Plugins for Lite XL
Note: if you make a pull request, the table should be updated and kept in alphabetical order. If your plugin is large (or you'd otherwise prefer it to have its own repo), the table can simply be updated to add a link to the repo; otherwise the plugin file itself can be submitted. If a plugin's link resolves to something other than a raw file it should be marked with an asterisk. If a plugin has modifications specific to Lite XL or is otherwise incompatible with the official version of lite, format the name in italic.
Plugin | Description |
autoinsert |
Automatically inserts closing brackets and quotes. Also allows selected text to be wrapped with brackets or quotes. |
autosave |
Automatically saves files when they are changed |
autosaveonfocuslost |
Automatically saves files that were changed when the main window loses focus by switching to another application |
autowrap |
Automatically hardwraps lines when typing |
bigclock |
Shows the current time and date in a view with large text (screenshot) |
black * |
Integrates the black Python formatter with lite |
bracketmatch |
Underlines matching pair for bracket under the caret (screenshot) |
centerdoc |
Centers document's content on the screen (screenshot) |
closeconfirmx |
Replaced by NagView dialog |
colorpreview |
Underlays color values (eg. #ff00ff or rgb(255, 0, 255) ) with their resultant color. (screenshot) |
console |
A console for running external commands and capturing their output (gif) |
contextmenu * |
Simple context menu (screenshot) |
copyfilelocation |
Copy file location to clipboard |
datetimestamps |
Insert date-, time- and date-time-stamps |
detectindent |
Included with lite-xl |
discord-presence * |
Adds the current workspace and file to your Discord Rich Presence |
dragdropselected |
Provides basic drag and drop of selected text (in same document) |
drawwhitespace |
Integrated with lite-xl reducing CPU usage |
eofnewline |
Make sure the file ends with one blank line. |
eval |
Replaces selected Lua code with its evaluated result |
exec |
Runs selected text through shell command and replaces with result |
ephemeraldocviews |
Preview tabs. Opening a doc will replace the contents of the preview tab. Marks tabs as non-preview on any change. |
fallbackfonts * |
Adds support for fallback fonts (gif) |
fontconfig |
Allows users to load fonts with fontconfig. |
formatter * |
formatters for various languages |
ghmarkdown |
Opens a preview of the current markdown file in a browser window (screenshot) |
gitdiff_highlight * |
highlight changed lines from git (screenshot) |
gitstatus |
Displays git branch and insert/delete count in status bar (screenshot) |
gofmt |
Auto-formats the current go file, adds the missing imports and the missing return cases |
hidelinenumbers |
Hides the line numbers on the left of documents (screenshot) |
hidestatus |
Hides the status bar at the bottom of the window |
inanimate |
Integrated in lite-xl using config.transitions = false |
indentguide |
Adds indent guides (screenshot) |
Kinc Projects * |
Adds Kinc Project generation with basic build commands(depends on console ) |
language_angelscript |
Syntax for the Angelscript programming language |
language_batch |
Syntax for Windows Batch Files |
language_bib |
Syntax for BibTex files |
language_cmake |
Syntax for the CMake build system language |
language_cpp |
Syntax for the C++ programming language |
language_csharp |
Syntax for the C# programming language |
language_d |
Syntax for the D programming language |
language_dart |
Syntax for the Dart programming languiage |
language_elixir |
Syntax for the Elixir programming language |
language_elm |
Syntax for the Elm programming language |
language_fe |
Syntax for the fe programming language |
language_fennel |
Syntax for the fennel programming language |
language_gdscript |
Syntax for the Godot Engine's GDScript scripting language |
language_glsl |
Syntax for the GLSL programming language |
language_go |
Syntax for the Go programming language |
language_hlsl |
Syntax for the HLSL programming language |
language_hs |
Syntax for the Haskell programming language |
language_java |
Syntax for the Java programming language |
language_jiyu |
Syntax for the jiyu programming language |
language_jsx |
Syntax for the JSX language for the React framework in JavaScript |
language_ksy |
Syntax for Kaitai struct files |
language_liquid |
Syntax for Liquid templating language |
language_lobster |
Syntax for Lobster programming language |
language_make |
Syntax for the Make build system language |
language_meson |
Syntax for the Meson build system language |
language_moon |
Syntax for the MoonScript scripting language |
language_nim |
Syntax for the Nim programming language |
language_objc |
Syntax for the Objective C programming language |
language_odin |
Syntax for the Odin programming language |
language_perl |
Syntax for the Perl programming language |
language_php |
Syntax for the PHP programming language |
language_pico8 |
Syntax for Pico-8 cartridge files |
language_po |
Syntax for PO translation files |
language_pony * |
Syntax for Pony programming language |
language_powershell |
Syntax for PowerShell scripting language |
language_psql |
Syntax for the postgresql database access language |
language_rescript |
Syntax for the ReScript programming language |
language_rust |
Syntax for the Rust programming language |
language_ruby |
Syntax for the Ruby programming language |
language sass |
Syntax for the Sass CSS preprocessor |
language_sh |
Syntax for shell scripting language |
language_tcl |
Syntax for the Tcl programming language |
language_teal |
Syntax for the Teal programming language, a typed dialect of Lua. |
language_ts |
Syntax for the TypeScript programming language, a typed dialect of JavaScript. |
language_tex |
Syntax for the LaTeX typesetting language |
language_toml |
Syntax for the TOML configuration language |
language_tsx |
Syntax for TSX language |
language_v |
Syntax for the V programming language |
language_wren |
Syntax for the Wren programming language |
language_yaml |
Syntax for YAML serialization language |
language_zig |
Syntax for the Zig programming language |
lastproject |
Integrated with lite-xl |
lfautoinsert |
Automatically inserts indentation and closing bracket/text after newline |
linecopypaste |
Copy, cut and paste the current line when nothing is selected |
lineguide |
Integrated with lite-xl |
linenumbers |
The ability to change the display of the line number (screenshot) |
linter * |
Linters for multiple languages |
lint+ * |
Advanced linter with ErrorLens-like error reporting. Compatible with linters made for linter (screenshot) |
macmodkeys |
Remaps mac modkeys command/option to ctrl/alt |
markers |
Add markers to docs and jump between them quickly (screenshot) |
memoryusage |
Show memory usage in the status view |
minimap |
Shows a minimap on the right-hand side of the docview. Taken from @andsve, and improved upon. |
motiontrail |
Adds a motion-trail to the caret (screenshot) |
nagbar * |
integrated in lite-xl |
navigate |
Allows moving back and forward between document positions, reducing the amount of scrolling |
openfilelocation |
Opens the parent directory of the current file in the file manager |
openselected |
Opens the selected filename or url |
projectmanager |
Integrated in lite-xl with improvements |
pdfview |
PDF preview for TeX files |
rainbowparen |
Show nesting of parentheses with rainbow colours |
regexreplaceplugin |
Allows for you to write a regex and its replacement in one go, and live preview the results. |
restoretabs |
Keep a list of recently closed tabs, and restore the tab in order on cntrl+shift+t. |
scale |
Integrated in lite-xl with improvements ctrl+- , ctrl+= ) |
scalestatus |
Displays current scale (zoom) in status view (depends on scale plugin) |
selectionhighlight |
Highlights regions of code that match the current selection (screenshot) |
smallclock |
Displays the current time in the corner of the status view |
sort |
Sorts selected lines alphabetically |
spellcheck |
Underlines misspelt words (screenshot) — note: on Windows a words.txt dictionary file must be placed beside the exe |
tabnumbers |
Displays tab numbers from 1–9 next to their names *(screenshot) |
texcompile |
Compile Tex files into PDF |
theme16 * |
Theme manager with base16 themes |
themescheduler |
Schedule themes to be used at certain times |
themeselect |
Select a theme based on filename of active document |
titleize |
Titleizes selected string (hello world => Hello World ) |
todotreeview * |
Todo tree viewer for annotations in code like TODO , BUG , FIX , IMPROVEMENT |
togglesnakecamel |
Toggles symbols between snake_case and camelCase |
unboundedscroll |
Allows scrolling outside the bounds of a document |
updatechecker * |
Automatically checks for updates and notifies you |
vibe * |
VI(vim?) bindings with a hint of DOOM Emacs, for lite-xl |
workspace |
Integrated in lite-xl |