A [work-in-progress] wrapper to the National Instruments DAQmx driver. It depends on PyDAQmx for callbacks, and all of the functions may be available through PyDAQmx, but the syntax is slightly different to allow for more "Pythonic" programming.
PyDAQmx works well, but its members don't show up in Spyder's autocompletion. Also, PyDAQmx uses a lot of mixed case names (including its package name), which can be cumbersome to program with. The goal of this project is to make syntax as clear as possible for rapid application development.
As of yet, only the functions and constants that I have needed are wrapped, so things are a bit incomplete. Use with the knowledge that things are not complete, and feel free to submit pull requests.
Inside the cloned directory run
python setup.py install
import time
import daqmx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a task object
task = daqmx.tasks.Task()
# Create a channel object
channel = daqmx.channels.AnalogInputVoltageChannel()
channel.physical_channel = "Dev1/ai0"
channel.name = "analog input 0"
# Add the channel to the task and activate option to append data in memory
# Run the task for 2 seconds and stop
# Plot the resulting data
plt.plot(task.data["time"], task.data["analog input 0"])