IPv6 adresses can be logged
Multiple improvements at the Italian language package
Game Server
GameQ Query library updated
Start/Stop button added at the console in the user area
Workaround for Debian 9 and screen -L added
CSV files are copied instead of being linked
Game name not displayed at console output of statuscheck.php
Game server status time stamp at user overview
DB remove only of game server outputs shell debug and fails
Restart of game server with a not existing protected file creates folders recursively
"Notified count" not reset in case game server is reachable again
Update success for SteamCMD games no longer detected
Restart planer not working with latest MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04
ARK Template
MTA:SA Template
Page list not working with latest MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04
CMS cannot be edited in some cases
In case a TS3 master belongs to a reseller the instances are not checked properly by status check
Initial TS3 password not saved to DB
suhosin check at TS3 import
Incorrect headline at TSDNS admin overview
Adding groups with active debugger not working
Multiple undefined variable notices (with active debugger)
Incorrect icon used from Font Awesome in case of Hybridauth and Twitch
Security issue in case Reseller switches to a user account
SQL syntax at game and voice server API in combination with external ID
Login Loop (first login might fail)
"Please allow redirection settings" error in case of logout on some systems
Adding a ticket category with latest MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04 fails
Redirect at default Apache2 vhost template
You can’t perform that action at this time.