A light wallet for the ALIAS cryptocurrency.
Please put no funds on this wallet, you're not willing to lose. Also don't restore from seeds which contains funds you're not willing to lose.
ALiWa will be supported by all major Desktop and Mobile platforms.
- Desktop: Windows (7-10+), MacOS, Linux
- Mobile: Android & iOS under aliwa-mobile
WINDOWS : ALiWa-TESTNET-v0.0.8-Setup.exe, 32 bit : ALiWa-TESTNET-v0.0.8-Setup-32bit-T32.exe
LINUX DEB (Debian based, Debian,Ubuntu, ...) : .deb package
Linux RPM (Red Hat based, Fedora, Suse, ...) : .rpm package
- C/C++ Compiler
- Node.js
- Python
- Git
It is recommended to install VisualStudio and select the above packages at the Installation process. (I believe everything but Git can be selected there)
To build on Windows it is required to open a powershell as administrator and give "RemoteSigned" rights.
To do this:
- Open a power shell.
Start-Process powershell -Verb runAs
- Confirm
- In admin Power shell:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
- Confirm with Yes
Now you're able to build on windows!
Step 2 and 3 are only required once
npm init -y
npm i --save-dev electron
npm i -g @electron-forge/cli
(install electron-forge)electron-forge import
- (For ALiWa icon) Follow the APP ICON INSTRUCTIONS from the file
confg package
npm install
npm run make
- Download tor-jul-2021.zip from the aliwa-resources repository
- Unzip it and copy the folder
into the folder where your build is located (ALiWa.exe is in there) - Use your preferred software (e.g. Inno Setup) to make an Windows Installer or zip it for shipping.
Use the steps above but instead of step 7 use these steps:
7a. install --save-dev electron-packager
(only once)
7b. npx electron-packager . ALiWa-32 --platform=win32 --arch=ia32 --icon=view_resources/img/aliwa_light.ico
- Xcode & Xcode Comand Line Tools
- Node.js
- Git
Step 2 and 3 are only required once
npm init -y
npm i --save-dev electron
npm i -g @electron-forge/cli
(install electron-forge)electron-forge import
- (For ALiWa icon) Follow the APP ICON INSTRUCTIONS from the file
confg package
- Download tor-jul-2021.zip from the aliwa-resources repository
- Unzip it and copy the folder
into the repository folder npm install
npm run make
- Node.js >=12.0.0
- Git
- Tor (Only for getting a connection running the app)
Step 2 and 3 are only required once
npm init -y
npm i --save-dev electron
npm i -g @electron-forge/cli
(install electron-forge)electron-forge import
- (For ALiWa icon) Follow the APP ICON INSTRUCTIONS from the file
confg package
npm run make