A commandline tool to exchange data between Zotero and Zenodo, using the respective APIs. Developed by @bjohas and @a1diablo.
Requires the following two tools (which are installed alongside):
- zenodo-cli from https://github.com/bjohas/zenodo-cli-python (deprecated) or https://github.com/bjohas/zenodo-cli-ts (maintained)
- zotero-cli from https://github.com/edtechhub/zotero-cli
sh install.sh
Enter your Zotero/Zenodo API credentials at the prompts and you are set.
Setup - in detail (with https://github.com/bjohas/zenodo-cli-python)
The script install.sh
runs this
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd zotero-cli
npm install
npm run build
cd ..
cd zenodo-cli
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
npm install
node zotzen.js --install
After cloning this repository, pull the submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
Make sure the dependent modules are built
cd zotero-cli
npm install
npm run build
cd ..
cd zenodo-cli
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
You need to have config files set up
zotero-cli -> zotero-cli.toml
zenodo-cli -> config.json
which is done by running
node zotzen.js --install
Check whether you can log into both APIs, e.g. by running
zenodo-cli list
zotero-cli ???
We're using zotzen
as shorthand for node zotzen.js
. You can set up a shortcut if you prefer.
Generate a new item pair:
zotzen --new --title "ABC"
Generate a new item pair in a specific Zotero group:
zotzen --new --group 123 --title "ABC"
This operation
- Generates a Zotero item with title "ABC"
- It registers a new record on Zenodo
- Attached the DOI for the record to Zotero.
- It prints out -- The Zotero ID: 123:XYZ -- The link to the Zotero id: https://... -- The Zotero-select link: zotero://... -- The Zenodo number: 678 -- The Zenodo DOI: ..../...678 -- The desposit link to Zenodo: https://....
If the option
is specified then the Zenodo page and the Zotero page are opened in the browser.
As an alternative to --title
, you can specify
--json record.json
in which case the record.json
will be used to generate the record on Zotero.
A typical work flow for existing items would be:
zotzen zotero://select/groups/2405685/items/55A44ZRB --show --sync
zotzen zotero://select/groups/2405685/items/55A44ZRB --show --getdoi
zotzen zotero://select/groups/2405685/items/55A44ZRB --show --sync
zotzen zotero://select/groups/2405685/items/55A44ZRB --show --push
zotzen zotero://select/groups/2405685/items/55A44ZRB --show --publish
The next few sections go through this in detail.
zotzen 2405685:55A44ZRB --show
For convenience you can also use, e.g.,
zotzen zotero://select/groups/2405685/items/55A44ZRB --show
or (if the group is set up in your config file)
zotzen 55A44ZRB --show
The Zotero item with item key ABC is fetched (from group 123) and inspected. Output:
- Item key: 123:ABC
- Title: ...
- DOI: ...
If there is a DOI (either in the DOI field or under 'extra'), and this DOI is a zenodo doi, the zenodo data is fetched. Output continues
- Item available.
- Item status: ...
- Title: ...
- Item is [not] writable.
zotzen 123:ABC --getdoi [--template zenodo.json]
The Zotero item with item key ABC is fetched (from group 123) and inspected.
(1) If there is a DOI, then:
Item has DOI already: <DOI>
If that's a Zenodo DOI, inspect the Zenodo DOI and see whether the reference in the item is back to the same Zotero item. Print the result.
(2) If there isn't a DOI, the item data is put into Zenodo format (basic
use of title, abstract, date and authors only, for now). Additional fields are filled
form the zenodo.json
if provided. Response:
DOI allocated: <DOI>
The DOI is written to the Zotero item. I.e., ttach the resulting DOI to the Zotero record (to the DOI field or to extra if no DOI field). The Zotero item ID is written to the Zenodo record as above.
zotzen 123:ABC --zen 567
The Zotero item with item key ABC is fetched (from group 123) and inspected.
If there is
- no DOI in the Zotero item
- AND the zenodo item with key 567 exists,
- AND the zenodo item does not link to a different Zotero item
then: the items as linked, i.e., the DOI derived from the zenodo item key 567 is added to the zotero item. The Zotero item id is added to the Zenodo item as above.
zotzen 123:ABC --sync
- The zotero item metadata is retrieved (as with
). -- If there's no Zenodo DOI, abort with "This item has no Zenodo DOI. You need to generate or link one first with --getdoi." -- Check the Zenodo item, and check it links back to the Zotero item. If not, abort with "The Zenodo item exists, but is not linked. You need to link the items with --zen XXX first." - Then, the Zotero metadata is written to Zenodo item (as above for
zotzen 123:ABC --push [--types pdf|all]
The attachments to ABC are attached to the record
-- --type pdf
(default) attached PDF files only.
-- --type all
attached all.
The options --getdoi
, --sync
and --push
can be combined.
zotzen 123:ABC --getdoi --sync --push
zotzen 123:ABC --zen 456 --sync --push
Also, publish the Zenodo record:
zotzen [...] --publish
Also, open the webpage for the Zenodo record:
zotzen [...] --open
This tools doesn't allow you to go from Zenodo to Zotero. You've already got the browser plugin for Zotero, and you can easily use that on a Zenodo page. So not much need for this tool to go the other way.
Going from Zotero json to Zenodo json is not necessarily straight forward. We can make some compromises here, such as manually setting up the Zenodo item (or using zenodo.json) and only syncing the most common Zotero properties (title, author, abstract, date).