The Editor uses the ECS system from the course You can load and save data to [.map] files. When saving and loading, the editor uses a [.lua] file that loads the the location of the [.map] files and the tilesets that are used.
This application was created to quickly make tile maps for small games created with the Pikuma Game Engine. I re-made the tilemap editor that I created in my ZeldaClone I added more functionality and made the code more clean and concise as my abilities continue to grow.
Requires CMake 3.26 and vcpkg
git clone
./vcpkg install glm spdlog sdl2 sdl2-ttf sdl2-image lua sol2
- Linux Also needs GTK-+3.0 for NFD build
sudo apt-get install build-essential libgtk-3-dev
git clone
cmake -S . -B build
cd build
cmake --build . --config Release
cd bin
- Just created a quick documation site created with MD Book. Check it out here (Work in progress):
- ImGui - for user interface
- SDL2 - for rendering and window/inputs
- Sol/Lua - for loading files
- ECS - from Pikuma Game Engine
- SDL2
- SDL2_ttf
- SDL2_image
- ImGui
- Sol/Lua
- Load/Add multiple tilemaps
- Undo/Redo functionality when adding/removing tiles and changing canvas size
- Save/Load capabilities.
- I have changed the way that I load/save files. It differs from the course; therefore, you may have to rewrite the save functionality.
- The load function uses lua/sol and loads previously saved projects and their assets/tilemaps into the asset manager.
- Selecting different tiles based on where you click on the displayed tileset
- Panning and Zooming
key | Function |
W | Move Camara Up |
S | Move Camera Down |
A | Move Camera Left |
D | Move Camera Right |
Space | Move Camera to Default Position |
Ctrl + Z | Undo Command |
Ctrl + Shift + Z | Redo Command |
Ctrl + S | Save/Save As Project |
Ctrl + O | Open Project |
Ctrl + N | New Canvas/Project |
Mouse Button | Function |
Left Button | Add Tile |
Middle Button | Pan/Move the Camera |
Right Button | Remove Tile |
Wheel Up | Zoom In |
Wheel down | Zoom Out |
- Only works on 1920 1080 Resolution, does not take into affect other screen resolutions
Box Collider Offset not scaling properly with zoomfixed- There are probably more bugs that I am still finding