🔭 I’m currently working on enterprise media workflows and design including: Video Transcoding, Media Storage Archiving, and Publishing Operations Automation at LinkedIn
🌱 I’m currently learning to build Accessible productivity tools and services for content ingest
💬 Ask me about studio and publishing operations automation.
🤝 I’m contributing to media replication services, batch video transcoding, video captioning modernization, and productivity media publishing API development.
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Senior Video Encoding Technician 2 @ LinkedIn March 2021 - PresentVideo Encoding Optimization: Improved HLS performance by 60% through x264 encoder tuning and Telestream cluster resource allocation. Media Ingest Tool: Developed a Python and MySQL backend service standardizing video content ingest and distribution, automating transcoding workflows, and increasing QoE by 80%. Storage Replication Service: Integrated a media replication service with Python, Bash, Rclone, and SQL, optimizing remote studio workflows. Batch Short Form Video Transcoding: Designed a microservice for high-volume video transcoding, enabling batch hydration of media assets from storage , crucial for launching new content features. Caption Request Service: Modernized video captioning microservices, reducing vendor lock-in and increasing language support. Senior Video Encoding Technician 1 @ LinkedIn Feb 2021 - March 2021
Video Quality Analysis: Automated quality analysis using VMAF, optimizing Apple HLS/DASH delivery and QoE. Video Inspection Service: Developed microservices for video analysis with FFmpeg and Mediainfo, deployed to cloud and local hosts to minimize latency. Media Archiving Pipeline: Implemented a Python and MySQL ETL pipeline, improving the studio media archiving process by 70%.
Core Media Publishing APIs: Led API development with FastAPI, enhancing media services accessibility and workflow efficiency. Video Encoding Modernization: Guided a team to migrate on-premises transcoding to AWS cloud, defining benchmarks and performance metrics for a seamless transition.