Releases: eHealthAfrica/aether
Release Notes
feat: s3 storage configuration changes (#444)
feat(odk): more warnings and info messages (#437)
feat: project/schema CASCADE deletion (#424)
feat(kernel): make messages translatable (#414)
feat(kernel): csv/ xlsx export in submissions/ entities (#336)
feat: introduce schema family and more (#410)
feat: filter submissions by payload content (#412)
feat: jsonpath extensions (#408)
feat(couchdb): include more views to filter data (#404)
feat(couchdb): include more views to filter data (#404)
feat: parallel extraction (#386)
feat(sync): API entry for mobile users (#392)
fix(kernel): validate data in the model side (#433)
fix: retrieve POST data via (#427)
fix(odk): make AVRO fields nullable (#425)
fix(kernel): passthrough filter and read only mappings (#423)
fix: better and faster passthrough items detection (#422)
fix(filters): remove spaces in generated strings (#418)
fix(kernel): filter entity stats by schema family (#416)
fix: jsonpath key wildcard handling (#417)
fix: update mocker (#406)
fix(odk): use payload filter with meta.instanceID (#415)
fix(kernel): set input to avro schema (#405)
fix(ui): tweak avsc random for UnwrappedUnionType (avoid null) (#407)
- feat: create passthrough mapping from AVRO schema (#381)
- feat: new openapi based client/ updates to integration tests && producer usage of client (#378)
- fix: CouchDB Sync can create use tokens (#390)
- fix: develop client / integration tests (#382)
- fix: updating an entity should not require a projectschema to be specified, if one already exists for this instance (#380)
- refactor: cleaning model definition (#384)
- chore: remove docker-compose healthchecks (#377)
feat: common login/logged out pages in containers (#331) * feat(common): login/logged out pages * fix: nginx favicon location * fix: cleaning pages * fix: docker healthchecks and dependencies * fix: move context processors to common * fix: refactor and cleaning templates * chore(scripts): speed up containers start up * fix: oops * fix: clean docker_start script * fix: remove deps in nginx container * fix: docker_start script * refactor: indentation with 2 spaces * fix: cleaning templates * styled common login * fix(css): spaces * fixed font issue for aether logo * fix(ui): remove custom login template * fix: last minute changes * chore: include APP_NAME as example * fix: introduce token url within auth ones * refactor: styles in static css file
feat: odk module changes required for gather 3
feat: style login page
fix(ui): unique jsx array keys
fix: propagate artefacts with create only option
fix: wrap entity type titles
fix: backwards conditional causing schema changes to be always detected
fix: mocker nesting
fix: remove hardcoded credentials
fix: generate names for all derived avro schemas
fix: avro schema viewer array
fix: recursive schema check - browser compatibility
chore(ui): simplify assets container setup (HRM and distribution)
chore(travis): add anchor at beginning of regex for deploy conditional
chore: bump aether release 0.7.0