To install this plugin, extract this archive to /plugins/dominicmercier/nikeid
and migrate the database by performing one of the following:
- Log out and sign back in to the back-end; or
- Run CLI command
php artisan october:up
To view the plugin click on NikeID in the back-end area.
- Select the Hockey Glove product.
- Go to Layers tab.
- Click Finger layer. A popup form should appear.
As you can see, each layer can be available in 6 various colors. Each colors is displayed in a checkbox.
The colors relations look good if we have a small number of colors. It would be better if we could add|remove color associated with this layer with a complete October back-end list view.
I usually do this by creating a partial that render relation using:
relationRender('layers') ?> in a controller.Anyone know how to do this kind of relations inside another relations?