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⚠️ Warning about naming packages and modules:

Do not name them with the same name in packages and modules of The Python Standard Library and other Python libraries. Else, the naming conflict will cause packages and modules not to be detected/recognized.

Similarly, we should avoid naming packages and modules based on commands in UNIX-like operating systems. This caused problems with C++ classes and packages/modules.

Remember to place the UNIX/Linux shebang, so that I can run it as an executable script from the command line (via the "Terminal" application).

Notes About Python

Table of Contents

Differences between Python 3.x and Python 2.y

The print statement in Python 2.y has been replaced by the print() function in Python 3.x. A pair of parentheses, or round brackets, are used in the print() function to print the string within the parentheses. The print statement needs to be appended by a string, and these tokens (the print statement and the string) are whitespace delimited \cite{vanRossum2017}.

Comparing Python 3.x to Python 2.y, the former has significant differences in printing information (to standard output) \cite{vanRossum2017}. This can cause compatibility problems between different versions of Python in a given Python software.

Definitions of classes between Python 3.x and Python 2.y are different \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 103]{Alchin2010}.

Unlike Python 3.x, properties in Python 2.y do not have mutator methods \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 129]{Alchin2010}.

When a function descriptor on a class is accessed, the function descriptor returns itself and shows up as any function in Python 3.x; however, in Python 2.y, this returns an instance method object \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 129]{Alchin2010}.

Python 3.x and Python 2.y represent boolean values differently, True and False as opposed to 0 and 1 \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 143]{Alchin2010}.

Unlike Python 2.y, the round() method in Python 3.x would return a number of the same type \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 154]{Alchin2010}.

Backward compatibility support for Python 2.y in Python 3.x:

  • implement the __next__() method to call the next() method \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 156]{Alchin2010}.

References for Python 3.0:

  • \cite[Appendix, pp. 621-638]{Beazley2009}
  • \cite{Hall2009b}
  • \cite[Appendix C, pp. 1451--1463]{Lutz2013}
  • \cite[Appendix A, pp. 295--326]{Pilgrim2009}

Design Decisions

Use either keyword arguments or positional arguments in my implementation of Python methods to process input parameters \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 53]{Alchin2010}; don't use both (keyword and positional arguments) of these types.

Syntax Rules Regarding Identifiers

Python identifiers for variables, functions, classes, and modules have to be alphanumeric and can include underscores \cite[from \S Python Basic Syntax]{Mohtashim2017} \cite[\S2.3 Identifiers and keywords]{DrakeJr2016f} \cite[\S2.3 Identifiers and keywords]{DrakeJr2016a}. Otherwise, the Python interpreter would report a syntax error, since the syntax is invalid. These identifiers are case sensitive and cannot be Python keywords [ParewaLabsPvtLtdStaff20XY, \S "Python Keywords and Identifier"].

They should not include dashes. Else, an interpreting/compiling error would result.

Importing Python Classes, Modules, and Packages

Tasks that I can do:

  • Create and define a class, and use static methods in the class (within the same script).
  • Use static methods of a class, from another Python script.
  • Create, define, and use my own Python modules, from any Python script.
  • Create, define, and use my own Python packages, from any Python script.
    • Determine the importance and usefulness packages, with respect to modules.
    • Resources and references:
      • \cite{PythonPackagingAuthorityMembers2020b}

See example to import Python modules and classes.

Tasks that I want to do, but can't yet (or have yet to try):

  • BLAH

Notes about Python modules:

  • "A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements." \cite[\S6 Modules]{Brandl2017a} \cite[\S6 Modules]{Brandl2017} \cite[Importing Modules: Module? What's a Module?]{Thurlow2012} \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 241]{Hall2009b}. This is different from how I define modules in C++ and Java.
  • The filename of the file containing the code for a Python module should be the same as the name of the aforementioned Python module \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 209]{Hetland2005}.

Pages in \cite{Ziade2008} that deal with importing Python classes and modules (Not helpful):

  • Naming, (pp. 91--116)
    • Application of naming to (pp. 92):
      • Variables: constants and public/private variables
      • Functions and methods
      • Properties
      • Classes
      • Modules
      • Packages
  • Packages, (pp. 117--165)
  • Documentation, (pp. 223--250)

With regards to importing Python modules, circular dependencies is forbidden/discouraged during interpretation of Python programs \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 241]{Hall2009b}.

  • That is, don't import a Python module A, which imports another Python module B that imports Python module A.
  • Or rather, **if Python module A imports Python module B, Python module B should not import Python module A **.
    • This "import-only-once behavior" avoids cyclical imports that result in "endless loops of imports" \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 204]{Hetland2005}

A Python package is a collection of Python modules \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 241]{Hall2009b}, and is effectively a subdirectory of Python modules that includes a file named \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 252]{Hall2009b} \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 210]{Hetland2005}; the file can be an empty file \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 252]{Hall2009b}. That is, a Python package is a "hierarchical directory structure" of Python files \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 252]{Hall2009b}.

To import all the modules from a package A, try: import A.

To import a module B from a package A, try: import A.B.

To import a class C from module B that belongs to package A, try: from A.B import C.

Use the error ImportError to catch errors associated with importing modules that have been moved or renamed. Provide fallback imports, so that in the try-except block, or try-catch block, we can provide another statement to import the module from its old/new location (or with its old/new name); if the try block uses the old location/name, the catch block shall use the new location/name, and vice versa; if the module is not critical to the function of the software, it is recommended to assign the module to None (i.e., [module name] = None) \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 45-46]{Alchin2010}.

Use the internal method __import__ to conditionally import modules \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 245]{Hall2009b}.

A module can be imported under another name \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 245]{Hall2009b}.

Import statements should be placed at the top of each Python file \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 246]{Hall2009b}.

Importing Python submodules \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 253-254]{Hall2009b}:

  • Explicitly with an empty file \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 253]{Hall2009b}.
    • from pirate import * does not allow all submodules of pirate to be imported.
  • Implicitly
    • Using _all_ as the list variable, which is comparable to using an import statement with the wildcard *.
      • Enables the use of import statements such as from [pirate import] *
    • Execute import statements in the file.
      • To reload any module imported in the file, explicitly reload those modules.
      • The file can contain Python code just like any Python script.

The import statements of a Python source file can execute code in a library module, within its own namespace \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Execution as the Main Program," pp. 146]{Beazley2009}.

  • Use case with test code:
    • Test code can be placed in modules and imported by users.
    • The test code is wrapped with an if-else statement, such that the test code would only execute when running as the main program \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Execution as the Main Program," pp. 146-147]{Beazley2009}.

A weakly internal variable is a variable with a leading underscore, _[variable name], that is explicitly imported \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 246]{Hall2009b}.

While literate programming \cite{Knuth1984,Knuth1992a,McConnell2004,Subramaniam2006,Schach2007,Oram2007,MullerHannemann2010} is recommended, self-documenting code would suffice \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 246-247]{Hall2009b}.

If the functionality of an imported module is changed/modified and updated, use the imp module from The Python Standard Library \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b} to clear "Python's internal cache of [certain] imported modules" \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 249-250]{Hall2009b} and reload the cache with the update modules; this is useful when modules have to be created again or recompiled during program execution \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 249-250]{Hall2009b}.

When a Python script imports a module, it \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 250]{Hall2009b}:

  • Locates the Python script/file containing the module.
    • PYTHONPATH is a set of relative or absolute paths of Python modules, and The Python Standard Library, which helps the Python interpreter/compiler and the operating system locate Python modules \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 251]{Hall2009b}.
    • Alternatively, use the path configuration file (with the .pth file extension) to add directories of custom Python modules to sys.path \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 209]{Hetland2005}.
  • Loads the Python module into memory, and creates an internal representation for the Python module
    • Python processes/"compiles" the Python modules into Python byte code, which are saved in .pyc files (the "c" in ".pyc" refers to compiled), for faster execution \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 251]{Hall2009b} \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 204]{Hetland2005}.
  • Executes the aforementioned internal representation, after loading this Python module for the first time \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 204]{Hetland2005}.
    • Subsequently loadings of the module do not redfine the variables, functions, and classes in the module; hence, loading of a[/any] module is not performed multiple times, and the module is not executed \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 204]{Hetland2005}.
    • This "import-only-once behavior" avoids cyclical imports that result in "endless loops of imports" \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 204]{Hetland2005}; see circular dependencies in \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 241]{Hall2009b}.
    • To reload a Python module that has been modified during execution of a Python program, try \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 205]{Hetland2005}: [module-name] = reload( [module-name] )

In the transition period from upgrading old locations/names to new locations/names, use the special module __module__ to make the import of non-critical modules conditional \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 46-47]{Alchin2010}.

Explicit module imports, by specifying the module (and package) names are preferred over implicit imports of all (or a subset of) modules within a package \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 47-48]{Alchin2010}.

Relative imports are supported by providing relative paths to modules that are being imported \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 48-49]{Alchin2010}.

Python modules allow Python software to be modularized, which improves support for code reuse \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 241]{Hall2009b}.

Python Classes

Notes on Python Classes:

  • Concepts in object-oriented programming for \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 139]{Hetland2005}
    • polymorphism
    • encapsulation
    • methods, or functions of the class \cite[Chapter 7, section on "The class Statement," pp. 117]{Beazley2009}.
      • They are also known as instance methods \cite[Chapter 7, section on "The class Statement," pp. 118]{Beazley2009}.
    • attributes, or properties \cite[Chapter 7, section on "The class Statement," pp. 117]{Beazley2009}.
    • superclasses
    • inheritance
    • constructors
  • A class is a particular type of object has a logical group of functions, and "encapsulates the behavior of an object" \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 103]{Alchin2010}.
    • A Python class definition is a template for custom data types that contain data (i.e., attributes, or object-specific variables \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 144]{Hetland2005}) and commands (i.e., methods, or functions belonging to this Python class) \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 181]{Hall2009b}.
    • A class variable is a variable that is part of a class \cite[Chapter 7, section on "The class Statement," pp. 117]{Beazley2009}.
    • A static variable is common to all instances of the class that it belongs to \cite[\S8.6.4, pp. 390]{Langtangen2009} \cite[\S7.6, pp. 387-388]{Langtangen2012}.
      • Access a static variable via class-name.static-variable-name, rather than instance-object-name.static-variable-name, since an assignment to instance-object-name.static-variable-name creates a new instance-object-name instance attribute static-variable-name; this new instance attribute static-variable-name covers/hides the static variable class-name.static-variable-name \cite[\S8.6.4, pp. 390]{Langtangen2009}.
    • The dot (.) operator between the name of an instance object and an attribute/function binds the attribute/function to that instance object \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Class Instances," pp. 118]{Beazley2009}. A class defines a namespace, but it does not create a unique scope for names inside each of its method; hence, for each method, references to attributes and other methods in the class must be qualified through self \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Scoping Rules," pp. 118]{Beazley2009}.
  • "An instance of the class represents the data for the object" \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 103]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 183]{Hall2009b}.
    • A class definition "is a factory for creating instances" of the class \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 128]{Beazley2009}.
    • Encapsulation enables the treatment of an object as a black box \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 183]{Hall2009b} to hide its internal state (or details) "from the outside world" \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 139,157]{Hetland2005}.
      • This is similar to polymorphism, because encapsulation and polymorphism are concepts/principles of abstraction; however, polymorphism can exist without encapsulation \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 143]{Hetland2005}.
      • Encapsulation enables the usage of objects without knowing the details of how these objects are constructed \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 143]{Hetland2005}.
    • self refers to the instance object that the instance methods are operating with \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 183]{Hall2009b} \cite[Chapters 7, pp. 148]{Hetland2005}; self in Python is analogous to this in C++/Java \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Scoping Rules," pp. 119]{Beazley2009}. the required, explicit usage of self enables the differentiation of instance attributes/variables from local variables \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Scoping Rules," pp. 119]{Beazley2009}.
    • dir([instance object]) shows a list of attributes and methods supported by the [instance object] within its namespace \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 184]{Hall2009b}.
    • Each instance object is associated with an unique identity (number), which can be obtained with id([instance object]). This identity (number) is an integer (or, positive integer) \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 184]{Hall2009b}.
    • The namespace of an object can be implemented by a dictionary object, and has the organization of a family tree or directory structure \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 185]{Hall2009b}.
    • Name binding is used to map/connect a name to an object \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 184]{Hall2009b}.
    • The state of an instance object is determined by the values of its attributes/properties/fields/characteristics \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 185]{Hall2009b} \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 145]{Hetland2005}.
    • Note that in \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 145; Chapter 9, pp. ???]{Hetland2005}, properties are distinguished from attributes.
    • An attribute is private to objects of a class \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 145]{Hetland2005}.
  • Difference instances of a class has different sets of data, but have the same behavior that is determined by the class definition; this behavior can be defined, extended, or altered \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 103]{Alchin2010}.
  • Inheritance allows a derived/child class to have a different fundamental behavior from its base/parent class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 103]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 181]{Hall2009b} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 119]{Beazley2009}.
    • Inheritance allows specialized classes of objects to be created from general classes of objects \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 139]{Hetland2005}, by addition or modification of attributes and methods \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 119]{Beazley2009}.
    • When a derived/child class defines the __init__() method, it has to call the the __init__() methods of the base classes (if desired); this is because the __init__() methods of the base classes are not automatically invoked when the __init__() method is redefined by a derived/child class; if a base/parent class has not defined the __init__() method, just call the __init__() method without any arguments \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 120]{Beazley2009}.
    • Duck typing enables developers to modify and manipulate objects, which are related via class inheritance, while ensuring type safety \cite{WikipediaContributors2018a}.
    • Polymorphism allows operators to be overloaded with special methods \cite{DrakeJr2016a} (which are known as "magic methods" in \cite{Hall2009b}) \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 184]{Hall2009b}.
    • Polymorphism enables type/class -dependent functions to be performed on an object \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 140]{Hetland2005}.
      • That is, polymorphism not only allows objects of child classes (subclasses, or derived classes) to inherit functions from parent classes (superclasses, or base classes) but also customizes them for the child classes \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 140]{Hetland2005}.
      • This type of Pythonic programming exploits "duck typing" \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 143]{Hetland2005}.
      • Polymorphism enables the usage of an object' methods without detailed information about what it is (i.e., its type/class) \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 143]{Hetland2005}.
      • An object of a child class is also an instance of the parent class; hence, using the isinstance() method for type/class checking is an inadequate solution \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 140]{Hetland2005}.
        • isinstance() method for checks if an object is of the specified class or a subclass of the specified class \cite{Saha20XY}
          • It supports class inheritance \cite{abbot2018,Dewes2018,Dewes2018a,Nyffenegger2018,ParewaLabsStaff20XYb,Saha20XY} \cite[From Built-In Functions: Object Oriented Functions: isinstance]{Przywoski2015}.
        • type() does not support class inheritance \cite{abbot2018,Dewes2018,Dewes2018a,Nyffenegger2018,ParewaLabsStaff20XYb,Saha20XY} \cite[From Built-In Functions: Object Oriented Functions: isinstance]{Przywoski2015}.
        • Developers should use duck typing over checking if an object belongs to a particular type/class \cite{Saha20XY}.
      • Polymorphism applies to \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 142]{Hetland2005}:
        • methods
        • built-in operators
        • built-in functions
      • The advantages/benefits of polymorphism are mitigated/negated with type checking functions \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 143]{Hetland2005}:
        • type()
        • isinstance(obj, cls)
          • Or, __instancecheck__(cls, obj) \cite[Chapter 3, subsection on "Type Checking," Table 3.15, pp. 57]{Beazley2009}.
        • issubclass(subcls, cls)
          • Or, __subclasscheck__(cls, subcls) \cite[Chapter 3, subsection on "Type Checking," Table 3.15, pp. 57]{Beazley2009}.
      • Instead of type checking (or checking the class), ask if the object is behaving according to what I want \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 143]{Hetland2005}.
    • Dynamic binding (or polymorphism in the context of inheritance) enables an instance object to use a method without concern for the types required for its method parameters/arguments; this is because of duck typing \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Polymorphism Dynamic Binding and Duck Typing," pp. 122]{Beazley2009}
  • The built-in type object is "a foundation type that underpins the entire system \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 103]{Alchin2010}.
  • Codify relationships between packages, modules, and classes to represent actual/real relationships between (concrete or abstract) nouns \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 105]{Alchin2010}.
  • Python supports multiple inheritance \cite[Chapters 7, pp. 155]{Hetland2005} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 120]{Beazley2009}, and enables each class to be build as another component of the software \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 105]{Alchin2010}.
    • "Inheritance is specified with a comma-separated list of base-class names in the class statement." \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 119,121]{Beazley2009}.
    • E.g., class Grandchild-name(Parent-1-name, Parent-2-name, relative-3-name, relative-4-name, relative-5-name): \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 119,121]{Beazley2009}.
    • A child class can have multiple parent classes \cite[Chapters 7, pp. 155]{Hetland2005}.
    • The order of superclasses in the class statement determines which class methods will override the methods of the other class(es); methods of the earlier classes will override the methods of the later classes \cite[Chapters 7, pp. 155]{Hetland2005}.
    • Multiple inheritance enables mixins, or support classes, to provide minor add-on features that can be used by a variety of classes. \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 105]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 122]{Beazley2009}.
      • Compare mixins with traits.
      • "[A mixin does] not provide full functionality on [its] own."
      • The minor add-on features are "mixed in" with the other classes \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 122]{Beazley2009}.
    • If possible, avoid multiple inheritance \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 122]{Beazley2009}.
  • Method resolution order (MRO) determines "the order in which Python resolves which method to use" in software that uses "multi-level or multiple inheritance" \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 106]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapters 7, pp. 155]{Hetland2005}.
    • Since Python does not know the class hierarchy, it has "to account for all the possibilities" \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 108]{Alchin2010} in which it determines which method to use.
    • It traverses the list of all base class, in the order from "most specialized" class to "least specialized" class \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 121]{Beazley2009}; here, specialization refers to the "depth" of the class in the inheritance graph/tree/diagram, such that a grandchild is more specialized than a grandparent
      \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 121,122]{Beazley2009}.
  • __init__() is a class, when it shoud be considered as an instance object (self), which inherits from type \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 122]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 102-103]{Pilgrim2009}.
  • The (software) plugin framework allows software plugins and plugin systems to be additively added to it \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 122]{Alchin2010}.
    • The plugin framework allows easy access to plugins and plugin systems in use \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 122]{Alchin2010}.
    • A plugin extends a base class by using Python's extension features, such as the built-in subclass syntax and the support "for common plugin needs", so that it can complement the functionality of the base class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 123]{Alchin2010}.
    • An example of support "for common plugin needs" would be input validation \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 123]{Alchin2010}:
    • The plugin, or plugin system, should be well documented, in terms of its expectations and assumptions \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 123]{Alchin2010}.
    • The plugin can be extended by more specialized plugins as subclasses (also known as derived classes and child classes) \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 124]{Alchin2010}.
    • Provide an iterator to enumerate plugins mounted to the plugin framework's plugin mount point \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 124]{Alchin2010}.
    • The metaclass for the plugin framework should register/connect plugins to the plugin mount class by adding the plugin objects to the plugin list (list of plugins) for subsequent access \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 124]{Alchin2010}.
    • The plugin mount class needs to have a switch to enable or disable the plugin mount (or plugin framework) \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 124]{Alchin2010}.
    • An individual/standard plugin inherits from the metaclass, and obtains its plugin behavior automatically \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 125]{Alchin2010}.
    • Use the metaclass __prepare__() to prepare a class declaration for immediate processing \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 125]{Alchin2010}.
    • An instantiated object stores data via an instance-specific namespace dictionary that can be accessed by the attributes if the instantiated object; access these attributes with "a trio of functions" \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 125]{Alchin2010}.
  • Define a property using the built-in @property decorator function, so that it can allow attributes to be assessed by methods \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 127]{Alchin2010}.
  • A descriptor of an assigned class allows an object definition to behave just like the properties of the assigned class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 129]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Descriptors," pp. 126]{Beazley2009}.
    • Since a descriptor cannot use the namespace dictionary of the instance object, the descriptor has to use a dictionary to access instance objects \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010}.
    • Only instantiate a descriptor at the class level, and not "on a per-instance basis" via the method __init__() (or other methods) \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Descriptors," pp. 127]{Beazley2009}.
  • A method is a function belonging to a class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010}.
    • That is, a method is a function that is bound to object attributes (or, attributes of an object/class) \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 141]{Hetland2005} \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 144]{Hetland2005}.
    • Unlike functions that do not belong to a class, a method can access class information \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010}.
    • Categories of methods \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010}:
      • unbound methods
      • bound methods
    • A function also serves as a descriptor of a class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010}.
    • Like descriptors, a class and its instances can access a method \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010}.
    • An unbound method is a method that is accessed by a class, which is received by the descriptor \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapters 7, pp. 150]{Hetland2005}.
      • It is unbound to any self parameter \cite[Chapters 7, pp. 150]{Hetland2005}.
    • A bound method requires an instance of a class to for access \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapters 7, pp. 149]{Hetland2005}.
    • When an unbound method on a class is accessed, a function object for the unbound method is returned \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 131]{Alchin2010}.
    • A function can support bound and unbound methods; a bound method uses the instance object, which is passed as a positional argument, of the class to receive the first argument; hence, the positional argument does not need to be self \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 132]{Alchin2010}.
    • To implement method binding with an unbound method, explicitly use an instance objects in the first argument to mimic/imitate bound methods; this can be helpful "when passing functions around as callbacks" \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 133]{Alchin2010}.
    • To use a method without instantiating a class, use either of the following \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 133-135]{Alchin2010}:
      • Class methods
      • Static methods
    • A class method is a method that needs access to the attached class, and the built-in @classmethod decorator supports it \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 133-135]{Alchin2010}.
    • A class method treats the class as an object, and operates on the object \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Static Methods and Class Methods," pp. 123]{Beazley2009}.
    • An "unbound" class method is a bound instance method that accepts an instance object as the first positional argument \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 133]{Alchin2010}.
    • A method can be defined on a metaclass, since a class is an instance of a metaclass \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010}.; hence, each instance of a class can access that method, just like any bound method of that class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010}; however, a class instance can call unclass methods, but not bound class methods \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010}; a bound class method can only be called by the class itself. \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010}.
    • While a metaclass-based class method has less visibility by instances of a class than standard decorated class methods, it allows metaclass-using applications to add class methods to classes that use the metaclass \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010}; this avoids the need for a separate/extra class just to contain the aforementioned class methods (and nothing else) \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010}.
    • A static method enables a method to interact with properties of the class, and other static methods of the class, without requiring an instance object of the class to perform various operations and functions \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010}; this also avoids the need to implement a function at the module level, without being embedded in any Python class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010}; a static method shall be defined within a Python class with the @staticmethod decorator \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 134]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Objects and Classes," pp. 22]{Beazley2009} just before the static method definition \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Static Methods and Class Methods," pp. 123]{Beazley2009}.
      • A static method exists within the namespace defined by a class, but "it does not operate on any kind of instance"; call a static method using the following format: class-name.static-method([arguments]) \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Static Methods and Class Methods," pp. 123]{Beazley2009}.
    • Class and static methods can be invoked by an instance object; e.g., instance-object.static-method() or instance-class-method() \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Static Methods and Class Methods," pp. 124]{Beazley2009}.
    • The definition of static and class methods specifies using a property function to handle these methods differently \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Properties," pp. 125]{Beazley2009}.
  • There exists various ways to instantiate/create, modify, or invalidate Python instance objects \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 135]{Alchin2010}.
    • Creating Python instance objects via instantiation of a Python class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 136]{Alchin2010}:
      • Use __new__() to instantiate/create an object of a Python class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 137]{Alchin2010}. \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}
      • Use __init__() to initialize an object of a Python class to implement behavior (i.e., perform functions and operations) that is specific/unique to that Python instance object; that is, use the constructor __init__() to initialize instance variables of the class as a basic setup of the instance object and to perform common tasks for each instance object of the class (such as file input operations, validation of initial/preliminary user input, or to collect information regarding a given running process) \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 136]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}.
      • Default values for instance variables of the class serve as placeholders until they will be updated \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 136]{Alchin2010}.
      • For a given Python instance object, the __new__() method should be called before the __init__() method \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 137]{Alchin2010}.
      • The method __new__() does not automatically call the method __init__() \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}.
      • A class can define the method __new__() to do either of the following \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}:
        • Modify values of instance objects inherited from a base class with immutable variables.
        • To define metaclasses.
    • Accessing and modifying attributes of a Python class \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 138]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 197]{Hall2009b}:
      • The name of an attribute of an instance object can be accessed or modified directly via instance.attribute \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 138]{Alchin2010}; other methods for accessing or modifying instance.attribute can provide more control \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 138]{Alchin2010}.
      • The special attribute __bases__ is a tuple of base classes, and it connects classes to their base classes \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Representation and Attribute Binding," pp. 131]{Beazley2009}
      • Use the __getattr__() function to obtain the value of an attribute (of the instance object) \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 138]{Alchin2010}; e.g., use the getattr(instance, attribute_name) to obtain the name of the attribute \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 138]{Alchin2010}.
      • Also, use the __getattr__() function to control implicitly (or rather, not explicitly) managed attributes \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 138]{Alchin2010}.
      • For requests to access undefined attributes, and if the __getattr__() function is defined, call the __getattr__() function \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 138]{Alchin2010}.
      • For defined attributes that exists with an instance object of the class, use the __getattribute__() function, which takes the same set of input arguments as the __getattr__() function \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 139]{Alchin2010}.
      • Use the __setattr__() function, with the input arguments self, name, and value to assign the value to the attribute called name for the instance object self (of a class) \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 139]{Alchin2010}.
      • For defined attributes, they can be modified with the function setattr() \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 139]{Alchin2010}.
      • Use del to delete an attribute from an object; however, it does not work for fake attributes that are controlled by special methods \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 139]{Alchin2010}.
      • Use the __delattr__() function to handle/manage fake attributes \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 139]{Alchin2010}.
      • Overridden attributes may have errors or exceptions that when raised may indicate another exception (for an overridden or a fake attribute) \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 140]{Alchin2010}.
    • A string representation of an instance object is provided by the implementation of the __str__() method to coerce the instance object to a string \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 140]{Alchin2010}.
      • The implementation of the __str__() method should list the list of attributes and their corresponding values to enable users to create a clone of that instance object \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 141-142]{Alchin2010}.
      • Alternatively, the __repr__() method can provide more information about the instance object \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 141-142]{Alchin2010}.
  • Access specifiers (or access modifiers):
    • In C++, access specifiers are: public, protected, and private \cite[Chapter 12]{Deitel2012} \cite[Chapter 11]{Deitel2014} \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 392]{Gaddis2011} \cite[\S7.2, pp.. 349]{Lippman2013}. \cite[Chapters 5-6]{Sutherland2015} \cite{Gregoire2014}
    • In Java, access specifiers are also: public, protected, and private \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 23; Chapter 7, pp. 138]{Schildt2007} \cite[pp. 20, 145, & 153]{Eckel2006}
    • Python does not directly support keyword-based access specifiers (or access modifiers) \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 145]{Hetland2005}; however, an attribute or method can be set to be pseudo-"private" by adding the prefix "__" (i.e., two/double underscores) \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 145-146]{Hetland2005} \cite[pp. 87, subsubsection on "Class privates"]{Lutz2010}. \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Data Encapsulation and Private Attributes," pp. 127]{Beazley2009}.
      • Alternatively, redefine the __dir__() method to make it more difficult to access quasi-/pseudo- "private" variables \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Data Encapsulation and Private Attributes," pp. 128]{Beazley2009}.
      • Wrap private variables that can be modified via mutator methods with the built-in @property decorator function, so that users would use the properties rather than modify the instance variables directly \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Data Encapsulation and Private Attributes," pp. 128]{Beazley2009}.
    • Attributes and methods of a Python class with the prefix "__" are accessible as public methods \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 146]{Hetland2005};
      hence, I call them pseudo-"private" attributes and methods.
    • If the prefix "_" (single underscore) is used to indicate pseudo-"private" attributes and methods of a Python class, these attributes and methods would not be "imported with starred imports" (from [module] import *) \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 146]{Hetland2005} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Data Encapsulation and Private Attributes," pp. 128]{Beazley2009}.
    • \cite[\S8.6.3, pp. 389]{Langtangen2009} suggests using "__" (i.e., two/double underscores) for pseudo-"private" attributes and "_" (single underscore) for pseudo-"protected" attributes.
    • Python does not have access specifiers; hence, its member variables (attributes) and methods cannot be private nor protected \cite[Appendix A, pp. 552]{Hetland2005}.
  • Access and manage polymorphic objects by adhering to its interface (or "protocol" \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 179]{Hetland2005}), which is definied by its list of accessible methods and attributes \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 155]{Hetland2005}.
    • Unlike Java and C++, explicit interfaces (i.e., Java interfaces and C++ header files) are not required by Python \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 155-156]{Hetland2005}.
    • The methods hasattr() and getattr() can be used to determine if a given object has certain methods or attributes \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 156]{Hetland2005}.
    • Use the __dict__ attribute to examine all the attributes of a Python object and their associated values \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 156]{Hetland2005}.
      • The local __dict__ attribute manages all modifications to an instance object \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Representation and Attribute Binding," pp. 131]{Beazley2009}.
    • Use the inspect module to examine all the attributes and methods of a Python object \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 156]{Hetland2005}.

A suggested method/approach for object-oriented design and analysis (OOAD) is mentioned in \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 156-157]{Hetland2005}.

By using sound OOAD methods to design the software architecture, the resultant Python program would have a modular software architecture that can facilitate code reuse \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 206]{Hetland2005}.

Protocols masked by Python syntactic sugar \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 143]{Alchin2010}:

  • Use the built-in bool() method to implement the __bool__() method to check if the attributes of a class complies with certain class invariants (e.g., assertions) are satisfied \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 143]{Alchin2010}.
  • To perform arithmetic operations via arithmetic operators, they require custom implementations of the certain methods \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 145]{Alchin2010}:
    • Arithmetic operations \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 145]{Alchin2010}:
      • addition
      • subtraction
      • multiplication
      • division
      • modulo operation \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 146-147]{Alchin2010}
      • exponentiation \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 147]{Alchin2010}
    • arithmetic operators \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 145]{Alchin2010}:
      • +
      • -
      • *
      • /
      • // \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 146]{Alchin2010}
      • % \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 146]{Alchin2010}
      • ** \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 147]{Alchin2010}
    • Customized implementations of the following methods \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 145]{Alchin2010}:
      • __add__()
      • __sub__()
      • __mul__()
      • __truediv__() (true division)
      • __floordiv__() (floor division) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 146]{Alchin2010}
      • __mod__() (for "perform[ing] standard variable interpretation") \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 146]{Alchin2010}
      • __divmod__() (floor division with modulo operation, which is called by the divmod() method) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 147]{Alchin2010}
      • __pow__() (exponentiation, which is called by the built-in pow() function) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 147]{Alchin2010}
    • True division returns the numerical value of the division operation \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 145]{Alchin2010}.
    • Floor division returns the lower of the two operands, if the true division of these operands lie between the operands on the number line \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 146]{Alchin2010}.
  • Bitwise operations \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 148-152]{Alchin2010}
    • <<, supported by __lshift()__ implementation
    • >>, supported by __rshift()__ implementation
    • Bitwise comparison operations \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 149-150]{Alchin2010}:
      • &, AND operation or conjunction, implemented by __and__()
      • |, OR operation or disjunction, implemented by __or__()
      • ^, exclusive OR operation (XOR), implemented by __xor__()
      • ~, inversion operation, implemented by __invert__(); the __invert__() method only works with two's-complement encoding \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 150]{Alchin2010}
      • See the table at the bottom of \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 151]{Alchin2010} and the top of \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 152]{Alchin2010} for alternate ways to place custom objects (e.g., on the right-hand side, and in-line via in-place operators)
  • Additional Operations with Numbers
    • Use the __index__() method to use an instance object as an index in a sequence (e.g., list) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 152]{Alchin2010}.
    • To round off numbers, use methods such as floor() (or rather, __floor__()) method and ceil() (or rather, __ceil__()) method \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 153]{Alchin2010}.
    • Use the method round() (or rather, __round__(self, number of significant figures)) to round numbers to the nearest number (with the specified number of significant figures, which is an optional argument) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 153]{Alchin2010}.
    • For sign operations, use the __neg__() to negate the sign of a value, and __abs__() to obtain the absolute value of the number \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 154]{Alchin2010}.
    • For comparison operations that return either True or False \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 154]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 197, Table 9.2]{Hall2009b}:
      • is, can compare known constants (e.g., None)
        • Compare object IDs (and locations in memory).
      • is not, can compare known constants (e.g., None)
        • Compare object IDs (and locations in memory).
      • ==, or __eq__()
        • Check if objects are equivalent, rather than if they are the same object.
      • !=, or __ne__() (i.e., not equal)
      • Check if objects are equivalent, rather than if they are the same object.
      • <, or __lt__()
      • >, or __gt__()
      • <=, or __lte__()
      • >=, or __gte__()
      • Default method for comparison __cmp__() compares self with other \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 155]{Alchin2010}
  • Iterables \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 155]{Alchin2010}:
    • To determine if an object is iterable, use the built-in iter() function (or rather, __iter__()) to obtain an iterator; if an iterator is returned, the object is iterable \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 155]{Alchin2010}.
    • The __iter__() method, which includes the __init__() method to instantiate the iterator and returns self \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 155]{Alchin2010}; an iterator is itself iterable \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 155]{Alchin2010}.
    • The __next__() is another required method, which retrieves a value from the iterator for use (by the caller of the __next__() method) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 155]{Alchin2010}; the __next__() method terminates at the end of enumerating all elements of a collection, due to the raised StopIteration exception \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 156]{Alchin2010}; this is because None is a valid object, and the iterator cannot compare the instance object pointed to by itself to None \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 156]{Alchin2010}.
    • If the __iter__() method is not implemented, the __getitem__() method is used to access the element at the current position of the iterator \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 157]{Alchin2010}.
  • Python supports sequences, such as lists, tuples, sets, and strings \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 159]{Alchin2010}:
    • Each type of these sequences \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 159]{Alchin2010}:
      • has a specialized type of iterator
      • can provide information regarding attributes about the sequence
      • has behaviors that can be performed on the sequence
      • E.g., determine the size/length of the sequence \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 159]{Alchin2010}, or traverse the sequence in reverse order \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 160]{Alchin2010}.
      • __len__(), __setitem__(), __append__(), __insert__(), del sequence[index], __delitem__(), and __contains__()
    • \cite[Chapter 3, subsubsection on "Operations Common to All Sequences," Table 3.2, pp. 39-40]{Beazley2009} lists a set of operations and methods that can be applied to all sequences, including immutable tuples.
    • \cite[Chapter 3, subsubsection on "Operations Common to All Sequences," Table 3.3, pp. 40]{Beazley2009} lists a set of operations that can be applied to all mutable sequences only.
  • A mapping is a set of individual pairs, where each pair has a key and a corresponding value \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 164]{Alchin2010}.
    • The ordering of the pairs by their keys is not important, since a map is typically not traversed/enumerated.
    • For a given key, it enables instant access to a the key's corresponding value (which is referenced by its key).
    • Use the key() method to enumerate each key/pair in the mapping, without paying attention to its ordering.
    • Use the items() method to obtain the set of all (key,value) pairs in the mapping \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 165]{Alchin2010}.
  • Callable functions and classes \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 165]{Alchin2010}
    • The __call__() method calls the class itself, using self as the first argument
  • Context manager \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 166]{Alchin2010}
    • Use objects as context managers with the with statement (which includes the as clause), so that they can set things up (preprocessing), do some processing within the context, and clean up after the processing (or post-processing) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 166]{Alchin2010}.
    • Examples of contexts include:
      • file handling \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 166]{Alchin2010}
    • Set things up (preprocessing):
      • __enter__() method
    • Clean up after the processing (or post-processing):
      • __exit__() method
        • When exceptions terminate the processing, this __exit__() method would receive information about the exception for post-processing and debugging (or troubleshooting) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 166]{Alchin2010}.
        • When no exceptions are raised during processing, and clean up proceeds as expected, it would receive None objects instead of information for debugging (or troubleshooting) \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 167]{Alchin2010}.
  • Multiple protocols can be used simultaneously, since they are not mutually exclusive \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 168]{Alchin2010}.

By default, each Python function is a virtual function \cite{Ucoluk2012}.

Additional information about object-oriented programming:

  • accessor and mutator functions \cite[\S7.3.1, pp. 206-208]{Ucoluk2012}
  • inheritance \cite[\S7.3.2, pp. 209-210]{Ucoluk2012}
    • virtual functions \cite[\S7.3.2, pp. 209-210]{Ucoluk2012}
  • operator overloading \cite[\S7.3.4, pp. 211-212]{Ucoluk2012} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Operator Overloading," pp. 133-134]{Beazley2009}.
    • Type conversion by coercion is not supported in Python 2.6 or Python 3 for mixed-type arithmetic \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Operator Overloading," pp. 134]{Beazley2009}.
  • asbtract base classes \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Abstract Base Classes," pp. 136-138]{Beazley2009}, which cannot "be instantiated directly"; similarly, abstract derived classes cannot "be instantiated directly" \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Abstract Base Classes," pp. 137]{Beazley2009}
    • "Abstract class[es] [do] not [carry out] conformance checking on arguments or return values" \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Abstract Base Classes," pp. 137]{Beazley2009}.

"A property is a special [category]/kind of attribute that computes its value when accessed"; it is defined/implemented like a function, such that when it is accessed, it executes the function-like definition to determine its value; it is declared with the @property decorator just before its definition/implementation \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Properties," pp. 124-125]{Beazley2009}.

A property can carry out operations in the background to modify or delete an attribute, via connecting/binding the methods for modification and deletion to the property \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Properties," pp. 125]{Beazley2009}.

Use the Uniform Access Principle to faciliate the design of uniform programming interfaces, so that attribute-like (accessor) methods should be specified as properties to ease the confusion between including the parentheses (or round brackets) when using attribute-like (accessor) methods and ignoring the parentheses when using attributes \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Properties," pp. 125]{Beazley2009}.

*An aside: See the following for information about partially evaluated functions in C++.

When an instance object access a method like an attribute, it would return a bound method object, instead of a function object, since the method access would invoke the () operator and execute the method \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Properties," pp. 125]{Beazley2009}; this is similar to partially evaluated functions, since the self parameter "has a value" and I would have to supply the remaining/additional arguments using the () operator; a property (function) executes in the background to create this bound method \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Properties," pp. 125]{Beazley2009}.

To do post-processing after the definition of a class \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Class Decorators," pp. 141]{Beazley2009}:

  • Customize the class creation process with the definition of a metaclass.
  • Use a class decorator that receives a class object as input, and returns a class object as output.

Other information about classes:

  • Comparison between classes and modules:
    • \cite[Chapter 29, section on "Classes Versus Modules", pp. 884]{Lutz2013}
      • "Because they're both about namespaces, the distinction can be confusing."
      • "Classes also support extra features that modules don't, such as operator overloading, multiple instance generation, and inheritance. Although both classes and modules are namespaces, you should be able to tell by now that they are very different things."
      • Modules
        • "Implement data/logic packages"
        • "Are created with Python files or other-language extensions"
        • "Are used by being imported"
        • "Form the top-level in Python program structure"
      • Classes
        • "Implement new full-featured objects"
        • "Are created with class statements"
        • "Are used by being called"
        • "Always live within a module"

Object management

"All objects in Python are said to be `first class.' This means that all objects that can be named by an identifier have equal status. It also means that all objects that can be named can be treated as data." \cite[Chapter 3, section on "First-Class Objects," pp. 37]{Beazley2009}.

  • Compared to other object-oriented programming languages, "Python's built-in types are organized into a relatively flat hierarchy" \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Abstract Base Classes," pp. 137]{Beazley2009}.

  • A metaclass is a special category/kind of object that creates and manages classes; a class definition in Python becomes a class object, which needs to be created and managed by the metaclass \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Metaclasses," pp. 138]{Beazley2009}.

    • The constructor of the metaclass uses the following information to create the corresponding class object \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Metaclasses," pp. 138]{Beazley2009}:
      • "name of the class"
      • "list of base classes"
      • a private dictionary containing the body of the class, as a series of statements
  • In the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm, an object (or an instance of a class) has a set of methods (member functions) and attributes (i.e., fields or data members) that enable manipulation (or control) of its behavior \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 169]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 181]{Hall2009b}.

    • Methods; also known as functions belonging to an object, or member functions. These capture the behavior of the objects.
    • Attributes; also known as fields, data members, or instance variables and static variables. These capture the data of the objects.
  • An object is an instance of a class; a class can have many instances of objects \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 147]{Hetland2005}.

    • A subclass can be defined by: defining more methods; overriding existing methods; and having more attributes \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 146]{Hetland2005}.
  • In Python, an object is a combination of the following \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 169]{Alchin2010}:

    • identity, which is its unique address in memory; it is constant in its lifetime; this can be determined by "the built-in id() function".
    • type, which is defined by its class and parent class (or supporting base classes); an object has a reference to the class that it is an instance of (or belongs to).
    • value(s) of its attributes, which distinguishes objects of a class from each other.
      • Use the method super() to access the overridden method in the parent class \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 170]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Inheritance," pp. 120]{Beazley2009}.
      • Use the __init__() method and the __new__() method to set up the default values \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 170]{Alchin2010}.
  • Guidelines about using mixins:

    • The use of super() may not allow us to control the mixin's class and base class \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 171]{Alchin2010}; resolve this problem using the method __new__(), so that a new dictionary can be created for each encountered class.
    • Note that if a dictionary is created within a cachedproperty() function, each property would have its own private namespace; this results in memory leaks \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 176]{Alchin2010}.
  • Python has automatic garbage collection \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 176]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 103]{Hetland2005} \cite[Chapter 3, section on "Reference Counting and Garbage Collection," pp. 34-35]{Beazley2009} \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}.

    • Effective garbage collection depends on \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 176]{Alchin2010}:
      • ability to reliably identify/recognize an object as garbage that will cause memory leaks in the Python application
      • ability to remove garbage from (main) memory
    • Techniques for garbage collection \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 177]{Alchin2010}:
      • Reference counting \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}
        • The method __del__() is automatically called when the reference count for an object reaches zero \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}.
        • Note that for classes that redefine the method __del__(), the "Python's cyclic garbage collector" cannot automatically call the method __del__(); do not perform dynamic memory management manually \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}.
      • Cyclical references, which is inefficient but leads to more consistent and reliable outcomes \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 178-179]{Alchin2010}
      • Weak references \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 180-181]{Alchin2010}
  • The pickle module in The Python Standard Library \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b} enables data stored in Python objects to be exported to external software as strings \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 182]{Alchin2010}.

    • Its "pickling" process serializes a Python object structure by converting a Python object hierarchy into a byte stream \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b}.
    • "Unpickling" is the inverse operation of "pickling"; it de-serializes a Python object structure by converting a byte stream into a Python object hierarchy \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b}.
    • Picking is also known as serialization, marshalling, or flattening \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b}.
    • The functions for performing pickling are dump() and dumps() \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 182]{Alchin2010}, and the functions for unpickling are load() and loads() \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 183]{Alchin2010}.
  • Objects can be copied using a shallow copy or deep copy method \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 186-189]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 3, section on "References and Copies," pp. 36]{Beazley2009}.

    • Perform shallow copying with copy() to get a shallow copy of an object; the copy object has the same data values (of the same type), but with a new identity, and modifying the copy object would not modify the original object \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 187]{Alchin2010}.
    • One-level deep copying, which is considered shallow copying, only provides a copy of the references, and does not copy the objects \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 188]{Alchin2010}; "a namespace is a mapping from names to objects" \cite{Brandl2017,Brandl2017a}
  • To make a deep copy, use the deepcopy() method to copy the structure and objects referenced by the original object; modification of the deep copy does not affect the original copy, and vice versa \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 188]{Alchin2010}.

Pages in \cite{Hetland2005} that deal with importing Python classes and modules:

  • Modules and The Standard Library, pp. 203--254 (Chapter 10)
  • Summaries: pp. 547--570 (Appendices A-B)
  • Online resources: pp. 571--573 (Appendix C)

Data Types

Immutable data types are \cite{Sturtz2020}:

Dictionary keys have to be (hashable) data types \cite{Sturtz2020}, such as the following:

  • tuples
  • integers
  • floats
  • strings
  • boolean
  • frozensets

From \cite{PythonSoftwareFoundationcontributors2020}:

  • "An object is hashable if it has a hash value which never changes during its lifetime (it needs a __hash__() method), and can be compared to other objects (it needs an __eq__() method)."

Since the following are not hashable, they cannot be used as dictionary keys \cite{Sturtz2020}.

  • lists
  • dictionaries
  • sets

Use the functions id() and type() to determine the "ID" and type of a data type or object \cite{Sengupta2018}.

Python Functions

Notes on Python functions:

  • For functions that have no return statement, they return the None object \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Parameter Passing and Return Values," pp. 96]{Beazley2009}.
    • By default, Python functions return None \cite[Chapter 1, pp. 15]{Alchin2010}.
  • Return multiple values from a function by placing them in a tuple, which is returned to the function caller \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Parameter Passing and Return Values," pp. 96]{Beazley2009}.
    • \cite{saffsd2017}, \cite{Agrawal20XY}, and \cite{Lathkar2018} show other methods of returning multiple values; the methods are listed as follows.
      • As a named tuple
        • Or, tuples \cite{MantidContributors20XY}.
        • \cite{LaRooy2013} indicates that returned variables without surrounding round brackets are returned as a tuple, rather than multiple separate variables; the individual elements of the tuple can be accessed separately.
      • As a dictionary
      • As a list
      • As an object, using the instantiation of a Python class.
    • We can also use a generator to return multiple values \cite{rlms2014}.
    • As of September 2017, 2018, I cannot create a function with optional input parameters.
      • I can assign variables to default values.
      • However, I cannot assign optional variables to default values before assigning values to optional variables.
    • To return a variable number of values, try using a list, dictionary, or object,
  • No Python function is given special privileges over other Python functions \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 53]{Alchin2010}.
  • Python functions encapsulate code into individual units, which facilitates code reuse \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 53]{Alchin2010}.
  • Python treats functions as full-fledged objects, so that they can be \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 53]{Alchin2010}:
    • stored and transferred via data structures
    • "wrapped [around by] other functions"
    • "replaced by new implementations"
  • "Input data are arguments, output data are returned." \cite[Appendix B, \SB.3.2, pp. 708]{Langtangen2009}.
  • Arguments of a Python function:
    • positional arguments (or order-based arguments) \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 53]{Alchin2010} are grouped in an immutable tuple \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 56]{Alchin2010}.
    • Keyword arguments are specified by parameter-value assignments during keyword argument function calls/invocations \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 94]{Beazley2009}.
    • keyword arguments \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 53]{Alchin2010} are placed in a mutable dictionary \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 56]{Alchin2010}.
    • It is recommended that arguments of a given Python function have default values \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 53]{Alchin2010}.
      • In the signature of a function, the first parameter defined with a default value and subsequent parameters are considered optional \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 93]{Beazley2009}.
      • Each optional parameter requires an assignment to a default value \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 93]{Beazley2009}.
      • Note that (as aforementioned) "argument validation assigns default values to optional arguments" \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 66-67]{Alchin2010}.
    • Keyword arguments are explicitly specified during function calls, and are favored over positional arguments that are implictly specified during function calls \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 54]{Alchin2010}.
      • Keyword arguments also Pythonic in terms of coding style \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 56]{Alchin2010}.
    • When a function call has positional arguments and keyword arguments in its function signature, the positional arguments have to be placed in front of keyword arguments \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 94]{Beazley2009}.
    • No argument in a function call/signature can appear multiple times \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 94]{Beazley2009}.
    • Develop code that supports overriding via flexibility \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 54]{Alchin2010}.
    • Python functions can have variable arity \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 94]{Beazley2009}, which is indicated by prefixing the name of the last parameter in the function signature with an asterisk
      • E.g., def function_name(param1, param2, *param-last).
      • The term *param-last in the above example is a tuple representing the set of variable/remaining arguments \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 94]{Beazley2009}.
    • Prefix the name of the last parameter in the function signature with two consecutive asterisks to place additional/extra keyword arguments in a dictionary, which is passed to the function so that the function can "accept a large number of potentially open-ended configuration options that would be too unwieldy to list as parameters" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 95]{Beazley2009}.
      • E.g., def function_name(param1, param2, **param-last).
      • To use variable-length argument lists with additional/extra keyword arguments, place the **param-last term, which represents additional/extra keyword arguments, at the end of the function signature \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 95]{Beazley2009}.
      • The **param-last term can be passed to another function as **param-last, since it is placed in a dictionary \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 95]{Beazley2009}.
      • **kwargs is an example of using an arbitrary number of keyword arguments \cite[\S4.7.3 'Arbitrary Argument Lists' and \S4.7.4 'Unpacking Argument Lists']{Brandl2017a}.
      • When calling a multi-value returning function, I can assign "_" to an unwanted return value (or "_BLAH, _BLAH_BLAH, _BLAH_BLAH_BLAH" to unwanted return values.
      • I can use a parameterized method/function call to determine the number of values that I should return; an input parameter/argument is used as a switch to determine the number of return values, and I should call the method/function with this "extra" input argument.
      • \cite[Section on "Functional Programming Modules," and subsection on "functools - Higher-order functions and operations on callable objects"]{DrakeJr2016b} show how to use functools.partial(func, *args, **keywords) to obtain variable output values; this enables multiple output values to be returned.
    • Use the terms *param-last and **param-last to write wrappers and proxies for other functions, so that these wrappers/proxies can pass these terms to those other functions \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions," pp. 95]{Beazley2009}.
    • Types of arguments listed in order of precedence/priority \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 56-59]{Alchin2010}:
      • required arguments (ensures/guarantees that required positional arguments are processed before optional arguments are processed)
      • optional arguments (ensures/guarantees that optional arguments are processed before variable arguments)
      • variable positional arguments (ensures/guarantees that variable positional arguments are processed before variable keyword arguments); all the variable positional arguments of a function have to be group into one set; multiple sets of variable positional arguments have to be group into one set
      • variable keyword arguments; all the variable keyword arguments of a function have to be group into one set; multiple sets of variable keyword arguments have to be group into one set
    • "Preloading arguments" (or"Partial application of a function") occurs when it "preload[s] some of the arguments in advance", so that fewer arguments have to be assigned values later \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 60]{Alchin2010}.
    • Currying in functional programming is subtly different from preloading arguments \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 60]{Alchin2010};
      • A pure curried function shall be called repeatedly till all the arguments are assigned values -- the number of unassigned arguments is reduced as the pure curried function is iteratively called till all arguments are assigned values, before the most recently returned/created function (for which all of its arguments are assigned) is executed;
      • Partial application will return a function that can be subsequently executed, regardless of whether it has any unassigned arguments -- note that executing a function with unassigned arguments will result in raising a TypeError.
  • Functions can modify input objects passed to them, and this can result in side effects; hence, parameter passing cannot be classified into "pass-by-value" nor "pass-by-reference" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Parameter Passing and Return Values," pp. 95]{Beazley2009}.
  • For functions that can result in side effects, use locks to protect input objects passed to these functions, so that parallel and concurrent programs can function correctly \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Parameter Passing and Return Values," pp. 95-96]{Beazley2009}.
  • "Python supports nested function definitions" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Scoping Rules," pp. 97]{Beazley2009}.
  • Types of Python functions \cite[Chapter 3]{Alchin2010}:
    • decorators
    • function annotations \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 78]{Alchin2010}.
      • Attach an expression to each input argument and the return value.
    • generators
      • A generator has the "flexibility of a function and the performance of an iterator"; it uses the yield statement to enable a value to be read externally, and it is analogous to the return statement \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 94]{Alchin2010}.
      • See Miscellaneous.
    • lambdas
      • Has a return value in the body of a lambda, and omits any explicit return statement; only allows a single expression \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 97]{Alchin2010}.
    • introspection
      • Any access/examination of information at run-time, such as \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 97]{Alchin2010}:
        • object attributes
        • module contents
        • documentation
        • generated bytecode
  • A decorator is a technique for obtaining a (new) function from passing a function (function to be decorated) into another function (decorator) \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 61,68]{Alchin2010};
    • It is used to support preloading arguments (or partial application of a function) \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 61]{Alchin2010};
    • Use a decorator to execute boilerplate code in a set of input functions before/after the execution of the returned function \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 68]{Alchin2010}.
    • Use decorators to avoid boilerplate code and simplify the functions \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 77]{Alchin2010}.
    • Applications of decorators \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 67-68]{Alchin2010}:
      • access control
      • cleanup of temporary objects
      • error handling
      • caching
      • logging
    • A closure is a function, which is defined in another function, and can be passed to another function as an object \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 69]{Alchin2010}.
      • It can involve \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 69]{Alchin2010}:
        • lexical scope
        • free variables
        • upvalues
        • variable extent
      • A function A passed into another function B cannot be the closure of function B, since A is not defined in B \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 70]{Alchin2010}.
    • A wrapper is a function contained within another function and additional behavior executed before or/and after the execution of the wrapped function \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 71]{Alchin2010}.
      • To call the wrapper "as if it [was] the original function," pass variable positional arguments and keyword arguments together (for "maximum flexibility") internally into the original function \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 71]{Alchin2010}.
      • Execute the wrapper within a try-except block to catch any raised error; if an error is raised, implicitly return None; a value (or None) is returned to the original function \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 71]{Alchin2010}.
      • Information lost by the wrapped function can be obtained by the wrap decorator in the functools module; here, a decorator is used inside another decorator to avoid code duplication \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 71]{Alchin2010}.
    • A decorator with arguments is implemented by the "original" function having extra arguments that are passed to the wrapper, which returns the decorator \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 72]{Alchin2010}.
    • Beware of side effects of decorators \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 75]{Alchin2010}.
    • A decorator enables memoization by storing the result of a function; this is carried out by the argument list as a key to automatically cache the result \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 75]{Alchin2010}.
    • Factoring out the boilerplate code \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 86]{Alchin2010}:
      • An annotation determines "if [a] value is appropriate, and raises an exception" for inappropriate values.
      • Use a decorator to factor out the boilerplate code as a new function, connect it to the rest of the code, and process the annotation for each value \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 86]{Alchin2010}.
    • A decorator can make use of annotation for type coercion \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 88]{Alchin2010}.
      • Either require an argument to accept values of a specific type, or coerce an input value to the required type \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 88]{Alchin2010}.
      • The robustness principle allows input arguments to accept values of a small range of types, which can be converted to the required types prior to further processing; hence, the type of the return value would always be consistent with the type expected by external code, so that postconditions would be satisfied.
    • Provide an annotation directly to the code that needs it, and/or use a decorator with input argument to annotate the code \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 90]{Alchin2010}.
    • Stacking multiple decorators "together on a function" provides "a built-in way to manage each corresponding framework"; each decorator has a corresponding framework \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 90]{Alchin2010}.
  • A flexible function can be customized into a simpler and less flexible function so that its reduced flexibility can be handled by existing API/libraries \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 61]{Alchin2010}.
  • The transparency of Python allows different aspects of Python objects, including functions, to be examined/inspected at run-time \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 61]{Alchin2010};
    • the inspect module from The Python Standard Library has introspection features that enable the examination/inspection of function arguments
      -- "a named tuple of information about [a] function's arguments" is returned from processing the input function \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 61]{Alchin2010};
    • argument values of a function's arguments can be identified and be used to generate argument lists \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 62]{Alchin2010}.
    • call a function with another function, a tuple of its positional arguments, and a dictionary keyword arguments \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 62]{Alchin2010}.
    • exploit the transparency of Python while refactoring functions to make the functions more concise \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 62]{Alchin2010}.
    • perform argument validation to reduce the risk of raising errors due to unassigned arguments by checking if arguments are assigned values and if all arguments are known (i.e., "Are there any unknown arguments?") \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 66]{Alchin2010}.
    • argument validation assigns default values to optional arguments, and returns a dictionary of required arguments (such that each unassigned argument has a message indicating that it needs to be assigned a value or that it is an unknown argument) \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 66-67]{Alchin2010}.
  • Aspects of a function that is code invariant \cite[Chapter 3, pp. 78]{Alchin2010}:
    • name of function
    • set of input arguments
    • optional docstring
  • From Python 2.2 onwards, scopes in Python programs can be nested \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 128]{Hetland2005}.
    • That is, we can nest a function definition within another function definition.
    • Alternatively, a function can be embedded within another function.
    • When the outer function gets called, the inner function is redefined, and the outer function "returns the inner function" by returning the return value of the inner function.
    • The outer local scope (i.e., local scope of the outer function) is accessible within the inner function (i.e., local scope of the inner function).
    • That is, the following are equivalent:
      • outer_function(param_1)(param_2)
      • The following pair of statements:
        • temp_function = outer_function(param_1)
        • temp_function(param_2)
  • Python supports "functional programming" via the following functions \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 133]{Hetland2005}:
    • map \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 133-134]{Hetland2005}:
      • Maps a sequence to another sequence of equivalent length, via the application of a function to each element in the input sequence.
      • E.g., map([lambda expression], input_sequence ).
      • E.g., map([a function that accepts a sequence as its input parameter], input_sequence ).
    • filter \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 133-135]{Hetland2005}:
      • The filter function returns a subset of the input sequence by applying a function, which has a boolean return value, on each element in the input sequence.
      • The input parameters for the filter function are: an explicitly specified input function for the input sequence, and an input sequence; note that the explicitly specified input function would be applied to each element in the input sequence, and must return a boolean value.
      • E.g., map( [lambda expression], input_sequence ).
      • E.g., map( [input function], input_sequence ).
    • reduce \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 135-137]{Hetland2005}:
      • The reduce function performs an explicitly specified input function with the first two elements in the input sequence, and the outcome and the next available element, till the input sequence has been processed/enumerated \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 135]{Hetland2005}.
      • E.g., reduce( [lambda expression], input_sequence ).
      • E.g., reduce( [an input function], input_sequence ).
      • A for loop can implement any reduce function \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 135-137]{Hetland2005}.
      • Using a for loop instead of the reduce function can improve the comprehensibility of the source code.
    • apply \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 137]{Hetland2005}:
      • The apply function calls the explicitly specified input function, which is provided as an input argument.
      • E.g., apply( [input function] ).
      • E.g., apply( [input function], [tuple of positional arguments] ).
      • E.g., apply( [input function], [dictionary of keyword arguments] ).
      • E.g., [input function](*[dictionary of keyword arguments]).
      • E.g., [input function](*[tuple of positional arguments]).
      • Note that *[dictionary of keyword arguments] unpacks the dictionary of keyword ararguments.
      • Note that *[tuple of positional arguments] unpacks the tuple of positional ararguments.
    • lambda expressions \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 134]{Hetland2005}:
      • small, unnamed functions that contains an expression, which value is returned.
      • Note that the term lambda is a reserved word (or keyword) in Python.
      • lambda [parameters, delimited by a comma] : [an expression]
      • Also, note that full-fledged functions with names facilitate self-documention; lambda expressions can make the code difficult to read and understand.
      • Use lambda statements to define anonymous functions \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 112]{Beazley2009};
        • Syntax: lambda args : expression \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 112]{Beazley2009}:
          • "args is a comma-separated list of arguments"
          • expression is a valid combination of arguments in args; i.e. a valid expression of arguments in args; expression cannot include multiple statements, or statements that are not expressions; "lambda expressions follow the same scoping rules as functions"
      • Use lambda statements to "specify short callback functions" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 112]{Beazley2009}
    • Note on map, filter, and list comprehension \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 134-135]{Hetland2005}:
      • A list comprehension can implement any filter or map \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 135]{Hetland2005}.
      • Using list comprehensions, instead of maps or filters, can improve the comprehensibility of the source code \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 135]{Hetland2005}.
      • Note that using maps or filters, instead of list comprehensions, would result in faster execution (i.e., better performance) \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 135]{Hetland2005}.

A coroutine is a function "that processes a sequence of inputs," rather than a set of input arguments (like normal functions) \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Generators," pp. 20]{Beazley2009} \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Coroutines and yield Expressions," pp. 104]{Beazley2009}.

  • Make an initial call of the next() function, "so that the coroutine executes statements leading to the first yield expression" (or executes statements prior to the first yield expression) \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Coroutines and yield Expressions," pp. 104]{Beazley2009}.
    • To avoid errors attributed to missing this initial next() function call, wrap the coroutine with a decorator \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Coroutines and yield Expressions," pp. 104]{Beazley2009}.
  • To operate on the next (set of) input in the sequence, it uses the yield statement \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Coroutines," pp. 20]{Beazley2009}.
  • To send the next (set of) input in the sequence for processing by the coroutine, it uses the send function \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Coroutines," pp. 20]{Beazley2009}.
  • The yield statement would suspend execution of the coroutine \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Coroutines," pp. 20]{Beazley2009}.
  • Processing of the next (set of) input in the sequence ends when the coroutine returns or the close() function is called \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Coroutines," pp. 20]{Beazley2009} \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Coroutines and yield Expressions," pp. 105]{Beazley2009}.
  • Coroutines facilitate the modeling of producer-consumer problems, where the coroutine(s) model(s) data consumption/processing and the generators model(s) data generation/production \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Coroutines," pp. 20-21]{Beazley2009}.
  • An exceptions can be thrown inside a coroutine; however, throw() shall not be used to asynchronously control a coroutine \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Coroutines and yield Expressions," pp. 105]{Beazley2009}.
  • For a yield function with supplied values, it allows a coroutine to receive and produce/return values \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Coroutines and yield Expressions," pp. 105]{Beazley2009}.

Use generators and coroutines together in the following applications, where there is a frequent reception and production of values in sequences \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Using Generators and Coroutines," pp. 106]{Beazley2009}:

  • computer systems, including file systems
  • computer networking
  • distributed computing, which involves message queues and message passing for communication \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Using Generators and Coroutines," pp. 108]{Beazley2009}:
  • dataflow processing \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Using Generators and Coroutines," pp. 107]{Beazley2009}:
    • Organize programs "like inverted pipelines"
    • "Send values into a collection of linked coroutines"
  • concurrent computing \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Using Generators and Coroutines," pp. 108]{Beazley2009}:

Advantages of using generators and coroutines together are:

  • memory efficiency \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Using Generators and Coroutines," pp. 107]{Beazley2009}:
    • No usage of temporary lists or large data structures.

Notes about using recursive functions to carry out recursion:

  • The (current) maximum recursion depth is indicated by sys.getrecursionlimit(), which can be modified with sys.setrecursionlimit() \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Recursion," pp. 112]{Beazley2009}.
    • Setting the maximum recursion depth beyond "stack size limits enforced by the host operating system" has no effect.
  • "When the maximum recursion depth is exceeded, a RuntimeError exception is raised" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Recursion," pp. 112]{Beazley2009}.
  • Unlike some (other) functional programming languages, "Python does not [carry out] tail-recursion optimization" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Recursion," pp. 112]{Beazley2009}.
  • Avoid using recursion with:
    • decorators \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions as Objects and Closures," pp. 101]{Beazley2009} \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Recursion," pp. 113]{Beazley2009}
      • Avoid using recursion when decorators are used for system management, such as synchronization or locking \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Recursion," pp. 113]{Beazley2009}.
    • generator, or generator functions \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Recursion," pp. 112]{Beazley2009}.
    • coroutines \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Recursion," pp. 112]{Beazley2009}.

Functional Programming with Python

Functional programming features of Python include \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 93]{Beazley2009}:

  • scoping rules
    • When mutable variables are avoided, or forbidden, scoping rules enable developers to differentiate between global and local variables.
    • Use the global statement (e.g., global [variable-name]) to allow local modifications of the global variable [variable-name] \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Scoping Rules," pp. 96]{Beazley2009}.
    • We can use global statement anywhere in a function body, and repeatedly use such statements \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Scoping Rules," pp. 96-97]{Beazley2009}.
    • Declare variables to be nonlocal to use values of local variables defined in an outer function \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Scoping Rules," pp. 97]{Beazley2009}; for functions nested more than two levels deep, such as nested functions embedded in nested functions, be careful of trying to access/modify local variables defined in the outermost function. nonlocal declarations use dynamic scoping (or dynamic scope), and "don't bind name[s] to local variables defined inside arbitrary functions further down on the current call-stack" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Scoping Rules," pp. 97]{Beazley2009}.
  • closures
    • Since "functions are first-class objects in Python," the following (operations) are permissible \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions as Objects and Closures," pp. 98]{Beazley2009}:
      • pass a function as an argument to another function
      • place a function in a data structure
      • return "a function (as a result)"
    • To bind free variables (as bound variables), the function is treated as data that includes information of the surrounding environment of the function definition; this data is used to bind the free variables.
      \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions as Objects and Closures," pp. 98]{Beazley2009}
    • \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions as Objects and Closures," pp. 99]{Beazley2009} mentions "lazy or delayed evaluation" \cite{WikipediaContributors2018c}.
    • A closure is a object resulting from packaging the code block associated with a function and its execution environment \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions as Objects and Closures," pp. 99]{Beazley2009}.
    • To exploit lazy evaluation, use closures and nested functions \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions as Objects and Closures," pp. 99]{Beazley2009}.
    • Use a closure to preserve the state across a series of function calls faster than code that do likewise with customized objects \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Functions as Objects and Closures," pp. 100]{Beazley2009}.
  • decorators
    • A decorator is a function that wraps another function (i.e., inner function) or class, so that the behavior of the wrapped function/class object is modified/improved \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Decorators," pp. 101]{Beazley2009}.
    • Denote a decrorator by prefixing the symbol "@" to a token \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Decorators," pp. 101]{Beazley2009}.
    • We can apply multiple decorators to a function/class definition, each of which is provided on a single line; these decorators must be listed just before the definition of functions or classes \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Decorators," pp. 101]{Beazley2009}.
    • A decorator for a class shall return a class object, instead of another type of object \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Decorators," pp. 102]{Beazley2009}.
    • There may be unexpected/strange interactions between decorators and aspects of functions, such as \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Decorators," pp. 102]{Beazley2009}:
      • recursion
      • documentation strings \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Decorators," pp. 102]{Beazley2009} \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Documentation Strings," pp. 113]{Beazley2009}:
        • (Re)write decorators to enable propagation of the function name and documentation string \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Documentation Strings," pp. 114]{Beazley2009}
        • Use the decorator (function) wraps([function-name]) in the functools module to automatically copy the documentation string \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Documentation Strings," pp. 114]{Beazley2009}
      • function attributes
        • A dictionary stores the (arbitrary) attributes of a function \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Function Attributes," pp. 114]{Beazley2009}.
        • The dictionary is available as the __dict__ attribute of the function \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Function Attributes," pp. 114]{Beazley2009}.
        • These function attributes provide "parser generators and application frameworks" "additional information to function objects" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Function Attributes," pp. 114]{Beazley2009}
        • Use the decorator (function) wraps([function-name]) in the functools module to automatically copy these function attributes \cite[Chapter 6, sections on "Documentation Strings" and "Function Attributes," pp. 114]{Beazley2009}
  • generators
  • coroutines

Operations in declarative programming tend to include operations such as \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 110]{Beazley2009}:

  • list comprehensions
  • generator expressions

Miscellaneous notes on declarative programming:

  • The origin of [the features list comprehensions and generator expressions] is loosely derived from ideas in mathematical set theory \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 110]{Beazley2009}.
  • Organize programs as a series of operations performed on all of the data concurrently, as opposed to procedural programs that iterate over data \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 110]{Beazley2009}.
    • \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 110-111]{Beazley2009} has a good example about performing data processing on text file.

Use lambda statements to define anonymous functions \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 112]{Beazley2009}; see Python Functions.

Python-based Software Development

Try to use a Pythonic approach to software development. This can facilitate the design and implementation of software (architectures) that can be refactored easily \cite[Chapter 1]{Alchin2010}.

Use a list comprehension to perform a conditional operation iteratively on a collection of elements \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 35]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 6, section on "List Comprehensions," pp. 108]{Beazley2009}.

  • A list comprehension can also perform an (unconditional) operation on a collection of elements \cite[Chapter 6, section on "List Comprehensions," pp. 109]{Beazley2009}.
  • When using tuples with list comprehensions, ensure that parentheses (or round brackets) are used to represent those tuples \cite[Chapter 6, section on "List Comprehensions," pp. 109]{Beazley2009}.
  • Use square brackets for list comprehensions \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generator Expressions," pp. 109]{Beazley2009}.
  • Create a list with the resulting data; or create a list with the resultant sequence of data \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generator Expressions," pp. 110]{Beazley2009}.
  • Examples of Python list comprehension \cite{ParewaLabsStaff20XYa}, with comparisons to:
  • Generic form:
    • "[expression for item in list]" \cite{ParewaLabsStaff20XYa}
    • "[expression for item in list Optional_Conditional_Statement]" \cite{ParewaLabsStaff20XYa}
      • The "Optional_Conditional_Statement" optional conditional statement can include:
        • an "if" statement \cite{PythonForBeginnersContributors2020}
        • a nested "if" statement
        • an "if-else" statement
  • Suggestions:
    • "List comprehension is an elegant way to define and create lists based on existing lists" \cite{ParewaLabsStaff20XYa}.
    • "List comprehension is generally more compact and faster than normal functions and loops for creating list" \cite{ParewaLabsStaff20XYa}.
    • "avoid writing very long list comprehensions in one line to ensure that code is user-friendly" \cite{ParewaLabsStaff20XYa}.
    • "every list comprehension can be rewritten in for loop, but every for loop can’t be rewritten in the form of list comprehension" \cite{ParewaLabsStaff20XYa}.

Similarly, a generator expression implicitly creates an iterable object to iterate over a list/collection of elements and perform an operation on each enumerated item/element \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 35-37]{Alchin2010};

  • A generator expression needs to be surrounded by parentheses, which can belong to a function (or an operation) performed on the collection of objects \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 35-37]{Alchin2010}.
  • It behaves like a list comprehension, but "iteratively produces the result" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generator Expressions," pp. 109]{Beazley2009}.
  • Use parentheses for generator expressions \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generator Expressions," pp. 109]{Beazley2009}.
  • It creates a generator object to iteratively prodice values on demand, so that it does not have to create a list or immediately evaluate the expression inside the parentheses \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generator Expressions," pp. 110]{Beazley2009}.
    • This can yield better performance and memory usage than list comprehension \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generator Expressions," pp. 110]{Beazley2009}.
    • Use generator expressions for efficient file processing \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generator Expressions," pp. 110]{Beazley2009}.
    • Does not create a sequence-like object that can be indexed or operated like a list; "however, a generator expression can be converted into a list using the built-in list() function" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generator Expressions," pp. 110]{Beazley2009}.

Likewise, a set comprehension performs the built-in set() function on a collection of unsorted elements \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 37]{Alchin2010}.

Comparably, a dictionary comprehension is an unordered linear ("1-D") collection of (key,value) pairs, such that each pair is donoted by key: value \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 37-38]{Alchin2010}.

Compare this to ordered dictionaries \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 38]{Alchin2010}.

  • Try to follow the Don't Repeat Yourself principle during software development \cite[Chapter 4, pp. 120]{Alchin2010}.

  • \cite[Appendices A and B]{Langtangen2006}.

  • \cite[Appendices A and B]{Langtangen2009}.

  • \cite[Chapter 21]{Lutz2011}.

    • No information on object-oriented programming.
  • \cite[Chapter 15]{Lutz2013}.

  • \cite{Younker2008}.

    • No information on object-oriented programming.

Pythonic Coding Style

\cite{vanRossum2013} describes Pythonic software development, including how to program in a Pythonic coding style. Note that the term "coding style" can be used interchangeably with "coding scheme", "coding standard", "coding style guide", and "programming style".

Resources for adopting a Pythonic approach to software development:

  • \cite[Appendix B, \SB.3.2, pp. 706--710]{Langtangen2009}
  • \cite[Chapter 41]{Lutz2013}
    • The core values/ideals of the Pythonic approach to software development are \cite[Chapter 41, section on "The Python Paradox," pp. 1409]{Lutz2013}:
      • explicitness
      • simplicity
      • lack of redundancy
    • Helpful concepts to acquire as part of my "required knowledge base" \cite[Chapter 41, subsection on "On `Optional' Language Features," pp. 1409]{Lutz2013}:
      • generators
      • decorators
      • slots
      • properties
      • descriptors
      • metaclasses
      • context managers
      • closures
      • super
      • namespace packages
      • Unicode
      • function annotations
      • relative imports
      • keyword-only arguments
      • class methods
      • static methods
      • (applications of) comprehensions
      • (applications of) operator overloading
    • "A sampling of redundancy (in functionality and toolbox size) and feature explosion in Python" \cite[Chapter 41, subsection on "Against Disquieting Improvements," pp. 1411, Table 41-1]{Lutz2013}.
    • There exists trade-offs between complexity and power \cite[Chapter 41, subsection on "Complexity Versus Power," pp. 1412]{Lutz2013}, and between simplicity and elitism \cite[Chapter 41, subsection on "Simplicity Versus Elitism," pp. 1412-1413]{Lutz2013}.

Table about Python's redundant features and feature explosion \cite[Chapter 41, subsection on "Against Disquieting Improvements," pp. 1411, Table 41-1]{Lutz2013}

Category Specifics
3 major paradigms Procedural, functional, object-oriented
2 incompatible lines 2.X and 3.X, with new-style classes in both
3 string formatting tools % expression, str.format, string.Template
4 attribute accessor tools __getattr__, __getattribute__, properties, descriptors
2 finalization statements try/finally, with
4 varieties of comprehension List, generator, set, dictionary
3 class augmentation tools Function calls, decorators, metaclasses
4 kinds of methods Instance, static, class, metaclass
2 attribute storage systems Dictionaries, slots
4 flavors of imports Module, package, package relative, namespace package
2 superclass dispatch protocols Direct calls, super + MRO
5 assignment statement forms Basic, multiname, augmented, sequence, starred
2 types of functions Normal, generator
5 function argument forms Basic, name=value, *pargs, **kargs, keyword-only
2 class behavior sources Superclasses, metaclasses
4 state retention options Classes, closures, function attributes, mutables
2 class models Classic + new-style in 2.X, mandated new-style in 3.X
2 Unicode models Optional in 2.X, mandated in 3.X
2 PyDoc modes GUI client, required all-browser in recent 3.X
2 byte code storage schemes Original, __pycache__ only in recent 3.X

Note that \cite{Franca2014} mentions that modern C++1X, such as C++11, C++14, and C++17, is becoming more like Python; that is, modern C++1X has become Pythonic.

Python Documentation

Use documentation generators to produce documentation for the software (library) \cite{WikipediaContributors2018b}, from the comments in the code.

Use the __doc__ attribute of modules, classes, and functions to access docstrings \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 209]{Alchin2010}.

Place documentation strings, or docstrings, at the start of each function, class, and package \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Documentation Strings," pp. 113]{Beazley2009}.

Guidelines on what to include in docstrings \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 209]{Alchin2010}:

  • "Describe the function[/method]"
  • "Explain the arguments"
  • "Don't forget the return value"
  • "Include any expected exceptions" \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 210]{Alchin2010}

Endeavor to provide additional documentation for the following \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 210]{Alchin2010}:

  • Information about the installation, configuration, and execution of the software.
  • Tutorials on how to use the software.
  • "Reference documents"

\cite[Chapter 2, pp. 16]{Hall2009b} suggests the following Python docstring to provide built-in documentation for the Python software:

  • Usage: [E.g., How to execute/run this program?] \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 201]{Hall2009b}
  • Options: [E.g., Input options/flags that are supported by this program.]
  • Problem/Purpose: [E.g., What does the Python software do?]
  • Target Users: [E.g., People who want to perform data analytics or other operations on their BibTeX databases.]
  • Target Systems: [E.g., UNIX-like operating systems.] \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 201]{Hall2009b}
  • Interface: [E.g., Command-line.] \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 201]{Hall2009b}
  • Functional Requirements: \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 202]{Hall2009b}
    • [E.g., Input BibTeX file.]
    • [E.g., Perform data processing on the BibTeX file.]
    • [E.g., Perform statistical analysis, or data analytics operations, on the BibTeX file.]
    • [E.g., Validate the integrity of the BibTeX file.]
  • Maintainer(s): [E.g., Zhiyang Ong]
  • Expected Results: [E.g., Perform (specific) tasks to address the (specified) problem statement.]
  • Testing methods/modules: [E.g., List of methods and modules used to test software.] \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 202]{Hall2009b}
  • Test values: [E.g., Values used to test software.]
  • Limitations: [E.g., Limitations of the software.] \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 202]{Hall2009b}
  • __version__ = 0.1 \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 202]{Hall2009b}
  • _\status__ = "Prototype" \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 202]{Hall2009b}
  • __date__ = "March 19, 2018" \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 202]{Hall2009b}
  • _\maintainer__ = "Zhiyang Ong" \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 202]{Hall2009b}
  • _\credits__ = "Thanks to everyone."

Produce documentation using documentation generators, such as:

  • Javadoc
  • Doxygen
  • Sphinx \cite{WikipediaContributors2018b}
  • pydoc

The command help([Python module]) enables a user to read documentation about the [Python module] that is automatically produced by documentation generators, such as pydoc \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 248]{Hall2009b}. This documentation is extracted from the comments in the [Python module] \cite[Chapter 11, pp. 248]{Hall2009b}.

Input/Output Operations

\cite[Chapter 2, pp. 23]{Alchin2010} shows how to log errors that have been raised during input/output operations. They can be recorded/stored by the logging module from The Python Standard Library \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b}

Resources for passing command-line arguments

  • \cite[Chapter 8, \S8.1.1, pp. 319-322]{Langtangen2009}
  • Louie Dinh, "Command Line Parser", from Python Practice Projects, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, no date. Available from Python Practice Projects at:; February 7, 2020 was the last accessed date.

For file input/output objects/streams:

  • From \cite{Bader2018a}, "Working With File I/O in Python" blog post:
    • to open and close an input file object/stream.
      • Closing an output file object/stream ensures that pending or buffered data would be written the output file.
      • Releases resources allocated to the file objects/streams, allows resource management to be more efficient, and helps the computer programs or software to deal with space or memory constraints.

Modules in The Python Standard Library

The following modules in The Python Standard Library \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b} can be useful in developing Python software .

  • itertools Enables a set/chain of functions to be performed on each element in a collection \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 38]{Alchin2010}.
    • The zip() function enables multiple iterables to be combined together \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 38]{Alchin2010}; an iterable is a collection "object" that can generate an iterator to iterate over each element in the collection \cite[Chapter 5, pp. 155]{Alchin2010}.
  • \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 215-253]{Hetland2005}.
    • difflib module \cite[pp. 251]{Hetland2005}
      • Determine how similar two sequences are.
      • Choose the sequence from a list of sequences that is most similar to a given sequence.
    • csv module enables file read/write (or input/output) operations regarding tabular data stored in the comma-separated values (CSV) format \cite[pp. 251]{Hetland2005}.

Built-in Collections

From \cite[Chapter 2, pp. 39]{Alchin2010}

Software Testing, Verification, and Validation

Python software testing, verification, and validation concepts and methods:

  • Unit testing
    • \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 217]{Alchin2010}
    • \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 341]{Hetland2005}
    • \cite[Appendix B, \SB.4.6, pp. 726--728]{Langtangen2009}
    • \cite[Chapter 9]{Pilgrim2009}:
      • Potential/possible benefits of unit testing \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 132]{Pilgrim2009}
        • It encourages developers to detail software requirements via unit tests, and other aspects of their test suite for automated regression testing.
        • It encourages developers to write code that is tailored to the unit tests, and other aspects of their test suite for automated regression testing.
        • It can be used to ensure that software refactoring does not cause unit tests, and other aspects of their test suite for automated regression testing, to fail.
        • To validate the work of a developer by demonstarting that all the unit tests, and other aspects of their test suite for automated regression testing, pass.
        • For team-developed software projects, use the unit tests by each individual to check and validate that each software developer's contribution or modification to the code base does not cause existing unit tests to fail.
      • "Unit tests can give you the confidence to do large-scale refactoring" \cite[Chapter 10, section on "Refactoring,"pp. 166]{Pilgrim2009}.
      • "Comprehensive unit testing means never having to rely on a programmer who says, `Trust me.' " \cite[Chapter 10, section on "Handling Changing Requirements,"pp. 162]{Pilgrim2009}.
      • Use unit testing to reduce software maintenance cost and improve adaptability in software project management \cite[Chapter 10, section on "Refactoring,"pp. 166]{Pilgrim2009}.
  • Test-driven development \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 217]{Alchin2010} \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 341-342]{Hetland2005}
    • Test-driven development helps us achieve good/decent software test coverage \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 343]{Hetland2005}.
    • An outline of test-driven development is described in \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 344]{Hetland2005}.
  • Doctests
    • \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 218-221]{Alchin2010}
    • \cite[Chapter 1, pp. 5--6]{Pilgrim2009}
    • Facilitates validation of software documentation and supports unit testing \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 344]{Hetland2005}.
    • Use docstrings to document software requirements for each method, function, class, module, and package \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 344-345]{Hetland2005}.
    • The doctest.testmod( [module name] ) function checks if the docstrings in the [module name] module contain examples of using functions or methods in the module, and if these examples (for specific sets of inputs and outputs) can be replicated, reproduced, and repeated \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 345]{Hetland2005}.
    • \cite[Chapter 11, section on "Documentation Strings and the doctest Module," pp. 181-183]{Beazley2009}
  • unittest module \cite[Chapter 9, pp. 221-230]{Alchin2010}, which is "a generic testing framework" \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 344]{Hetland2005} (or test framework) \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 347]{Hetland2005}.
    • A test fixture are a pair of methods, startUp() and tearDown(), which are "executed before and after each test method" (or method in the test suite) "to provide common initialization and cleanup code for all the tests" \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 347]{Hetland2005}.
    • \cite[Chapter 11, section on "Unit Testing and the unittest Module," pp. 183-186]{Beazley2009}
      • Use methods from unittest.TestCase, where t is an instance of unittest.TestCase \cite[Chapter 11, section on "Unit Testing and the unittest Module," pp. 184-185]{Beazley2009}:
        • t.setUp()
        • t.tearDown()
        • t.assert_(expr [, msg])
        • t.assertEqual(x, y [,msg])
        • t.assertNotEqual(x, y [, msg])
        • t.assertAlmostEqual(x, y [, places [, msg]])
        • t.assertNotAlmostEqual(x, y, [, places [, msg]])
  • Use the Python debugger pdb to step through the code \cite[Chapter 11, section on "The Python Debugger and the pdb Module," pp. 186-190]{Beazley2009}.
  • automated regression testing \cite[Appendix B, \SB.4.1-B.4.4, pp. 711--724]{Langtangen2009}
    • It facilitates software development, and software maintenance (for fixing software bugs, refactoring, performance improvement, and to add features) \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 343]{Hetland2005}.
    • It enables software developers to find and fix software bugs earlier in the software development process, and avoid an unmanageable accumulation of such software bugs. \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 343]{Hetland2005}.
    • Software development is an organic process, which may involve making multiple changes to the software architecture, algorithms, and data structures \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 343]{Hetland2005}; automated regression testing can help us refactor our software to improve fault isolation by decoupling modules and decreasing inter-module dependencies (especially interdependencies) \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 343]{Hetland2005}; refactor the software to keep software changes/modifications localized, so that we do not have to extensively rewrite most of the software each time we make modifications to the software \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 343]{Hetland2005}.
    • A sufficiently decent software test coverage gives us confidence that when we make modifications to the software (e.g., bug fixing or software refactoring), we can quickly determine the impact of these modifications on other components of the software \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 343]{Hetland2005}.
    • Automated regression testing allows us to know which component(s) of our software is(/are) working /failing \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 343]{Hetland2005}.
  • Advice for software testing, verification, and validation:
    • Each build of the software (or commit pushed to a software repository) should satisfy all existing test cases \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 344]{Hetland2005}; bug fixes, software refactoring, and software maintenance should not result in the failure of test cases for unmodified components of the software.
  • To performing logging, choose a non-empty subset of the following:
    • trace/print statements, printed to standard output/error.
    • trace/print statements, output to a text file \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 385-386]{Hetland2005}:
      • Open and close file at the beginning and the end of the Python program.
      • Open and close file at the beginning and the end of each (set of) trace statement in the Python program.
    • trace/print statements, via the logging module \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 386]{Hetland2005} of The Python Standard Library \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b}.
      • Configure the logging module to customize the log entries/files \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 387]{Hetland2005}

Other types of software testing:

  • functional testing \cite[Chapter 10, section on "Refactoring,"pp. 166]{Pilgrim2009}
  • integration testing \cite[Chapter 10, section on "Refactoring,"pp. 166]{Pilgrim2009}
  • user acceptance testing \cite[Chapter 10, section on "Refactoring,"pp. 166]{Pilgrim2009}

Python software analysis and verification concepts and methods:

  • static (code) analysis \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 341, 349-352]{Hetland2005}:
    • PyChecker
    • PyLint
  • dynamic analysis
  • taint analysis
  • formal verification
  • memory debugging
  • software profiling \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 341, 349, 353-354]{Hetland2005}:
    • profile and cProfile \cite[Chapter 11, section on "Program Profiling," pp. 190-191]{Beazley2009}:
      • cProfile is faster than profile \cite[Chapter 11, section on "Program Profiling," pp. 190]{Beazley2009}
    • hotshot
    • timeit
  • software linting \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 349]{Hetland2005}

Software testing, verification, and validation should be performed with respect to satisfying the requirements and specifications of the software (i.e., software requirements specification) \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 342]{Hetland2005}.

Use executable-requirement specification \cite{Bailey2005} to reduce or augment non-executable requirements specification \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 342]{Hetland2005}.

Types/categories of requirements specification \cite[Chapter 16, pp. 342]{Hetland2005}:

  • functional requirements
  • non-functional requirements
    • client satisfaction

Resources for software testing, verification, and validation:

  • \cite[From Development Tools section, TestSoftware subsection, PythonTestingToolsTaxonomy subsubsection]{PythonWikiContributors2018}
  • Vijaykumar Shinde, "Top 6 BEST Python Testing Frameworks [Updated 2020 List]", SoftwareTestingHelp, Kharadi, Pune, Maharashtra, India, December 28, 2019. Available from SoftwareTestingHelp at:; February 7, 2020 was the last accessed date.
  • Anthony Shaw, "Getting Started With Testing in Python", from Real Python Tutorials, dbader software co, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 2018. Available from Real Python Tutorials at:; February 7, 2020 was the last accessed date.

Software Tuning and Performance Optimization

Use timing measurements to determine the time taken for each different parts of the program \cite[Chapter 11, subsection on "Making Timing Measurements," pp. 191]{Beazley2009}.

  • Resources on timng measurements:
    • \cite[Chapter 21]{Lutz2013}

Use memory measurements to determine the amount of memory usage (i.e., memory footprint) in my program \cite[Chapter 11, subsection on "Making Memory Measurements," pp. 192-193]{Beazley2009}

Suggestions on software/program tuning strategies and performance optimization:

  • \cite[Chapter 11, subsection on "Tuning Strategies," pp. 194-197]{Beazley2009}

Software Debugging

Use assert statements to check if invariants \cite{Lee2017a,Lee2015b,Lee2014a,Backhouse2011,Lee2011,Zeller2009,Baier2008,Tucker2007,Hailperin1999,Manna1992}, such as preconditions, assertions, and postconditions \cite{Pierce2017,Laplante2014,Dale2012,Kourie2012,Kundu2011,Zeller2009,Tucker2007,Baldwin2004,Huth2004,Monin2003,Hailperin1999}, are true \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566]{Hetland2005} \cite[Chapter 5, section on "Assertions and __debug__," pp. 91]{Beazley2009}.

The format for an assert statement is \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566]{Hetland2005}: assert [ boolean condition ], [Error message to notify user that the asssertion failed].

The __debug__ variable, which is set to True by default, allows Python developers in the to test their program in the debug mode \cite[Chapter 5, section on "Assertions and __debug__," pp. 91]{Beazley2009}.

Python programs can be executed in the non-debugging mode by specifying the -O option for the Python interpreter so that it would execute the Python program in optimized mode (and avoid executing code associated with if __debug__ statements); that is, use if __debug__ statements) for non-essential testing and validation of Python programs, so that the execution of (these) Python programs can be optimized to run faster without such checks \cite[Chapter 5, section on "Assertions and __debug__," pp. 91]{Beazley2009}.

\cite[Chapter 8, section on "Module Loading and Compilation," pp. 148]{Beazley2009} has more information about compiling modules with the -O option (removes assertions, line numbers, and other debugging information), and the -OO option (i.e., -O option with removal of docstrings).

Resources about software debugging:

  • Guidelines for software development and debugging \cite[Appendix F, \F.2.1, pp. 738-740]{Langtangen2012}

Industrial-Strength High-Performance Computing

To develop Python software for industrial-strength high-performance computing, use this method to improve its performance (i.e., execution time) \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 357]{Hetland2005} \cite[Chapter 5, \S5.1.1, pp. 190]{Langtangen2009} \cite[Appendix G, pp. 753]{Langtangen2012}:

  • Develop a modular prototype for the software only in Python.
    • "Encapsulate potential bottlenecks" \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 357-358, 370]{Hetland2005}.
  • Carry out performance profiling (as opposed to memory profiling) on the Python prototype, and determine its performance bottlenecks.
  • Implement components/modules of the Python prototype in a programming language with better run-time performance, such as C, C++, FORTRAN, or Java.
  • The result is a mixed-language software based on Python and at least one other software programming language, which should have a faster performance than the Python prototype; this is because the performance-critical components/modules are developed in programming languages with better run-time performance.
  • If the reimplemented performance-critical components/modules have a faster run-time performance than the initial Python-based, performance-critical components/modules, but the resultant, integrated, mixed-language software has a slower run-time performance, the integration of the mixed-language software is the cause for the performance degradation.
    • To resolve the problem, try another method for developing mixed-language software with Python components.

Developing Mixed-Language Software

Developing mixed-language software \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 357-358]{Hetland2005}:

  • Extension philosophy \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 370]{Hetland2005}:
  • Developing wrappers around existing legacy code to add Python extension library \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 358]{Hetland2005}:
    • Craft a custom wrapper
      • Develop C programs that uses the Python C API \cite{DrakeJr2018a} directly \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 365]{Hetland2005}.
    • Use an existing wrapper tool, such as:
      • SWIG
      • CPython, for C programs
        • I can use CPython in my C programs \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 360]{Hetland2005}.
      • Jython, for Java programs (can access modules and classes)
        • Use jythonc to compile my Python classes into Java classes, which can be merged with Java programs \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 359]{Hetland2005}.
        • I can use Jython in my Java programs \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 360]{Hetland2005}.
      • IronPython, for programs developed for the .Net platform (can access modules and classes)
        • I can use IronPython in my programs for the .Net platform \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 360]{Hetland2005}.
      • As aforementioned, CPython, Jython, and IronPython enable extending [C | Java | programming languages for the .Net platform] programs with Python code \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 360]{Hetland2005}.
      • To extend Python programs with CPython, Jython, or IronPython, adhere to the requirements of their API (i.e., API of CPython, Jython, or IronPython) when developing extensions in [C | Java | programming languages for the .Net platform] \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 360]{Hetland2005}.
  • Use Psyco as a "specialized just-in-time compiler for Python" to speed up run-time performance of the Python programs \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 360]{Hetland2005}.
  • Use Numba \cite{NumbaContributors2018} as a high-performance Python compiler. It is a NumPy-aware, LLVM-based dynamic compiler \cite{NumbaContributors2018a}.
  • Use Pyrex, which is a "dialect" of Python, to develop extensions for Python programs and to compile Pyrex programs \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361]{Hetland2005}.
  • Use Weave (from SciPy distributions) to integrate C/C++ code (as strings) into Python programs \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361]{Hetland2005}; this can speed up some mathematical computations \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361]{Hetland2005}.
  • Use NumPy with Weave (from SciPy distributions), or with Pyrex, to speed up computations with numeric arrays \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361]{Hetland2005}; avoid using lists and for-loops for computing with numeric arrays \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361]{Hetland2005}.
  • Use the ctypes library (need to be imported in the Python program) to "import preexisting (shared) C libraries" to execute a restricted subset of C code, without using wrappers or APIs \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361]{Hetland2005}.
  • Use the subprocess module in The Python Standard Library \cite{DrakeJr2016e,DrakeJr2016b} to enable Python programs to execute external programs (in C/C++/otherwise), and interact with their input/output (I/O) interface via the command-line arguments, and standard input, output, and error streams \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361]{Hetland2005}.
  • Use the modulator script from the Tools directory of my Python distribution "to generate boilerplate code needed for C extensions" \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361]{Hetland2005}.
  • Use Boost.Python \cite{Abrahams2015a}.
  • Use SIP \cite{RiverbankComputingLimitedStaff2016}.

SWIG (Simple Wrapper and Interface Generator) allows me to \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 361-362]{Hetland2005}:

  • extend programs in Python (and/or another programming/scripting language) with C/C++ extensions.
  • generate automatic wrappers for C/C++ extensions, so that they can be used (as "a shared library") with programs developed in other programming/scripting languages.
  • To generate the shared library \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 362]{Hetland2005}:
    • Develop a SWIG interface file for my C/C++ program/extension, which is similar to C/C++ header files.
      • The interface file enables customization of the SWIG wrapper by specifying what to export, and/or what not to export, to Python \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 363]{Hetland2005}.
      • By selecting of small subset of a C/C++ library to export to Python, we do not have to export the large C/C++ library.
    • Via the command-line interface, use SWIG (with the SWIG interface file as an input) to automatically generate the wrapper code for my C/C++ program/extension.
      • Use the "Man page" (from the UNIX/Linux "manual") to view the complete list of options for running SWIG \cite{Fulton2011} from the command-line interface \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 363-364]{Hetland2005}.
      • The wrapper code consist of a pair of files for each SWIG interface file; the C/C++ wrapper and its corresponding Python file \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 364]{Hetland2005}.
    • Compile the C/C++ program/extension with the automatically generated wrapper code to generate the shared library.
      • Details of compiling, linking, and using the SWIG-generated wrappers are found in \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 364]{Hetland2005}.
      • This requires access to the following header files that are found in the source code of my Python distribution (or location of my Python installation): pyconfig.h and Python.h \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 364]{Hetland2005}.
      • If I cannot find the location of my Python installation because I had used a package manager to install Python, install a separate package (i.e., python-dev) so that I can access the required header files and the Include subdirectory of $PYTHON_HOME \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 364]{Hetland2005}.
      • The resultant output file is a shared library with a .so extension, which can be added to my PYTHONPATH so that my Python code can access the C/C++ program/extension \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 365]{Hetland2005}.
  • \cite{Fulton2011}, which is the official source about SWIG, contains more information about SWIG.
  • To simplify the compilation steps during build automation (with a Makefile or otherwise), use Distutils \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 365]{Hetland2005}.

Suggested framework for developing C/C++ programs/extensions for mixed-language software \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 367-368]{Hetland2005}:

  • Include the Python.h header file first \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 367]{Hetland2005}
    • Include other standard header files later.
    • This enables some platforms to carry out redefinitions that would be used by other header files.
  • Define a static function that \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 367]{Hetland2005}:
    • Two parameters:
      • pointers "to an object of the PyObject type"
      • self object, which is a self-object (in bound methods), or NULL (otherwise -- for other methods).
      • args object, which is "a tuple of arguments" passed to the function \cite[Chapter 17, pp. 368]{Hetland2005}
    • Returns a pointer (or owned reference) "to an object of the PyObject type".

References for developing mixed-language software

  • \cite[Chapter 26, pp. 591-620]{Beazley2009}:
  • \cite[Chapters 5,9-10]{Langtangen2009}.
  • \cite[Appendix G]{Langtangen2012}

Packaging Python Programs

Use the Distutils toolkit to distribute Python packages \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 373]{Hetland2005}:

  • Develop Python-based install scripts for a Python package; the install script shall:
    • Build archive files for distribution
    • Use archive files for compiling and installing Python libraries.
  • Build (Microsoft) Windows installers for Python packages.
  • Build (Microsoft) Windows executable Python programs, using the py2exe extension to the Distutils toolkit \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 379-380]{Hetland2005}.
  • Build self-installing archives for my binaries

\cite{Ward2018a} \cite[Distributing Python Modules (Legacy version)]{DrakeJr2017c,DrakeJr2016d} shows how to write a setup script to install Python programs \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 373-374]{Hetland2005}:

  • Universal conventions for Distutils-based setup scripts \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 374]{Hetland2005}:

    • The setup script is named:
    • Run the install command \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 374]{Hetland2005}: ./ install
      • Automatically runs the build command: ./ build
    • The setup script adds my/our custom modules to PYTHONPATH.
    • Use the ext_modules argument in to provide a list of Python modules as a list of Extension instances \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 378]{Hetland2005}.
      • When used with SWIG for developing mixed-language software, add the SWIG interface (.i) files to the list of Extension instances \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 378-379]{Hetland2005}.
    • Use the --inplace option to compile/build the Python modules/extensions in the current directory \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 378]{Hetland2005}.
  • There are no universal conventions for:

    • uninstall \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 375]{Hetland2005}
  • Additional commands of interest:

    • sdist ("for `source distribution' "); to create an archive file for the installed Python program \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}; ./ sdist.
  • Distuils directives \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}:

    • py_modules: to install Python modules \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}
    • packages: to install Python packages \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}
  • Create configuration files for Distutils to set up properties for the Python program to be installed \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}.

  • To specify what and where to install, provide various options to and the Distutils configuration files so that they have command-line switches and can accept keyword arguments \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}.

  • To distribute the Python modules as an archive file for installation, use the sdist command for wrapping the Python modules for source distribution \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}.

    • python [Python modules] sdist
    • python sdist
    • Suggested information for the script are \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}:
      • Contact information of the author, or a co-author: author_email
      • Name of the author, or list of co-authors: author
      • README/README.txt text file, which can be written in Markdown and it can be empty.
      • file, which can be empty
    • The output of running python sdist is a gzip'ed tar archive (or tar ball) \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 377]{Hetland2005}.
    • To specify the distribution format of the output archive, use the command-line switch --formats [option], where [option] can be \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 377]{Hetland2005}:
      • bztar
      • gztar (default archive format)
      • tar
      • zip
      • ztar
  • The file helps the Distuils setup/install process to locate all required files for my/our installed Python program
    \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 376]{Hetland2005}.

    • When my Python package has been restructured, or when I want to repackage it, delete the file \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 377]{Hetland2005}. Else, if the file exists, it will be read instead of being overwritten \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 377]{Hetland2005}.
  • To distribute the Python modules as an archive file for installation, use the bdist command for creating binary distributions for the Python modules that are operating system-specific (OS-specific) \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 377]{Hetland2005}.

    • python [Python modules] bdist --formats=[option]
    • Available values for [option] are:
      • rpm (for distributions of the Linux operating systems)
      • wininst (for Windows operating systems)
  • To create binary installers with an option to uninstall the Python package(s), use the following options to create binary installers \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 378]{Hetland2005}:

    • py2exe with Inno Setup
    • McMillan installer
    • InstallShield
    • Wise installer
    • Installer VISE
    • Nullsoft Scriptable install System
    • Youseful Windows Installer
    • Ghost Installer
  • For more information on creating (binary) installers for Windows operating systems, see \cite{Wilson2004a}.

References for Packaging Python Programs

References for packaging Python programs \cite[Chapter 18, pp. 373]{Hetland2005}:

Database Administration

Notes regarding the management of information systems, or database administration \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 285-290]{Hetland2005}:

  • Use the Python Database (DB) API to connect to SQL databases, which allows SQL-based queries and execution of SQL databases \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 285-286]{Hetland2005}.
  • Global variables required for compliance with the Python Database API (or Python DB API) \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 286-287]{Hetland2005}:
    • apilevel: version of the Python Database API being used; its acceptable values are: "1.0" and "2.0".
    • threadsafety: level of thread safety supported/provided by the Python Database API-compliant database module; its acceptable values are: {0, 1, 2, 3}.
    • paramstyle: the type of parameter style chosen for SQL queries; its acceptable values are: "format", "pyformat", "qmark", "numeric", and "named".
  • Exceptions defined by the Python Database API enable fine-grained error handling \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 287]{Hetland2005}.
  • The function connect() allows the Python software to connect to the database system \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 287-288]{Hetland2005}.
    • Beware of using this function with the parameters user name and password, since I could end up divulging secrets of my company, research group, or personal liofe.
    • Other functions to help Python software manipulate objects in the database systems \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 288]{Hetland2005}:
      • close()
      • commit(), allows open connections to be closed automatically during garbage collection \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 288]{Hetland2005}.
      • rollback()
      • cursor()
    • There exists cursor object methods that allow users/developers to: execute SQL operations on, and fetch data from, the SQL database; traverse/enumerate the elements in the SQL database; and perform procedures on the SQL database \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 289]{Hetland2005}. The Python Database API has "constructors and constants/singletons" for various types and values \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 289]{Hetland2005}.
  • \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Declarative Programming," pp. 111]{Beazley2009} suggests using list comprehensions and database queries togerther concurrently, using functional/declarative programming.

Some SQL database engines, such as SQLite, do not require being run as a server program nor require administrator privileges to install them \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 290]{Hetland2005}.

SQL database engines can work with \cite[Chapter 13, pp. 290]{Hetland2005}:

  • local files
  • centralized database storage systems
  • distributed database storage systems

See \cite{Molinaro2006} for further information about SQL database management and administration.


Software Development Process Methodologies

Use extreme programming (XP) \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 381]{Hetland2005} \cite{Pressman2010,Sommerville2007,Jayaswal2007,Wells2009,Jalote2008,DeLucia2008,Beck2005,Larman2003,Beck2001,Wells1999}, or other agile software development methodologies \cite{Stellman2015,Kelly2015,Laplante2014,Crookshanks2012,Rasmusson2010,Shore2008,Larman2004,Boehm2004}, to develop Python software/programs.

  • Be adaptive and flexible \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 382]{Hetland2005}.
  • Have the courage to refactor the software to improve certain qualities/aspects of the software \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 382]{Hetland2005}.
    • This involves modifying the software architecture and selection of algorithms to implement \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 382]{Hetland2005}.
    • Extract symbolic constants, which are global variables that are treated as constants (preferably named in upper case with underscores), and provide users/developer access to these so that they can customize/configure these symbolic constants easily \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 383-384]{Hetland2005}.
      • Replace multiple instances of numbers or strings as symbolic constants \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 383-384]{Hetland2005}.
      • These symbolic constants can be placed at the top of a module or together in a separate module for configuration. \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 384]{Hetland2005}.
      • Use the ConfigParser module from The Python Standard Library \cite{DrakeJr2016b,DrakeJr2016e} to create a configuration file for configuring symbolic constants \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 384]{Hetland2005}.
      • When creating the configuration file for the ConfigParser module, split the symbolic constants into named sections using the format [section-name]; the square brackets are required \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 384]{Hetland2005}.
      • Making the software configurable/parameterizable allows the software to be customizable \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 385]{Hetland2005}.
    • Use software refactoring to improve the quality, performance (i.e., in terms of execution time), memory usage, and maintainability \cite[Chapter 10, section on "Refactoring,"pp. 162]{Pilgrim2009}.
  • Embrace prototyping early in my software development process \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 382]{Hetland2005}.
    • Since programming in Python involves writing less boilerplate code than C++/Java, it is more amenable to facilitate prototyping than these latter programming languages \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 383]{Hetland2005}.
    • Prototyping facilitates iterative and incremental development (IID) \cite{Brown2017,Babar2014,Boehm2014,Wysocki2014,Kumar2013,Robertson2013,Sifakis2013,Jalote2008,Shore2008,Schach2007,Sommerville2007,37signals2006,Subramaniam2006,Larman2005,Boehm2004,Larman2004,Wickens2004a,Wickens2004b,Larman2003,Larman2002,Felleisen2001,BrooksJr1995}, instead of up-front detailed analysis and design \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 383]{Hetland2005}.
    • The executable prototypes (in Python) enable software developers to notice problems, weaknesses, and incompleteness of the prototypes \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 383]{Hetland2005}, which can be fixed in subsequent iterations of the project (during the IID process).
  • Embrace automated software testing to facilitate software refactoring \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 382]{Hetland2005}; see subsection on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation.
  • Practice the "good enough" philosophy \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 383]{Hetland2005} \cite{Martelli2016a,Martelli2016}, which is also espoused by Prof. Jiang Hu during his classes and research lab meetings (personal communication).
    • This helps me to avoid problems associated with perfectionism, which keeps me from completing or releasing "imperfect" work, which Prof. Derek Abbott and Prof. Laszlo Bela Kish during our reunion in early November 2016.

Suggested reading from \cite[Chapter 19, pp. 387]{Hetland2005}:

  • \cite{Hunt1999}
  • \cite{Fields2010,Fowler1999}
  • \cite{Gamma1995}
  • \cite{Beck2003}
  • \cite{Raymond2004}
  • \cite{Cormen2009,Cormen2001,Cormen2002}
  • \cite{Knuth2005,Knuth1997,Knuth1997a,Knuth1998,Knuth2011}

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

List of integrated development environments (IDEs):

Python Strings

In Python 3.x:

  • exec("ls -al") does not work.
    • exec() only executes Python code, in a Python environment \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 172]{Hall2009b}.
  • exec() and eval() pose software security threats, if they execute malicious Python code \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 173]{Hall2009b}.
    • The function eval(str [,globals [,locals]]) evaluates the expression contained in the string str, and returns the result \cite[Chapter 6, section on "eval(), exec(), and compile()," pp. 115]{Beazley2009}.
    • The function exec(str [, globals [, locals]]) executes the Python code contained in the string str \cite[Chapter 6, section on "eval(), exec(), and compile()," pp. 115]{Beazley2009}.
    • Since the compilation of Python code, including expressions, is expensive, use the function compile(str,filename,kind) to compile the string (contain Python code or an expression) into bytecode for faster performance (including traceback generation, when the code is executed multiple times) \cite[Chapter 6, section on "eval(), exec(), and compile()," pp. 115]{Beazley2009}.

To compare the content of two strings, try:

string1 == string2

To compare the identities of two strings, try:

string1 is string2

Reference for string comparison

Exception Handling

An exception stops the execution of the Python software/program due to an encountered error \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 221]{Hall2009b}.

Exception handling is also known as \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 162]{Hetland2005}:

  • exception trapping
  • trapping the exceptions
  • exception catching
  • catching the exceptions

Use try...except...else...finally statements to handle exceptions \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 221]{Hall2009b} \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 162]{Hetland2005} \cite[Chapter 5, section on "Exceptions," pp. 84-89]{Beazley2009}, so that the Python program does not have to terminate execution \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 159]{Hetland2005}.

Here are some examples of catching multiple specific exceptions \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 164]{Hetland2005}.

Example 1:

except [Specific Exception #1]:
except [Specific Exception #2]:

Example 2:

except ([Specific Exception #1], [Specific Exception #2]):

This does not work with Python 3.6 (or Python 3.7 and beyond).

Example 3:

except ([Specific Exception #1], [Specific Exception #2]), e:
	print e

In Example 3, the specific exception caught, which could be either [Specific Exception #1] or [Specific Exception #2] (or both????), can be printed, and execution of the Python program resumes \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 165]{Hetland2005}.

This does not work with Python 3.6 (or Python 3.7 and beyond).

Example 4:


In Example 4, the except clause catches all exceptions (i.e., catchall) that can occur in the try block, and executes the statements in the except block of the Python program \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 165-166]{Hetland2005}.

Example 5:

except Exception, e:

This does not work with Python 3.6 (or Python 3.7 and beyond).

In Example 5, the except clause catches all exceptions (i.e., catchall) that can occur in the try block, and executes the statements in the except block of the Python program \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 165-166]{Hetland2005}. It can also perform some type checking on the Exception object e to help the developers determine the specific exception that occurred.

With try...except...else...finally statements, the else block enables its statements to be executed unless exceptions happen \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 166-168]{Hetland2005}.

With try...except...else...finally statements, statements in the finally block are guaranteed to be executed, regardless of exceptions occur in the try block \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 168]{Hetland2005}.

When propagated exceptions cause the Python program to halt, use the stack trace to determine what happened \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 168]{Hetland2005}.

From \cite[\S8.3 Handling Exceptions]{Brandl2017a}:

  • "A class in an except clause is compatible with an exception if it is the same class or a base class thereof (but not the other way around — an except clause listing a derived class is not compatible with a base class)."
  • "If no exception occurs, the except clause is skipped and execution of the try statement is finished."
  • "If an exception occurs during execution of the try clause, the rest of the clause is skipped. Then if its type matches the exception named after the except keyword, the except clause is executed, and then execution continues after the try statement."
  • "If an exception occurs which does not match the exception named in the except clause, it is passed on to outer try statements; if no handler is found, it is an unhandled exception and execution stops with a message."
  • "A try statement may have more than one except clause, to specify handlers for different exceptions. At most one handler will be executed. Handlers only handle exceptions that occur in the corresponding try clause, not in other handlers of the same try statement. An except clause may name multiple exceptions as a parenthesized tuple."
  • "A class in an except clause is compatible with an exception if it is the same class or a base class thereof (but not the other way around - an except clause listing a derived class is not compatible with a base class)."
  • "The last except clause may omit the exception name(s), to serve as a wildcard. Use this with extreme caution, since it is easy to mask a real programming error in this way! It can also be used to print an error message and then re-raise the exception (allowing a caller to handle the exception as well)."
  • "The try ... except statement has an optional else clause, which, when present, must follow all except clauses. It is useful for code that must be executed if the try clause does not raise an exception."
  • "The use of the else clause is better than adding additional code to the try clause because it avoids accidentally catching an exception that wasn't raised by the code being protected by the try ... except statement."
  • "The exception instance arguments stored in .args str allows args to be printed directly, but may be overridden in exception subclasses"
  • "When an exception occurs, it may have an associated value, also known as the exception's argument. The presence and type of the argument depend on the exception type."
  • "The except clause may specify a variable after the exception name. The variable is bound to an exception instance with the arguments stored in instance.args. For convenience, the exception instance defines str|() so the arguments can be printed directly without having to reference .args. One may also instantiate an exception first before raising it and add any attributes to it as desired."

From \cite[\S8.4 Raising Exceptions]{Brandl2017a}:

  • "The sole argument to raise indicates the exception to be raised. This must be either an exception instance or an exception class (a class that derives from Exception). If an exception class is passed, it will be implicitly instantiated by calling its constructor with no arguments: raise ValueError # shorthand for 'raise ValueError()'"

From \cite[\S8.5 User-defined Exceptions]{Brandl2017a}:

  • "Exception classes can be defined which do anything any other class can do, but are usually kept simple, often only offering a number of attributes that allow information about the error to be extracted by handlers for the exception."
  • "When creating a module that can raise several distinct errors, a common practice is to create a base class for exceptions defined by that module, and subclass that to create specific exception classes for different error conditions"

From \cite[\S8.6 Defining Clean-up Actions]{Brandl2017a}:

  • "The try statement has another optional clause (the finally clause) which is intended to define clean-up actions that must be executed under all circumstances."
  • "A finally clause is always executed before leaving the try statement, whether an exception has occurred or not. When an exception has occurred in the try clause and has not been handled by an except clause (or it has occurred in an except or else clause), it is re-raised after the finally clause has been executed."
  • "The finally clause is also executed `on the way out' when any other clause of the try statement is left via a break, continue or return statement."
  • "The finally clause is executed in any event."
  • "In real world applications, the finally clause is useful for releasing external resources (such as files or network connections), regardless of whether the use of the resource was successful."

From \cite[\S8.7 Predefined Clean-up Actions]{Brandl2017a}:

Illustration of the try-except-else-finally block in Python Figure 1, Illustration of the try-except-else-finally block in Python.

The Python Exception class hierarchy is described in \cite{PowellMorse2017} and \cite[From Learn Python Programming, The Definitive Guide: Python Errors and Built-in Exceptions]{ParewaLabsStaff20XY}.

Any unhandled exception would terminate execution of the Python program and produce a traceback (i.e., error message) \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 160]{Hetland2005}.

Exception chaining is a method of tracebacks that enable exceptions raised during exception handling to be differentiated from the original raised/thrown exception \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 235-236]{Hall2009b}.

\cite[Chapter 2, pp. 23-28,29-30]{Alchin2010} shows how to catch multiple errors that have been raised.

To raise an exception, try either of the following \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 160]{Hetland2005}:

  • raise Exception, "[Error message.]"
  • raise Exception("[Error message.]")
  • raise \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 163]{Hetland2005}
    • When raising a specific exception that has been caught.

In \cite[\S5]{DrakeJr2016b} discusses all the "built-in exceptions" provided by the the "The Python Standard Library" \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 161]{Hetland2005}.

To create custom exception classes, create a derived class of the Exception class \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 162]{Hetland2005}.

Use customized exception classes to address violations of invariants \cite{Lee2017a,Lee2015b,Lee2014a,Backhouse2011,Lee2011,Zeller2009,Baier2008,Tucker2007,Hailperin1999,Manna1992}, such as preconditions, assertions, and postconditions \cite{Pierce2017,Laplante2014,Dale2012,Kourie2012,Kundu2011,Zeller2009,Tucker2007,Baldwin2004,Huth2004,Monin2003,Hailperin1999}, that can be handled/mitigated, so that the Python program can resume execution (and avoid termination).


To avoid termination of the program by mild errors, use a warning to notify users of the mild error message, and allow the Python program to keep executing \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 159-160]{Hetland2005}.

To use a warning, import the warnings module and/or its methods/functions \cite[Chapter 8, pp. 160]{Hetland2005}.

Ancillary Note

The philosophy of "look before you leap" (LBYL) discourages exception handling \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 238]{Hall2009b}.

The Pythonic philosophy of "easier to ask forgiveness than permission" (EAFP) encourages trying something, and use exception handling to deal with uncommon outcomes/circumstances \cite[Chapter 10, pp. 238]{Hall2009b}.

Python Virtual Machine (PVM)

Notes about the Python Virtual Machine (PVM):

  • \cite{Pattis2016}

Concurrent and Parallel Programming with Python

From my Notes about Scala:

  • "Concurrent programming (compare: parallel programming) \cite{WikipediaContributors2017k} -- Concurrent computing concurrently execute multiple computations during overlapping time periods; each computation/process has a separate execution point or thread of control. That is, in concurrent computing, a computation can advance independently of other computations, which may be incomplete."
  • "Parallel computing (compare: concurrent programming) \cite{WikipediaContributors2017n} -- Parallel computing is defined as the simultaneous execution of processes or calculations/computation on a computer. The types of parallel computing are: bit-level parallelism, instruction-level parallelism, data parallelism, and task parallelism. Bit-level parallelism and instruction-level parallelism are implicitly parallel. Explicitly parallel algorithms, especially those that involve concurrency, are more difficult to develop and test than sequential algorithms; concurrency in such algorithms can lead to race conditions, and other types/classes of software bugs. It is difficult to manage communication and synchronization between subtasks, such that the parallel computation would have a significant speed-up over the serial/sequential implementation."

References on concurrent and parallel programming with Python:

  • \cite[Chapter 20, pp. 413-447]{Beazley2009}
  • \cite{Lutz2011}
  • \cite{Gift2008}

System Resource Management

Use mutual exclusion (mutex) to manage system resources, such as locks, files, and network connections \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Exceptions," pp. 23]{Beazley2009}.

  • Assign the lock, file object, or network connection to a variable.
  • Use the with statement with the aforementioned variable (for the lock, file object, or network connection) to perform operations with the lock, file object, or network connection (using the acquired variable) \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Exceptions," pp. 23]{Beazley2009} \cite[Chapter 5, section on "Context Managers and the with Statement," pp. 89-90]{Beazley2009}.
  • When execution/control of the Python program is outside the context of the with statement, such as a raised exception, the variable is automatically released \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Exceptions," pp. 23]{Beazley2009}.

See for more information about the "with" statement.

Python-based Data Science

Probability Theory, Statistical Analysis, Random Processes, Stochastic Modeling, and Noise

Python libraries and packages for probability theory, statistical analysis (or statistical data analysis), random processes, stochastic modeling, and noise modeling/analysis:

To generate pseudo-random numbers, try using the following libraries.

  • From the Python Standard Library \cite[Version 3.81, from Numeric and Mathematical Modules: random]{DrakeJr2016b}, I can use the following probability distributions:
    • exponential distribution, lambda = 1.5
    • beta distribution, alpha = 1, beta = 3
    • gamma distribution, k = 1.0, theta = 2.0:
    • Pareto distribution
    • Weibull distribution
    • normal/Gauss/Gaussian distribution
    • log-normal (or lognormal) distribution, or Galton distribution or Galton's distribution
    • von Mises distribution, or circular normal distribution or Tikhonov distribution

References for aforementioned probability distributions:

  • Wikipedia contributors, "Beta distribution," in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Continuous distributions, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, January 18, 2020. Available online at:; last accessed on January 21, 2020.
  • Wikipedia contributors, "Exponential distribution," in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Continuous distributions, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, January 20, 2020. Available online at:; last accessed on January 21, 2020.
  • Wikipedia contributors, "Gamma distribution," in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Continuous distributions, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, January 14, 2020. Available online at:; last accessed on January 21, 2020.
  • Wikipedia contributors, "Pareto distribution," in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Continuous distributions, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, January 18, 2020. Available online at:; last accessed on January 21, 2020.
  • Wikipedia contributors, "Weibull distribution," in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Continuous distributions, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, November 13, 2019. Available online at:; last accessed on January 21, 2020.

Parameters of probability distributions:

Machine Learning

Resources for Python-based machine learning:

Machine learning and deep learning resources:

  • \cite{DeepLearningContributors2015,DeepLearningContributors2016,DeepLearningContributors2015a}
    • List of internship and job opportunities in deep learning: \cite{DeepLearningContributors2018}

Data Visualization and Information Visualization

Python libraries and packages for data visualization and information visualization:

Computational Science and Engineering, & Numerical Computing

Python libraries for computational science (or scientific computing), computational engineering, and numerical computing:

Resources about such libraries: \cite{Avila2017,RojasG2015,Hauck2014,BlancoSilva2013,Bressert2013}

Additional Information and Resources

See the following regarding database administration and information systems.

Strongly recommended resource for data science:


Python uses the off-side rule \cite{WikipediaContributors2017y}. "Blocks in [Python] are expressed by their indentation," unlike free-form programming languages.

Notes on global and local variables:

  • A global variable (e.g., "x") would be shadowed by a local variable (e.g., "x") of the same name \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 127]{Hetland2005}.
    • To access the aforementioned global variable (e.g., "x"), try: globals()['x']
  • To rebind a global variable (e.g., "x") in a function, which assigns a new value to the global variable, explicitly state that the global variable is global \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 127]{Hetland2005}.
    • E.g., including this statement global x in a function enables all instances of "x" to become a global variable after this explicit declaration.
  • The use of global variables reduces the comprehensibility and robustness of the software \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 128]{Hetland2005}.
  • Local variables support abstraction and encapsulation, which improves the comprehensibility and robustness of the software \cite[Chapter 6, pp. 128]{Hetland2005}.
  • Note the existence of non-local variables \cite{WikipediaContributors2017a2}.

The primary built-in object types in Python \cite[Chapter 7, pp. 139]{Hetland2005}:

\cite[Chapter 3, section on "Built-in Types for Representing Data," Table 3.1, pp. 38]{Beazley2009} shows the "built-in types for data representation":

Type Category Type name Description
None type (None) null object None
Numbers int Integer
long integer with arbitary precision (Python 2 only)
float floating point
complex complex number
bool boolean (True or False)
Sequences str Character string
unicode Unicode character string
list List
tuple Tuple
xrange A range of integers created by xrange() (Python 2 only)
range A range of integers created by range() (Python 3 only)
Mapping dict Dictionary
Sets set Mutable set
frozenset Imutable set

\cite[Chapter 3, section on "Built-in Types for Representing Program Structure," Table 3.9, pp. 47]{Beazley2009} shows the "built-in types for representing the structure of Python programs":

Type Category Type name Description
Callable type.BuiltinFunctionType Built-in function or method
type Type of built-in types and classes
object Ancestor of all types and classes
types.FunctionType User-defined function
types.MethodType Class method
Modules types.ModuleType Module
Classes object Ancestor of all types and classes
Types type Type of built-in types and classes

\cite[Chapter 3, section on "Built-in Types for Interpreter Internals," Table 3.9, pp. 51-54]{Beazley2009} has useful information on the types "of objects used by the internals of the [Python] interpreter. This is helpful information for parsing Python programs.

Types of Python statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566-570]{Hetland2005}:

  • simple statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566-569]{Hetland2005}:
    • expression statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566]{Hetland2005}
    • asset statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566]{Hetland2005}
    • assignment statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566]{Hetland2005}
    • augmented assignment statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566]{Hetland2005}
    • pass statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 567]{Hetland2005}
    • del statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 567]{Hetland2005}
    • print statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 567]{Hetland2005}
    • return statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 567]{Hetland2005}
    • yield statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 567]{Hetland2005}
    • raise statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 568]{Hetland2005}
    • break statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 568]{Hetland2005}
    • continue statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 568]{Hetland2005}
    • import statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 568]{Hetland2005}
    • global statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 569]{Hetland2005}
    • exec statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 569]{Hetland2005}
  • compound statements \cite[Appendix B, pp. 569-570]{Hetland2005}:
    • if statement \cite[Appendix B, pp. 569]{Hetland2005}
    • while statement \cite[Appendix B, pp. 569]{Hetland2005}
      • Can include an else clause that is executed when the loop completes execution (under normal circumstances).
    • for statement \cite[Appendix B, pp. 570]{Hetland2005}
      • Can include an else clause that is executed when the loop completes execution (under normal circumstances).
    • try statement \cite[Appendix B, pp. 570]{Hetland2005}
    • function definitions \cite[Appendix B, pp. 570]{Hetland2005}
      • Create function objects
      • Bind global or local variables to these function objects.
    • class definitions \cite[Appendix B, pp. 570]{Hetland2005}
      • Create class objects
      • Bind global or local variables to these class objects.

See Software Testing, Verification, and Validation about using assert statements and the __debug__ variable in the debug mode.

Augmented assignment statements provide short cuts for various arithmetic expressions \cite[Appendix B, pp. 566]{Hetland2005}. E.g., x *= 3 is equivalent to x = x * 3. E.g., x += 7 is equivalent to x = x + 7.

The pass statement is used to represent "no-op" operations \cite[Appendix B, pp. 567]{Hetland2005}. It can be used in try-except blocks, or try-catch blocks. Note that Python has no switch statements. Similarly, it can be used in if-elif-...-else blocks to represent no-operation statements (or do-nothing statements) \cite[From Section 4 on "More Control Flow Tools", subsection 4.4 on "break and continue Statements, and else Clauses on Loops" and subsection 4.5 on "pass Statements"]{Brandl2017a}.

"The del statement unbinds variables and attributes, and removes parts (positions, slices, or slots) from data structures (mappings or sequences). It cannot be used to delete values directly because values are only deleted through garbage collection \cite[Appendix B, pp. 567]{Hetland2005}."

  • That is, the del statement decrements the reference count of an object \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Object Memory Management," pp. 129]{Beazley2009}

The yield statement pauses the execution of a generator iterator to provide a value; it can be used in for loops \cite[Appendix B, pp. 567]{Hetland2005} to generate a sequence of results \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Generators," pp. 19]{Beazley2009} \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generators and yield," pp. 102-103]{Beazley2009}.

  • A generator, or generator function, is a function that includes a yield statement, such that successive calls to the generator produces a sequence of results \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Generators," pp. 19]{Beazley2009}.
    • A generator must return the None object when its execution ends, and no other object should be returned by the generator \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generators and yield," pp. 103]{Beazley2009}.
    • Use the close() function to manually indicate that the generator is no longer used or is deleted \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generators and yield," pp. 103]{Beazley2009}.
    • Calling the close() function causes the GeneratorExit exception to be raised/thrown; when catching the GeneratorExit exception, its handing shall not include the use of another generator or use a yield statement to produce another output \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Generators and yield," pp. 104]{Beazley2009}.
    • "[Pull] values through a sequence of generator functions" \cite[Chapter 6, section on "Using Generators and Coroutines," pp. 107]{Beazley2009}
  • Calling the next() function executes a generator until the next yield statement, so that it can return the value from the yield statement and suspend the execution of the generator \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Generators," pp. 19]{Beazley2009}.
    • When the next() function cannot find more yield statements, the generator returns (after completing execution) \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Generators," pp. 19]{Beazley2009}.
  • Use generators for "processing pipelines, streas, or data flow" \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Generators," pp. 19]{Beazley2009}.
  • Generators tend to be used "with other iterable objects, such as lists or files" \cite[Chapter 1, section on "Generators," pp. 20]{Beazley2009}.

\cite[Chapter 2, section on "String Literals," pp. 27-28]{Beazley2009} demonstrates how Unicode characters can be inserted into Python strings.

\cite[Chapter 2, section on "String Literals," Table 2.1, pp. 27-28]{Beazley2009} shows a list of escape characters for Python strings.

  • backslash: continuation of a statement on a new line.
  • Null
  • Single quote
  • Double quote
  • Line feed
  • Horizontal tab
  • Vertical tab

In Python, variable assignments are not storage operations, which overwrite the old values by storing a new value in their place \cite[Chapter 7, section on "Importing Selected Symbols from a Module," pp. 146]{Beazley2009}

Regular Expressions

Notes on regular expressions:

  • The core syntax of regular expression is based on the Perl context in various programming languages (Python, Ruby, and Tcl) and tools (Egrep, Vi/Vim, and Emacs) \cite[\S8.2, pp. 326]{Langtangen2009}.
  • A wildcard is denoted with an asterisk * \cite[pp. 236]{Hetland2005}
  • As asterisk is denoted with a backslash and an asterisk * \cite[pp. 236]{Hetland2005}
    • A backslash is placed before special characters, such as a backslash, so that they be treated as normal characters \cite[pp. 236]{Hetland2005}.
  • To search for repeated patterns, enclose them in brackets "(patterns)", appended by an asterisk "*", a plus symbol "+", or a tuple "{m,n}" \cite[pp. 238]{Hetland2005}.
  • Functions that can be used with regular expressions \cite[Table 10-8, pp. 239]{Hetland2005}:
    • compile()
    • search()
    • match()
    • split()
    • finadall()
    • sub()
    • escape()
  • Use the re.VERBOSE flag to verbosely describe regular expressions with space characters, tabs, newlines, and comments \cite[Tip on pp. 243]{Hetland2005}.
  • By default, the repetition operators of a regular expression are greedy, since they will try to "match as much as possible" \cite[pp. 244]{Hetland2005}.
  • By placing a question mark after a repetition operator, the repetition operator becomes nongreedy and it will match as little as possible \cite[pp. 244]{Hetland2005}.

Resources for regular expressions and test processing:

  • \cite[\S8.2, pp. 326-362]{Langtangen2009}
  • \cite{Friedl2006}

Generic Programming

  • From my Notes about Scala
    • Generic programming has a performance advantage over object-oriented programming, since templates carry-out known parameterization at compile time while object-oriented programming leaves the parameterization till run time \cite[\S8.9.5, pp. 432]{Langtangen2009}.
  • "The difference between generic and object-oriented programming in Python is much smaller than in C++ because Python variables are not declared with a specific type" \cite[\S8.9.5, pp. 435]{Langtangen2009}.

Other references for generics and generic programming

Official Documentation Involving Generics

The Python Standard Library \cite{DrakeJr2016b} has documentation on generics in \cite[\S27.1.4]{DrakeJr2016b}, which are available from Python 3.5 and are not backwards compatible.

Concepts encountered while learning how to use generic programming in Python:

  • Variable Annotation

Python Interface to Git

To use Python to interface with a Git-based repository, I can try the following:

  • dulwich
  • pygit2 - libgit2 bindings in Python
    • This requires installation of libgit2, which provides C bindings to Git. It also provides an interface for other programming languages to interface with Git.
    • Since I am unable to install libgit2 correctly, I cannot use pygit2.
    • Abandon pygit2 solution.
  • Gittle
    • The installation process via pip requires installing pycrypto, which already exists, and terminates because of the existence of pycrypto.
    • I tried installing pycrypto via other means, but am unable to do so.
    • Hence, I cannot experiment with Gittle.
  • GitPython
    • I cannot import the Git module (git), via my Python script.
    • I have used pip install GitPython to install it, but I still cannot import the Git module (git) via my Python script.
  • Use the Python module subprocess to run commands via the command-line interface (CLI) to run Git commands to add, commit, and push additions and updates.


Citations/References that use the LaTeX/BibTeX notation are taken from my BibTeX database (set of BibTeX entries).

If these citations/references are not found in this list of references, information about them can be found in my BibTeX database.

  • [ParewaLabsPvtLtdStaff20XY]

    Parewa Labs Pvt. Ltd. staff, "Learn Python Programming," Parewa Labs Pvt. Ltd., Kupondole, Lalitpur, Lalitpur District, Nepal.

    Available online from {\it Programming Tutorial, Articles and Examples -- Programiz} at: \url{}; last accessed on April 1, 2017.

    [Note in my BibTeX database.]

  • [WikipediaContributors2018a]

    Wikipedia contributors, "Duck typing," in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Type theory, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, January 10, 2018.

    Available online from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Type theory at: \url{}; March 19, 2018 was the last accessed date.

  • [WikipediaContributors2018b]

    Wikipedia contributors, "Comparison of documentation generators," in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Software comparisons, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, February 24, 2018.

    Available online from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Software comparisons at: \url{}; March 25, 2018 was the last accessed date.

  • [WikipediaContributors2017a2]

    Wikipedia contributors, ``Non-local variable,'' in Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Programming language theory, Wikimedia Foundation, San Francisco, CA, September 24, 2017.

    Available online from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia: Programming language theory at: \url{}; last accessed on March 29, 2018.

Object-Oriented Python Programming

  • \cite{Alchin2010}
    • Chapter 4,5-6,8.
    • Software development/engineering \cite[Chapters 8-11]{Alchin2010}.
    • Marty Alchin, "Pro Python: Advanced Coding Techniques and Tools," in The Expert's Voice$^{\textregistered}$\ in Open Source series, Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2010. DOI:
  • \cite{Hall2009b}
    • Chapter 9,10,11, 8 (pp. 165).
    • Tim Hall and J.-P. Stacey, "Python 3 for Absolute Beginners: All you will ever need to start programming Python," in The Expert's Voice$^{\textregistered}$\ in Open Source series, Apress, Berkeley, CA, 2009. DOI:
  • \cite{Hetland2005}
    • Chapters 6-8,9,11,13,16-19.
    • Magnus Lie Hetland, "Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional," in The Expert's Voice$^{\textregistered}$\ in Open Source series, Apress, New York, NY, 2005. DOI:
  • \cite{Langtangen2006}
    • Chapter 8.6,8.8,8.10.
    • Software development/engineering \cite[Appendices A and B]{Langtangen2006}.
    • Hans Petter Langtangen, "Python Scripting for Computational Science," Second edition, Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, Volume 3, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2006. DOI:
  • \cite{Langtangen2009}
    • Chapter 3, 7, 9.
    • Software development/engineering \cite[Appendices A and B]{Langtangen2009}.
    • Hans Petter Langtangen, "Python Scripting for Computational Science," Third edition, in the Texts in Computational Science and Engineering series, Volume 3, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009. DOI:
  • \cite{Langtangen2009a}
    • Chapter 8.3,8.6,8.8,8.10, Appendix B.
    • Hans Petter Langtangen, "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python," Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, Volume 6, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009. DOI:
  • \cite{Langtangen2011}
    • Chapter 4, 6, 7, 9.
    • Hans Petter Langtangen, "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python," Second edition, in Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg series, Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, Volume 6, Heidelberg, Germany, 2011. DOI:
  • \cite{Langtangen2012}
    • Chapter 4, 6, 7, 9.
    • Hans Petter Langtangen, "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python," Third edition, in Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, Volume 6, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012. DOI:
  • \cite{Lee2011b}
  • \cite{Lutz2009}
    • Chapter 4,15,16-20,21-24,25-28,30-31,32-35,37,38,39.
    • Mark Lutz, "Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming," Fourth edition, O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA, 2009.
  • \cite{Lutz2010}
    • pp. 60-61, 85-88, 183-187.
    • Mark Lutz, "Python Pocket Reference: Python in your pocket," Fourth edition, O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA, 2010.
  • \cite{Lutz2013}
    • Chapter 4,16-21, 22-25, 26-29, 31-32, 33-36, 39-41.
    • Software development/engineering \cite[Chapter 15]{Lutz2013}.
    • Mark Lutz, "Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming," Fifth edition, O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA, 2013.
  • \cite{Pilgrim2009}
  • \cite{Ucoluk2012}

Domain Applications of Python Programming

  • Algorithm analysis.
    • \cite{Hetland2010}.
    • Table of common computational complexities cite[\S5.1.1, pp. 157]{Ucoluk2012}
  • Data structures.
    • \cite{Lutz2011,Lutz2013,Sweigart2015,Ucoluk2012}.
    • Read this!!!
  • Database management.
    • \cite{Hetland2005,Lutz2010,Lutz2011,Sileika2010,Younker2008}.
  • Functional programming.
    • \cite{Beazley2009,Lutz2009,Lutz2013}.
    • Read this!!!
  • GUI development.
    • \cite{Gift2008,Hall2009b,Hetland2005,Langtangen2009,Lee2011b,Lutz2010,Lutz2011,Vaingast2009}.
  • Machine learning.
    • \cite{Unpingco2016}.
  • Network programming.
    • \cite{Goerzen2004,Hetland2005,Lutz2011,Rhodes2010,Sileika2010}.
  • Numerical methods, or numerical computing.
    • \cite{Langtangen2006,Langtangen2009,Langtangen2009a,Langtangen2011,Langtangen2012,Linge2016}.
  • Parallel programming.
    • \cite{Gift2008,Lutz2011} \cite[Chapter 20, pp. 413-447]{Beazley2009}.
  • Scientific computing, computational science, and computational engineering.
    • \cite{Langtangen2006,Langtangen2009}.
    • \cite{Langtangen2009a,Langtangen2011,Langtangen2012}
    • \cite{Vaingast2009}
  • Software development and software engineering.
    • \cite[Chapters 8-11]{Alchin2010}.
    • \cite[Appendices A and B]{Langtangen2006}.
    • \cite[Appendices A and B]{Langtangen2009}.
    • \cite[Chapter 21]{Lutz2011}.
    • \cite[Chapter 15]{Lutz2013}.
    • \cite{Younker2008}.
  • Statistical analysis.
    • \cite{Saha2015,Sileika2010,Unpingco2016}.
  • Task automation.
    • \cite{Sweigart2015}
  • UNIX/Linux system administration.
    • \cite{Gift2008,Sileika2010,Sweigart2015}.
  • Web development.
    • \cite{Hetland2005,Langtangen2006,Langtangen2009,Pilgrim2009,Rhodes2010,Sileika2010,Younker2008}.

Mixed-Language Software Development

  • \cite{Langtangen2006}
    • Chapter 5,10, Appendix B.
    • Hans Petter Langtangen, "Python Scripting for Computational Science," Second edition, Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, Volume 3, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2006. DOI:
  • \cite{Langtangen2009}
    • Chapter 5,10, Appendix B.
    • Hans Petter Langtangen, "A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python," Texts in Computational Science and Engineering, Volume 6, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2009. DOI:
  • \cite{Lutz2011}
    • Chapter 20.
    • Mark Lutz, "Programming Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming," Fourth edition, O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA, 2011.

Additional Python Resources

Additional Python resources from my BibTeX database:

  • \cite{Brandl2017a}

    Georg Brandl and Benjamin Peterson and Senthil Kumaran and Guido {van Rossum} and Chris Jerdonek and Andrew Kuchling, "The Python Tutorial," Python Software Foundation, Beaverton, OR, March 26, 2017.

    Available online from Welcome to Python 3.6.1 documentation at:; April 4, 2017 was the last accessed date.

  • \cite{DrakeJr2018a}

    Fred L. Drake, Jr. and David Goodger and Fredrik Lundh, "Python/C API Reference Manual," Python Software Foundation, Beaverton, OR, April 1, 2018.

    Available online from Welcome to Python 3.6.5 documentation at:; April 2, 2018 was the last accessed date.

  • \cite{DrakeJr2018} Fred L. Drake, Jr. and David Goodger and Fredrik Lundh, "Extending and Embedding the Python Interpreter," Python Software Foundation, Beaverton, OR, April 1, 2018.

    Available online from Welcome to Python 3.6.5 documentation at:; April 2, 2018 was the last accessed date.

  • \cite{DrakeJr2017c}

    Fred L. Drake, Jr. and David Goodger and Fredrik Lundh, "Python 3.6.1 documentation," Python Software Foundation, Beaverton, OR, March 31, 2017.

    Available online at:; March 31, 2017 was the last accessed date.

  • \cite{DrakeJr2016b}

    Fred L. Drake, Jr. and David Goodger and Fredrik Lundh, "The Python Standard Library," Python Software Foundation, Beaverton, OR, March 23, 2016.

    Available online from Python 3.5.1 documentation at:; April 1, 2016 was the last accessed date.

  • \cite{DrakeJr2016a}

    Fred L. Drake, Jr. and David Goodger and Fredrik Lundh, "The Python Language Reference," Python Software Foundation, Beaverton, OR, March 31, 2016.

    Available online from Python 3.5.1 documentation at:; April 1, 2016 was the last accessed date.

  • \cite{Thurlow2012}

    Steven Thurlow, "A Beginner's Python Tutorial," GitHub, Inc., San Francisco, CA, March 30, 2012.

    Available online from Steven Thurlow's GitHub repository at:; self-published; April 4, 2017 was the last accessed date.

  • \cite{Ziade2008}

    Tarek Ziade, "Expert Python Programming," Packt Publishing, Birmingham, West Midlands, England, U.K., 2008.

Lists of online resources can be found at:

  • \cite[Appendix C, pp. 571--573]{Hetland2005}

Books Covered

  • \cite{Alchin2010}
  • \cite{Beazley2009}
  • \cite{Hall2009b}
  • \cite{Hetland2005}
  • \cite{Langtangen2009}
  • \cite{Langtangen2012}
  • \cite{Lee2011b}
  • \cite{Lutz2010}
  • \cite{Lutz2011}
  • \cite{Lutz2013}
  • \cite{Pilgrim2009}
    • This book does not include academically/intellectually rigorous details.
  • \cite{Sweigart2015}

Books that I am skipping

  • \cite{Langtangen2009a}
  • \cite{Langtangen2011}


  • \cite{Beazley2009,Lutz2013} are good books that provide a lot of depth in functional programming, object-oriented Python programming,

Read these:

  • \cite{}
  • \cite{}
  • \cite{}
  • \cite{}
  • \cite{}
  • \cite{}
  • \cite{}
  • \cite{}
  • \cite{}


Author Information

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) <2017> Zhiyang Ong

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Email address: echo "cukj -wb- 23wU4X5M589 TROJANS cqkH wiuz2y 0f Mw Stanford" | awk '{ sub("23wU4X5M589","F.d_c_b. ") sub("Stanford","d0mA1n"); print $5, $2, $8; for (i=1; i<=1; i++) print "6\b"; print $9, $7, $6 }' | sed y/kqcbuHwM62z/gnotrzadqmC/ | tr 'q' ' ' | tr -d [:cntrl:] | tr -d 'ir' | tr y "\n" Don't compromise my computing accounts. You have been warned.