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SSI DIM Wallet stub application

Note: This application is meant and developed for local and integration testing only

The Decentralized Identity Management (DIM) Wallet stub application provides REST APIs for below wallet functionality.

  1. Setup Wallet and push Did document to portal backend
  2. Issue Verifiable Credentials
  3. Sign and get Verifiable Credentials by ID
  4. Create Self issued (SI) token with scope and without scope
  5. Query Verifiable Presentation
  6. Create technical user for wallet to access APIs using OAuth flow

This application can be used as a temporary wallet solution for local and integration testing.

This application is using Java 21 and Spring boot framework to serve REST APIs.

The DIM Wallet is part of the Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Flow of Eclipse Tractus-X.

Run in local

  1. Update env variables in application.yaml
Name Description Default value
APPLICATION_PORT Application port 8080
STUB_ENV Environment(LZ) in with application is running. local
BASE_WALLET_BPN Issuer BPN number BPNL000000000000
STUB_HOST Wallet stub application host
STATUS_LIST_VC_ID VC id of status list credential of base wallet 8a6c7486-1e1f-4555-bdd2-1a178182651e
TOKEN_EXPIRY_TIME JWT(STS, VC and VP) expiry time in minutes 5
PORTAL_WAIT_TIME Wait time before we push did document to portal after wallet creation in seconds 60
PORTAL_HOST Host of port backend application
PORTAL_CLIENT_ID Keycloak client_id to access portal API
PORTAL_CLIENT_SECRET keycloak client_secret to access portal API
PORTAL_REALM keycloak realm
PORTAL_AUTH_SERVER_URL Authentication server(keycloak)
APP_LOG_LEVEL Log level of application DEBUG
  1. Run application using gradle

./gradlew clean bootrun

  1. After successful running orf the application, you can access swagger on http://localhost:8080/ui/swagger-ui/index.html

Deploy application using helm chart

Please refer deploy using helm


Detailed documentation can be found here

Important notes and limitation of application

  1. Simple Java Map is used to store keypair, VC and VP of wallet to avoid any further complexity. Please refer
  2. This application will create same key for given BPN on given environment. Please refer
  3. If a wallet is not created at any point of request, application will create a new wallet at runtime
  4. Application will issue new VC during /presentations/query API if not issued previously
  5. Application will not give error if request VC is not already issue
  6. There is no separate IDP for this wallet application. OAuth token creation API is part of this application only
  7. We are not validating client_secret while creating OAuth token and client_id will be BPN
  8. Negative scenarios are not covered
  9. jti claim is not validated
  10. No actual revocation of verifiable credentials
  11. All stored credentials will be lost on restart of the application
  12. JWTs are printed with debug log level for debugging purposes

Notice for Docker image

This application provides container images for demonstration purposes.

See Docker notice files for more information:


Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.