer( 2 ).
expect( integer->sum( 3 ) )->to_equal( 5 ).
DATA(integer) = NEW integer( 2 ).
act = integer->sum( 3 )
exp = 6
DATA(integer) = NEW integer( 2 ).
z_aspec=>expect( integer->sum( 3 ) )->not( )->to_equal( 6 ).
DATA(integer) = NEW integer( 2 ).
cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( integer->is_positive( ) ).
cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( integer->is_negative( ) ).
DATA(integer) = NEW integer( 2 ).
z_aspec=>expect( integer->is_positive( ) )->to_be_true( ).
z_aspec=>expect( integer->is_negative( ) )->to_be_false( ).
Comparing tables using abap unit assert_equals will not indicate which structure component and index is different. This can be especially hard for tables with large structures.
aspec will point directly to the different columns and index.
- contains:
z_aspec=>expect( table )->to_contain( line ).
- fail:
z_aspec=>expect( )->to_fail( )
Clone this repository using abapGit.
Then inherit from z_aspec
or use the static methods from it.