Requirements: - extended cppStats (
HowTo: 1. Download the extended cppStats from github 2. Copy the path to the source parent folder (the source files have to be in a source folder) to "cppstats_input.txt" in the cppstats folder 3. Run cppStats in a terminal with the 'featurelocations' and 'general' options --> ./ --kind 'featurelocations' --> ./ --kind 'general' 4. Run the program. The following arguments are possible and define which processes are done during runtime --source [Path/To/A/CppStatsResult/Folder] --processed [Path/To/A/ProcessedData/Folder] --config [Path/To/A/CodeSmellConfiguration.file] --SaveIntermediate
Examples: --source examplePath --saveintermediate The cppstats and SrcMl files will be processed and the processed data will be saved to the working directory
--source examplePath --saveintermediate --config examplePath2
The cppstats and SrcML files will be processed and saved to the working directoy for later used.
Afterwards the detection will be performed with the given configuration. A result file will be saved to the working directory.
--processed examplePath --config examplePath2
Previously processed data will be loaded and the detection process will be performed afterwards. A result file will be saved to the working directory.