An implementation of the take-home coding test for ActiveCampaign's frontend engineer position.
The project requires several env variables to run correctly. The required keys are as follows:
- Sensitive character sequence required to access ActiveCampaign API
- API key given to applicant via email
- ActiveCampaign API URL
- Host API url provided to applicant via email
- Proxy server required for performing CORS requests against the
API - Discussed via email with applicant
In the project directory you can run the following scripts:
- Install all necessary packages according to
to run the project
- Runs the app in the development mode
- Open http://localhost:3000 to view app in the browser
- Runs the app linting tools with output printed to console
- Runs the app testing suite with output printed to the console
- Builds the app for production to the
folder - It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance
- The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes
Cypress is an end-to-end integration testing utility for web applications. To run the Cypress tests for this project, follow the steps below:
- Application Heroku Link
- Live demo of the
- Live demo of the
- ActiveCampaign API Docs
- ActiveCampaign API Host