Releases: eablokker/espresso-csscomb
Releases · eablokker/espresso-csscomb
- Update CSSComb package to 4.3.0
- Update Yargs to latest Node v6 compatible release
- Only add newline to end of file if you've combed the entire file (by combing with nothing selected) and your eof-newline option is set to true in your config file. Otherwise when combing selections, never add newline to end.
- Hide CSS Comb menu when not in CSS, SASS, SCSS, LESS file
- Allow Comb action to be performed when cursor is in any CSS syntax context (So Comb menu action is always shown)
- When combing entire file, comb the current document state instead of the saved file on the filesystem
- Ability to comb multiple selections
- Update selections to fit to new lengths after being combed
- Ability to use double quotes in dialog boxes
- Keeps cursor selection after being combed
- Stops current selection from scrolling out of view after being combed
- Added support for Espresso 5
- Changed extension from .sugar to .espressoplugin
- Updated CSScomb core to v4.2.0
- Removed dependency on ShellActions.sugar
- Uses snippet syntax to run shell actions
- Creates popup dialogs using applescript shell action