🖊️ Edit of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON+schema, XML+schema, YAML+schema+Kubernetes and 🦟🔫 debug Node.js and HTML+JS web-apps simply and efficiently in the 🌘 Eclipse IDE.
To see it in action, open the desired file with the Generic Editor that's included by default in the Eclipse IDE.
Rich 🖊️edition for:
- JavaScript / ECMAScript
- TypeScript
- JSON (including schema support)
- YAML (including schema support, Kubernetes schema built-in)
- XML (including schema support), XSL, XSD, DTD, RelaxNG
- Kubernetes
- Angular (Components & Templates, in TypeScript and HTML files)
- React (JSX, TSX, embedded HTML)
- ESLint (for JavaScript and TypeScript)
- Vue.js
Supported features for edition are
- Validation (diagnostics, markers)
- Code Completion
- Hover
- Outline
- Rename refactoring
- Jump to declaration
- Find references
- Color preview
- ... and other features part of the Language Server Protocol
Supported 🦟🔫 debugging targets
- Node.js
- 🔥🦊 Firefox
- Chromium / Chrome
- With Eclipse Marketplace Client and https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/wild-web-developer-html-css-javascript-typescript-nodejs-angular-json-yaml-kubernetes-xml, choose one of:
- Click here to install
- Help > Eclipse Marketplace, search
Wild Web Developer
then clickInstall
or - drag
into Eclipse IDE
- With Help > Install New Software... with p2 repo https://download.eclipse.org/wildwebdeveloper/snapshots
♨️ See Release Notes for details about recent major improvement in the project.
📰 [June 2019] The Eclipse IDE for Web and JavaScript developers strikes back on Eclipse Foundation newsletter.
📰 [Apr 2019] Eclipse Wild Web Developer adds a powerful YAML editor with built-in Kubernetes support on Red Hat Developers blog
Wild Web Developer is based on the Eclipse Generic Editor framework from Eclipse Platform, Eclipse LSP4E and Eclipse TM4E in order to provide editors based on TextMate grammars, Visual Studio Code HTML CSS & JSON Language Servers, Theia's TypeScript and JavaScript language servers, Red Hat's xml-languageserver and yaml-language-server...; and on Eclipse Debug stack, LSP4E Debug Adapter Protocol support and Visual Studio Code Node Debug Adapter... to provide debugging.
See contribution guide.