This is an implementation of the game codenames
Codenames is turn based game played by competing teams of players divided into two roles, clue giver and guesser. There game setup consists of several agents with codenames known by all players as well as secret identities which only the clue givers know. The identities can correspond to one of the player teams, neutral, or fatal. The objective of each teams is to be the first to identify all of their team's agents without revealing fatal agents. Gameplay involves turns in which the clue giver for the currently active team provides a clue consisting of a single word and a quantity. Using information revealed by the clue givers, the guessers from the active team then have the opportunity to reveal the identities of unkown agents one at a time until they either reveal an agent that is not aligned with their team or they exceed the quantity given by the clue giver for the turn.