libsndfile provides Scala Native bindings for the Libsndfile C library for sampled sound manipulation.
The goal of this project is to provide an easy-to-use Scala Native facade for the entire libsndfile C library for sampled sound manipulation. Currently, all the functions and constants needed to write integer sampled sound to all the formats supported by the library are supported. Development is active, and support for the remaining functionality of the library will be added in upcoming releases.
The more "programmer friendly" part of this library is found in the io.github.edadma.libsndfile.facade
package. That's the only package you need to import from, as seen in the example below. The other package in the library is io.github.edadma.libsndfile.extern
which provides for interaction with the libsndfile C library using Scala Native interoperability elements from the so-call unsafe
namespace. There are no public declarations in the io.github.edadma.libsndfile.facade
package that use unsafe
types in their parameter or return types, making it a pure Scala facade. Consequently, you never have to worry about memory allocation or type conversions.
To use this library, libsndfile1-dev
needs to be installed:
sudo apt install libsndfile1-dev
Include the following in your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.codecommit" % "sbt-github-packages" % "0.5.2")
Include the following in your build.sbt
resolvers += Resolver.githubPackages("edadma")
libraryDependencies += "io.github.edadma" %%% "libsndfile" % "0.1.2"
Use the following import
in your code:
import io.github.edadma.libsndfile.facade._
This example is a direct translation of the make_sine example in the C library repository. It generates a WAV uncompressed audio file called "sine.wav", which plays a 4-second sound at 344Hz in the left channel and 466Hz in the right channel.
import math._
import io.github.edadma.libsndfile.facade._
object Main extends App {
val SAMPLE_RATE = 44100
val SAMPLE_COUNT = SAMPLE_RATE * 4 /* 4 seconds */
val AMPLITUDE = 1.0 * 0x7F000000
val (sndfile, sfinfo) = sf_open("sine.wav",
SFInfo(samplerate = SAMPLE_RATE,
frames = SAMPLE_COUNT,
channels = 2,
format = SF_FORMAT_WAV subtype SF_FORMAT_PCM_24))
if (sfinfo.channels > 2) {
println("Error : can only generate mono or stereo files.")
def sample(k: Int): Int =
if (sfinfo.channels == 1) (AMPLITUDE * sin(LEFT_FREQ * 2 * k * Pi)).toInt
else { // stereo
if ((k & 1) == 0) // left channel indexes are even
(AMPLITUDE * sin(LEFT_FREQ * k * Pi)).toInt // k = 2*i where i is the right channel sample
else (AMPLITUDE * sin(RIGHT_FREQ * (k - 1) * Pi)).toInt // k = 2*i + 1 where i is the left channel sample
if (sndfile.write_int(sample, sfinfo.channels * SAMPLE_COUNT) != sfinfo.channels * SAMPLE_COUNT)
API documentation is forthcoming, however documentation for the C library is found here.