This is repo is created at education purpose. It contains the running example for tools mentioned in cncf landscape.
These software need to be installed and well setup in local machine
Navigate to the repo folder, all software will be automatically installed by direnv and nix setup
~/p/dzungtr> cd cncflab/
direnv: loading ~/project/dzungtr/cncflab/.envrc
direnv: using nix
direnv: export <SOME env var>
List of softwares installed can be tracked in default.nix
file. The lab uses kind
as k8s cluster distribution to set up local easily. More information, you can reference here
# To start the cluster with the set up you want:
tilt up -- <options>
# eg:
# default
tilt up
tilt up -- --cluser default # optional
# signoz as observability
tilt up -- --observability signoz
# Cilium run as primary network configuration
tilt up -- --cluster cni-disable --network cilium
Alternatively, you can create cluster by running
kind create cluster --config k8s-distribution/kind/<config-file>
# to stop cluster
kind delete cluster --name <cluster-name>
This folder contains deployment's manifests for different example applications. Some example include:
- REST API micro service
- Hotrod:
- Starswar:
- Guestbooks:
, etc
These folder present for each domain mentioned in CNCF landscape. In each of domain contains the example usage of the software. To run a the stack, you can either run command:
kustomize build <kustomzation-path> --enable-helm | kubectl apply -f -
# or provide the flag in tilt up command
tilt up -- --<folder-name> <tool-name>
# ex:
tilt up -- --observability signoz
Predefined utitlity scripts
- Create kind cluster script