Hi 👋, I'm Daniel, a Computational Biologist at the Interdisciplinary Research Unit Mathematics and Life Sciences / Life & Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Bonn. I am mostly active in dynamical modeling and parameter estimation. My papers are listed on Google Scholar.
I am developer / regular contributor / maintainer of a number of tools around efficient simulation and parameter estimation for dynamic models in systems biology. The main projects are:
- PEtab for specifying parameter estimation problems in systems biology in an efficient and interoperable manner
- AMICI for scalable simulation and sensitivity analysis (Python / C++ (/ Matlab))
- pypesto for parameter estimation in Python
- parPE for parameter estimation for ordinary differential equation models on high-performance computing cluster (C++)
Other projects in rather early stage:
- sbmlmath for interconverting SBML math and SymPy expressions
- An IntelliJ Antimony language support plugin for working with Antimony models in IntelliJ IDEs such as pycharm