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OpenFairViewer - a FAIR, ISO and OGC (meta)data compliant GIS data viewer for browsing, accessing and sharing geo-referenced statistics DOI


Many thanks to the following organizations that have provided fundings for strenghtening OpenFairViewer:

The following projects have contributed to strenghten OpenFairViewer:

  • Blue-Cloud Blue-Cloud has received funding from the European Union's Horizon programme call BG-07-2019-2020, topic: [A] 2019 - Blue Cloud services, Grant Agreement No.862409.


  • Julien Barde @juldebar
  • Wilfried Heintz @wheintz
  • Alexandre Bennici @abennici

Special thanks

Warm and special thanks to @highsource (Alexey Valikov, RIP), for his amazing libraries (jsonix, ogc-schemas) to parse XML and OGC schemas.


The OpenFairViewer is an HTML5/JS map viewer application developed to adopt the FAIR Data principles, while complying with ISO/OGC standards for geospatial data. It enables data findn, access, query and sharing of geospatial data, in interoperable way.

The development of OpenFairViewer is done in synergy with the geoflow R package which provides a workflow tool to facilitate the management / publication of geospatial data and metadata using OGC services.


To deploy and configure an OpenFairViewer, you should install node.js that will provide the npm command required to build your OpenFairViewer project. Once node.js installed, install the following packages:

npm instal parcel-bundler --save-dev
npm install parcel-plugin-static-files-copy  --save-dev

Next, create a project with npm init, or create the below package.json as follows:

  "name": "openfairviewer_test",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "My mapviewer powered by OpenFairViewer",
  "main": "main.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
    "start": "parcel index.html",
    "build": "parcel build --public-url ./ index.html"
  "staticFiles": {
    "staticPath": [
        "staticPath": "node_modules/openfairviewer/src/templates",
        "staticOutDir": "templates"
        "staticPath": "node_modules/openfairviewer/src/img",
        "staticOutDir": "img"
  "author": "Your name",
  "license": "licence",
  "devDependencies": {
    "cssnano": "^4.1.10",
    "parcel-bundler": "^1.12.4",
    "parcel-plugin-static-files-copy": "^2.5.0"
  "dependencies": {


Next, install OpenFairViewer using the following commands:

  • for the latest (Github master branch)
npm install eblondel/openfairviewer
  • for the latest release
npm install eblondel/openfairviewer#2.7.5

After the installation, OpenFairViewer will be installed as dependency.


The initialization of the viewer is done with a Javascript only, with a single main.js script. A simple index.html file is required referencing this javascript file, then all the HTML markup required is generated by OpenFairViewer. As OpenFairViewer is metadata-driven, the minimal configuration is done by specifying the OGC Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) endpoint URL.

import $ from 'jquery';
window.$ = $;

import OpenFairViewer from 'openfairviewer/src/OpenFairViewer.js';
window.OFV = null;
	new OpenFairViewer({
		id: 'OFV',
		profile : '<p>Welcome to my <b>data portal!</b> powered by OpenFairViewer</p>',
		OGC_CSW_BASEURL: "https://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/eng/csw"
	}).init(true); //init is required to initialize the instance

The id is required to create an OpenFairViewer that will be queryable for any further interaction and customization with the application.

The profile is a summary markup description of your application that will appear when opening the application in a "About" panel dialog.

To run the application, you can run npm start, it will compile deploy your viewer to http://localhost:1234

To create a build for deployment on web servers, run npm run build. The compiled web resources will be created in the dist directory, and can be copied to your web-server.


Apart from global options, options of OpenFairViewer are grouped according to the main component of application, ie language, labels, find, access, map

An OpenFairViewer instance can be then customized handling one more options like this:

import $ from 'jquery';
window.$ = $;

import OpenFairViewer from 'openfairviewer/src/OpenFairViewer.js';
window.OFV = null;
	new OpenFairViewer({
		//an identifier used for the OpenFairViewer instance
		id: 'OFV', 
		//a profile (plain html markup or text) used as About window opened on viewer start
		profile : '<p>Welcome to my <b>data portal!</b> powered by OpenFairViewer</p>',
		//an OGC CSW endpoint URL
		OGC_CSW_BASEURL: "https://localhost:8080/geonetwork/srv/eng/csw"
		language: {<language options here>},
        labels: { <label options here> },
		find: { <browse options here> },
		access: { <browse options here> },
		map: { <map options here> }

global options

Name Type Description Default value
oninit function A function to trigger on viewer init null

The next sections highlight the current groups of options available in OpenFairViewer

language options

Name Type Description Default value
auto boolean The auto mode will detect the browser language and tries to apply a language for label terms. If no labels are available in the browser language, the english labels will be applied. true
default String The default language to apply in case auto mode is set to false Use this parameter and disable auto to set a fixed language for the application "en"

labels options

Name Type Description Default value
file String The relative path of a JSON file to specify custom label terms
terms Object Label terms used for customization of labels or forthcoming support of i18n. If ignored, default (English) labels will be taken from the embedded label terms (handled in JSON files). This option is useful when some specific terms needs to be overwriten.

find options

Name Type Description Default value
filter Object An OGC filter to restrain the selection of datasets through the CSW. See example at empty
filterByWMS Boolean Indicates if only datasets with OGC WMS map resources should be listed false
datasetInfoHandler function A function taking as parameter a metadata object. By default it will open a new tab with the XML version of the metadata through an OGC CSW GetRecordById request. Function returning CSW GetRecordByID XML in new tab
maxitems Integer Maximum number of datasets to retrieve from the catalogue null
facets Array An array of facet definitions to enable quick search buttons. Each facet should come with a type (only "tags" supported for now), title (to be displayed), and an array of facet items. Each item should come with an id, title (to be displayed), color (CSS color code to use for text), background (CSS background color), icon (optional CSS class string to use with Font awesome) and the corresponding filter to apply for the facet item(mandatory OGC filter to restrain the selection of datasets through the CSW).

access options

Name Type Description Default value
columns Integer Number of columns to use for displaying the dynamic query form. Experimental (to use cautiously) 2
time String Name of the widget to use for time selection. Default is 'datePicker'. Possible alternative value 'slider' for time slider. Experimental (to use cautiously) 'datePicker'
values_to_exclude_for Object Object include the dimension codes for which values (to specify as array) should be
excluded from the dimension filter. eg. { aggregation_method: ['none'] } null
exports Array A array of export button definitions to add to the dataset access form, or overwrite default exports. The default exports are listed here. The definition of an export is done by adding an object containing the following properties (see below example): id (identifier of the export method), enabled (true/false to enable or disable the export method), services: an Array giving the services required for executing the export logic (eg. ["wfs"]), main (true/false) indicating if the export has to be added to the main exports or in the "additional export methods" panel, title (Text to display as button title), class (a CSS class to point to an image icon), handler (a function to execute on export button click event)
dashboard Object An object to declare dashboards; See below sub-options. handlers A function taking a single layer parameter that can be used to connect a dashboard The function should return an html markup (eg. IFrame embedding the link to a R Shiny app). The dashboard handler function can handle various content depending on the target layer, but
boolean enabled: Activate the capacity to plug dashboards. true
Array Sub options for dasbhoard handlers: One ore more objects that define dashboard handlers. Each object should contain a name (name of the dashboards), a targets (array of strings to be used as dataset pid matchers to indicate if the dashboard applies or not to the dataset), a handler function with arg dataset to return dashboards as plain html. To use R shiny app dashboards, you can import the OpenFairShiny.js that provides utilities to load Shiny apps as iFrames. By default, no dashboard will be associated to the layer. See below example of handler function. null

Example of export definitions, where we deactivate the map png export (provided by default), and add a custom export button:

     'id': 'data-map-png',
     'enabled': false
 	'id': 'export-custom',
    'main': false, 
    'enabled': true,
    'services': ['wfs'],
    'title': 'Export data with custom method',
    'class': 'export-custom-css-class',
    'handler': function(){
        //business logic to run on button click event

Example of dashboard handler:

    var layer = OFV.getLayerByProperty(, 'id');
	OpenFairShiny.dashboardHandler("", layer, false);

map options

Name Type Description Default value
mode String Map mode either 2D or 3D to initialize the map viewer. Note the 3D mode requires to add CesiumJS library directly in the index.html of the application (see example at If available, OpenFairViewer will display a button (at bottom right of the screen) to switch between 2D/3D modes. 2D
control_options Object Object that includes options for the map controls. Each sub-option correspond to one of the map controls enabled in the application.
Object loadingpanel: Options of the LoadingPanel control (more details at Loading panel configured with 'progressbar' widget
attribution String A string giving html markup for the map attribution. null
extent Array Bounding box to use to bind the map geographic extent [-180, -90, 180, 90]
zoom Integer Zoom level to use for the map 3
projection String Default map projection 'EPSG:4326'
proj4defs Array An array of Proj4 projection definitions in the form {epsgcode: "here the epsgcode", proj4string, : "here the proj4 string definition"} empty
layergroups Array Array of layer groups. Each layer group should be an object in the form {name: "<layergroup name>", fold: 'open'} where fold is open/close depending if the layer group should be open or close at start [{name: "Base overlays", fold: 'close'},{name: "Statistical maps", fold: 'open'}]
mainlayergroup Integer Index within layergroups to define the main layer group (where layers loaded from the browse part will be added) 1
baselayers Array An array of baselayers defined with OpenLayers 6 layer objects List of 5 baselayers including: EMoDnet Bathymetry world base layer, UN Clear Map (Simple, Dark), OpenStreetMaps, World Imagery
overlays Array Array of base overlays to add to the map. Each overlay is defined as simplified object {group: <mainOverlayGroup>, id: <id>,title: <title>, wmsUrl: <wmsUrl>, wmsVersion: <wmsVersion>, layer: <layer>, hidden: <true/false>, visible: <true/false>, showLegend: <true/false>, opacity: <0 to 1>, tiled: <true/false>, cql_filter: <cql_filter>, style: <style>}. empty
layer_options Object An object handling layer options. See below
boolean tiled: if tiled WMS layers should be used true
Number opacity: default layer opacity to use 0.9
point_vectorizing boolean Option to indicate whether point datasets should be set-up as vector layers (based on WFS). false
point_clustering boolean Option to indicate whether point datasets should be set-up as clustered vector layers (based on WFS). Requires point_vectorizing to be true. false
point_clustering_options Object Object including the point clustering options inherited from the SelectCluster interaction plugin (See for details). Extra options here include the below:
function style: Function with args (feature, resolution) used to display a feature either clustered or not. A default function that will show a simple circle for single feature and a larger circle with the number of features displayed for a cluster.
function selectClusterFeatureStyle: Function with args (feature, resolution) used to display the cluster 'exploded' features Default orangle small circle for 'exploded' features attached to the cluster feature by a dashed gray line
function selectClusterStyle: Function with args (feature, resolution) used to display the selected feature either clustered or not. same as the style default function
thematicmapping_options Object Sub options for thematic mapping in geo-referenced statistics if thematic mapping is enabled for a layer. See belows
Array breaks for labeling class interval breaks [""," to ",""]
boolean thresholding: enable threshold of statistical values. This will be propagated to filters applied to statistical variables (both to WMS visualization and WFS for data) true
String threshold: a simple threshold definition using mathematical operators (=,>=,<=,>,<). By default only positive values are kept. Experimental (likely to evolve) "> 0"
popup Object Sub options for map layer tooltip/popup. ,
boolean enabled: true/false true
String mode: the mode of handling the popup. Either 'map' (default) to display a map popup, or 'dialog' to display the popup as fix "Feature info" dialog on the bottomright.
function handler: A function with args layer/ feature to return popup content as plain html. Default will list attributes of features. The access is operated through WMS GetFeatureInfo protocol for WMS layers, and WFS GetFeature for vector WFS layers. This requires that the data protocol uses the same protocol as the viewer (no mix of http/https origin) and is CORS enabled to allow GetFeatureInfo XMLHttpRequest to be performed. To use R shiny app as popups, you can import the OpenFairShiny.js that provides utilities to load Shiny apps as iFrames. This handler allows to condition the plug of different popup handlers depending on the layers. By default, a simple handler (DEFAULT_HANDLER) will be provided by OpenFairViewer. See below example.
function onopen: A function with with args layer/ featureto trigger on popup opening.
function onclose: A function with with args layer/ featureto trigger on popup closing.
cesium Object 3D mode options. See below.
String defaultAccessToken. The Cesium service token to configure in your OpenFairViewer instance if you want to use 3D mode

Example of popup handler:

function(layer, feature){
			return OpenFairShiny.popupHandler("", layer, feature, false);
			return this.DEFAULT_HANDLER(layer, feature);