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SWT Devel Style

Simeon Andreev edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 1 revision

Commit messages

The goal of a commit message is to clarify any ambiguities for the reviewer(s) and any developer who may read the message later. It should be comprehensive and avoid skipping information that was exchanged verbally or via chat. Do not write empty commit messages.


All commit messages must be signed off by your first and last name. Please configure your git settings to reflect as such. Additionally when committing, ensure that EGit has generated a change ID, which goes at the bottom of the commit message. It can be generated by clicking one of the buttons at the top right area of the "Commit window".


An SWT commit message should follow this format:

   Bug ID : The bug description should be the same as that in Bugzilla (maybe slightly trimmed)
   Description of patch/fix

   Test strategy   *1  

   JUnit Tests performed *2

   Change-ID: xxxxxxxxxxx (auto generated)

   Signed-off-by: Firstname Lastname <[email protected]> (auto generated)
  • Test strategy: steps outlining how to reproduce the issue. Link to a snippet, steps to follow, or a pointer to where to find such instructions.
  • JUnit tests performed: you should mention if you ran the relevant SWT JUnit tests. For example "Ran AllNonBrowserTests on Wayland" and related results. If they don't need to be ran, mention why there is no need to run the tests.
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