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GovSSO integration tests

Tests for GovSSO (both Ory Hydra OIDC and Estonian specific session service component)


  • Java 11 JDK
  1. SUT (GovSSO) must be deployed as accessible service

  2. Some tests require deployment of TARA

  3. Fetch the tests:

git clone

Configuring the test

  1. Configure the properties file. file needs to be either in src/test/resources directory or its location configured with .env file src/test/resources. Example of .env file:

The example file with values are given ../src/test/resource/

Description of values:

ssooidcservice - Hydra OIDC service parameters

sessionservice - Estonian specific session service parameters.

ssooidcclienta - Tests act like connecting OIDC client. This client must be registered in GovSSO service.

ssooidcclientb - Tests act like connecting OIDC client. This client must be registered in GovSSO service.

ca-proxyservice - Foreign country (CA) proxy service configuration for eIDAS authentication tests.

idp - Foreign country (CA) identity provider configuration for eIDAS authentication tests.

taraservice - login service configuration used for connecting to the authentication service

Parameter Default Description
ssooidcservice.protocol http Service protocol. oidc-service Service URL.
ssooidcservice.port 13444 Service port.
ssooidcservice.revocation /oauth2/revoke Session revocation endpoint.
ssooidcservice.logout /oauth2/sessions/logout Session logout endpoint.
ssooidcservice.authenticationRequestUrl /oauth2/auth OIDC flow start endpoint.
ssooidcservice.configurationUrl /.well-known/openid-configuration OIDC metadata endpoint.
ssooidcservice.jwksUrl /.well-known/jwks.json Signing key info endpoint.
ssooidcdatabase.protocol jdbc Database protocol. oidc-db Database URL.
ssooidcdatabase.port 5432 Database port.
ssooidcdatabase.databaseUrl /oidc-db Database endpoint.
ssooidcdatabase.username username Database users' username
ssooidcdatabase.password password Database users' password
sessionservice.protocol http Service protocol. session-service Service URL.
sessionservice.port 14080 Service port.
sessionservice.node.protocol http Service node protocol. Used in monitoring tests. session-service Service node URL. Used in monitoring tests.
sessionservice.node.port 14080 Service node port. Used in monitoring tests.
sessionservice.initUrl /login/init Service authentication start endpoint.
sessionservice.continueSessionUrl /login/continuesession Service session continuation endpoint.
sessionservice.reauthenticateUrl /login/reauthenticate Service reauthentication endpoint.
sessionservice.taraCallbackUrl /login/taracallback Service authentication redirect endpoint.
sessionservice.loginRejectUrl /login/reject Service cancel authentication endpoint.
sessionservice.logoutInitUrl /logout/init Service logout start endpoint.
sessionservice.logoutContinueSessionUrl /logout/continuesession Service logout with continuation endpoint.
sessionservice.logoutEndSessionUrl /logout/endsession Service logout with end all sessions endpoint.
sessionservice.consentUrl /consent/init Service consent selection endpoint.
sessionservice.consentConfirmUrl /auth/consent/confirm Service consent confirmation endpoint.
sessionservice.healthUrl /actuator/health Service health endpoint.
sessionservice.readinessUrl /actuator/health/readiness Service readiness endpoint.
sessionservice.livenessUrl /actuator/health/liveness Service liveness endpoint.
sessionservice.infoUrl /actuator/info Service info endpoint.
sessionservice.sessions /admin/sessions Service sessions endpoint.
taraservice.protocol https Service protocol. login-service-backend Service URL.
taraservice.initUrl https Authentication start endpoint in login service.
taraservice.midInitUrl /auth/mid/init Mobile-ID start endpoint.
taraservice.midPollUrl /auth/mid/poll Mobile-ID status polling endpoint.
taraservice.webEidInitUrl /auth/id/init ID-card authentication start endpoint.
taraservice.webEidLoginUrl /auth/id/login ID-card authentication authToken submit endpoint.
taraservice.sidInitUrl /auth/sid/init Smart-ID start endpoint.
taraservice.sidPollUrl /auth/sid/poll Smart-ID status polling endpoint.
taraservice.authAcceptUrl /auth/accept Authentication accept endpoint.
taraservice.authRejectUrl /auth/reject Authentication reject endpoint.
taraservice.eidasInitUrl /auth/eidas/init eIDAS authentication start endpoint.
taraservice.eidasCallbackUrl /auth/eidas/callback eIDAS authentication return endpoint.
taraservice.authLegalInitUrl /auth/legalperson/init Legal person authentication start endpoint.
taraservice.authLegalPersonUrl /auth/legalperson Legal person selection endpoint.
taraservice.authLegalConfirmUrl /auth/legalperson/confirm Legal person confirmation endpoint.
taraservice.consentUrl /auth/consent Authentication consent selection endpoint.
taraservice.consentConfirmUrl /auth/consent/confirm Authentication consent confirmation endpoint.
ca-proxyservice.protocol https Service protocol. eidas-caproxy Service URL.
ca-proxyservice.port 8080 Service port.
ca-proxyservice.consentUrl /SpecificProxyService/AfterCitizenConsentResponse Authentication consent endpoint.
idp.protocol https Service protocol. eidas-caproxy Service URL.
idp.port 8081 Service port.
idp.responseUrl /IdP/Response Authentication response endpoint.
ssooidcclienta.protocol https GovSSO mock client A protocol. sso-client-a GovSSO mock client A host.
ssooidcclienta.port 11443 GovSSO mock client A port.
ssooidcclienta.responseUrl /oauth/response GovSSO mock client A authentication response endpoint.
ssooidcclienta.logoutRedirectUrl /logout/url GovSSO mock client A logout redirect endpoint.
ssooidcclienta.clientId client-a GovSSO mock client A ID.
ssooidcclienta.secret secreta GovSSO mock client A secret.
ssooidcclienta.expiredJwt eyJhbG... GovSSO mock client A expired ID token.
ssooidcclientb.protocol https GovSSO mock client B protocol. sso-client-b GovSSO mock client B host.
ssooidcclientb.port 12443 GovSSO mock client B port.
ssooidcclientb.responseUrl /oauth/response GovSSO mock client B authentication response endpoint.
ssooidcclientb.logoutRedirectUrl /logout/url GovSSO mock client B logout redirect endpoint.
ssooidcclientb.clientId client-b GovSSO mock client B ID.
ssooidcclientb.secret secretb GovSSO mock client B secret.

Execute tests and generate report

  1. To run the tests:

./mvnw clean test

  1. To check the results:

a) Surefire plugin generates reports in ../target/surefire-reports folder.

b) For a comprehensive report, Allure is required (instructions for download.). To generate the report execute:

allure serve .../GovSSO-Test/allure-results/

To see Allure report after running tests in IntelliJ

Configure correct Allure results directory in IntelliJ in order to view Allure report when running tests from IntelliJ

Run-> Edit configurations-> Templates-> JUnit-> VM Options: -ea$ProjectFileDir$/target/allure-results

And delete all existing run configurations