The moban repository is made for pyecharts js extension developers
All you need to do is:
git clone
export YEHUA_FILE=/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/echarts-js-mobans/yehua.yml
pip install yehua
Lastly, go to a work folder and type in and take echarts-united-kingdom-js as an example:
$ yh
Yehua will walk you through creating a pyecharts js package.
Press ^C to quit at any time.
project name: echarts-united-kingdom-js
description: UK maps for echarts
license: MIT
author: C.W.
All done!! project echarts-united-kingdom-js is created
All is done. Let's see what was the output:
pyecharts-host:tmp chfw$ cd echarts-united-kingdom-js/
pyecharts-host:echarts-united-kingdom-js chfw$ ls
echarts-united-kingdom-js package.json registry.json