A simple (almost to the barebones) REST FluidDB client written in Ruby.
Inspired by rest-client by Adam Wiggins, I wanted to make a FluidDB lib independent from any gem, but I may eventually wrap it around rest-client since it's really good.
As for now it just take care of payload conversion and sending the correct headers, but one of the next features may be the creation of a Ruby object for each element in the FluidDB taxonomy.
I'm really having fun writing this lib and playing with FluidDB, but please consider I may still change the interface.
The code is on github, that means everyone can fork it and contribute ;)
require 'fluiddb'
db = FluidDB::Client.new({:user => "username", :password => "password"})
db["objects"].get({"query" => "has onigiri/likes"})
db["tags/onigiri"].post({"name" => "mail", "description"=>"mail address", "indexed" => false})
For more info about the API, go to: http://api.fluidinfo.com/fluidDB/api/*/*/*
onigiri_tags = FluidDB::Client.new({:suburl => "tags/onigiri", :user => "username", :password => "password"})
onigiri_tags.post({"name" => "mail", "description"=>"mail address", "indexed" => false})
It doesn't return HTTP response codes. (see delete for an example)
Written by Emanuel Carnevale (emanuel.carnevale at gmail dot com)
Released under the MIT License