We wish we had asked our first clients these questions during sysadmin onboarding. We curated this list based on our experience with clients.
This list of questions serves as a checklist for sysadmins and ops staff. It's extremely useful for newly onboarded teams without knowledge and understanding of an application's structure and features.
These questions can serve as a base to have a better understanding of what your ops staff will be dealing with.
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Infrastructure-Specific questions
- How many data centers do you have around the world?
- Where is your data center located?
- Where do you host your application: on-premises, in a cloud or in a hybrid environment?
- Have you set up an Infrastructure as a Code approach? If so, please specify.
- Have you set up a Configuration Management approach? If so, please specify.
- How many environments do you operate?
- Do you use load balancing?
- Is your infrastructure highly available?
- Is it monitored accordingly with alerting setup?
- What type of alerting do you prefer?
- Do you have key metrics? Please describe it.
- Did you perform performance tests before provisioning your infrastructure?
- Do you have any disaster recovery strategies in place for the infrastructure?
- What is the level of data center redundancy?
- What is the level of Internet access redundancy?
- Do you separate zones and regions?
Application-Specific questions
- Is your application based on a monolithic or microservice architecture?
- Do you use containers and/or containers orchestrators?
- What programming languages are used in your application?
- Have you set up a CI/CD process? If so, what tools did you use?
- What version control system (VCS) do you use? Which branching strategies are in use? What triggers the CD/CD process?
- Does your application require multi-region infrastructure?
- Does your application use edge infrastructure e.g. CDN or DDoS protection?
- Who manages external IP and DNS, how do they map to your application?
- What release strategies does your company use?
- How do you communicate with customers about important changes to your platform or processes?
- Does the application log user access activity?
- Does the application force new users to change their password upon first login?
- Does the application support Multi-Factor Authentication?
- Does the application provide API documentation?
Team-Specific questions
- How big is your team?
- In your team do you have DevOps Engineers?
- Who is responsible for issuing and maintaining SSL certificates at your company?
- Is there a scheduled maintenance window? If yes, what is the frequency?
- How many different teams or organizations contribute to or depend on your your infrastructure?
- Do you have a separate customer support team? Can they access or change the infrastructure?
- Do you use third party vendors, if so which ones, and do you have support contracts with those in place?
- What is your best and worst case request and approval process for infrastructure changes?
- Who monitors cost, budgeting and funding of the infrastructure? Is that part of approvals or changes?
Security-Specific questions
- Do you do penetration test regularly?
- How often do you perform third-party penetration tests on this application and when was the last one?
- Do you have any static code analysis in your pipelines?
- Do you have any security/vulnerability analysis in your pipelines?
- Is there a hardware-based firewall that protects your data from the Internet?
- Is there virus protection on the servers?
- How promptly are security patches applied?
- Does your organization use a third-party security assessment firm for penetration testing? If so, please provide a Letter of Attestation or proof of services rendered.
- Do you have a documented software development lifecycle process (SDLC), and is security integrated into this process?
- What application security methods (e.g. application level firewall or database auditing) are used?
- How is the infrastructure and application platform accessed for admin and maintenance, e.g. do you use SSH?
- Where, how and by whom are user and system accounts and keys managed?
- How are permissions managed, e.g. are authentication and authorization different systems, do you have short-term access tokens for breakglass, do you log all admin and superuser access with justifications?
Data-Specific questions
- What types of data does this application store or process?
- For the data types listed above, where does the data come from, and how does it make its way into the application?
- What methods does your solution use to send/transfer our data out to other systems?
- Do you encrypt data at rest or in transit?
- What encryption algorithms do you use to encrypt data at rest?
- What encryption algorithms do you use to encrypt data in transit?
- How do you manage the encryption keys?
- Who has access to the encryption keys?
- For both data stored in the application and backups, in which countries is our data stored?
- Who can see or have access to your information?
- Please describe your security incident response process.
- What is the timeline for customer notification in the case of a breach?
- What activities/actions within your application are logged?
- How do you allow to view audit and access logs?
- What happens to your data when service is terminated?
- Any backup processes?
- How many copies of your data are stored, where are they stored, and are they encrypted?
- Do you have disaster recovery processes?
- Do you have data residency requirements e.g. GDPR?
- Do you handle personally identifiable information (PII) that requires special controls?
Disaster Recovery Continuity
- Do you have a business continuity/disaster recovery plan?
- How often do you test your BCP/DRP?
- Backups and Failover - How long is the backup history maintained?
- Can the database be restored to a specific day and time (RTO and RPO)?
- Do you have a documented Incident Response Plan?
- Who gets paged in case of an infrastructure incident?
- Do you have geographical requirements for DR (e.g. distance)?
- Are your application backends and frontends stateful to the region or work independently (hot vs cold standby)?
USA related
- Is your application FedRAMP authorized?
- SOC2 audit?