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Lobo edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 21 revisions

Welcome to the EDGE-Classic wiki! Here you can find information on running the game, as well as documents on the COAL, DDF, and RTS systems that EDGE-Classic uses to leverage its advanced features.

EDGE-Classic: First Run

On the first run of EDGE_classic a series of folders will be created (for storing savegames, screenshots, cache etc). They will be created in the users home directory, and the location of this directory is system-dependant. If you open the in-game console and type the command OPENHOME, it will open a system file explorer in this directory.

If you would prefer EDGE-Classic to instead store all the information in the same place as the edge-classic.exe, then you can run it with the commandline "-portable".

By default, EDGE-Classic will look in it's own folder to see if there are any iwads present.

Running EDGE-Classic

Assuming that you don't have a graphical launcher (such as Doom P.A.L, by our very own Lobo), the most basic invocation of EDGE-Classic from the command line is:

edge-classic.exe -iwad path/to/game/iwad

Where the iwad file is DOOM.WAD, DOOM2.WAD, or any other IWAD supported by EDGE-Classic.

If you want to run mods or additional maps,
specify those with the -file parameter, like so:

edge-classic.exe -iwad /path/to/game/iwad -file /path/to/pwad

List of command-line arguments for EDGE-Classic

borderless - sets display mode to borderless

fullscreen - sets display mode to fullscreen

windowed - sets display mode to windowed

width <number> - sets resolution width

height <number> - sets resolution height

res <number> <number> - sets resolution (width x height)

bpp <number> - sets display depth (legacy, probably doesn't work)

dlights/nodlights - toggle dynamic lights

respawn - enemies eventually respawn after death

newnmrespawn - like respawn, but uses the 'resurrect' respawn style for monsters (versus teleporting back in)

goobers - alters map geometry to mimic wolfenstein 3d (can break maps)

fliplevels - mirror game world

config <path> - specific config file to use

portable - executable directory is also used as user/home directory

turbo <number> - sets turbo scale, acceptable range 10-400

nolog - disable normal logging (debug log still created)

script <path> - add a loose RTS file to the load order

file <path> - add a file to the load order

dir <path> - add a directory to the load order (file will also allow this, this is for backwards compat)

deh <path> - add a loose Dehacked file to the load order

version - display program version and quit

skill <1-5> - set skill level

deathmatch - start game in "old" deathmatch mode

altdeath - start game in "new" deathmatch mode

no_joystick - disable gamepad system

mono - set audio output to mono

stereo - set audio output to stereo

nosmoothing/smoothing - toggle linear texture scaling

hqscale/hqall - enable HQ2x scaling for paletted textures

screenshot <number> - takes screenshot every x tics, also runs game logic as fast as possible (why?)

lang <string> - selects language for use, if available in DDFLANG

game <path> - override path where base assets (edge_defs, edge_base, etc) reside

home - override path to use for logs, screenshots, config storage, etc

defs <path> - use specified EPK or folder for base definitions instead of the default

iwad <path> - add file to load order as an IWAD

loadgame <number> - load save game in slot X on startup

bots <number> - spawn in bot players

warp <map> - warp to specified map on startup

rotate_map/norotate_map - toggle automap rotation

sound/nosound - toggle sound (actually disables all audio, not just SFX)

music/nomusic - toggle music

items_respawn/noitems_respawn - toggle item respawning

mlook/nomlook - toggle mouselook

monsters/nomonsters - toggle whether or not monsters spawn

fast/nofast - toggle 'fast' monsters (nightmare speed)

kick/nokick - toggle weapon kick (still requires DDFWEAP kick stuff to actually happen)

true3d/notrue3d - toggle "true 3d" gameplay (standing on other actors, etc)

blood/noblood - toggle showing blood/death states

cheats/nocheats - toggle ability to cheat

jumping/nojumping - toggle jumping

crouching/nocrouching - toggle crouching

also any CVAR+a value will set the CVAR if it is editable by the user


EDGE-Classic Mod Downloads


DDF     Introduction
    Lines and Sectors
RTS     Introduction
    Flow Control
    Level Commands
    Maps and Triggers
    Thing Commands
    Tips and Menus
Tutorials     Creating a Weapon
    Creating an Enemy
    Creating a Friendly Creature

Compiling EDGE-Classic

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