To build the project, first install the latest versions of Torch7 and LMDBOn Ubuntu, lmdb can be installed by apt-get install liblmdb-dev. The following project also needs to be installed:
Instructions for Testing
- Create a text file containig path to list of images for which textual recognition is required
- Run th src/test.lua (If you want to specifiy parent path, you can set the addn variable)
- If you are unable to run the code, you have to install fblualib and then go to src/ and execute sh to build the C++ code. If successful, a file named should be produced in the src/ directory.
- If you wish to do lexicon based decoding, you need to run to create the lexion file and that needs to be present in the src/ folder (You can change the name of the lexicon file in the test.lua script)
- For viewing the output in unicode you can use the script under tools/ (python3 tools/ It needs location of the lookup file () and the file where the annotations outputted by the test.lua script are stored. It prints the unicode characters on screen.
Instructions for Training -- Following the stucture in IIIT-HW-Dev dataset, one would have train/test/val files with image-path and label pairs
- Check using tool/ if any word exceeds the max. word length the architecture can decode, if nothing is printed on the terminal, there's no issue.
- From the train/test/val files, seperate out all the labels and create a file containing all the unique labels. Run tools/ and create the lookup file ( say ).
- Depending on whether you want to create a dataset with/without augmented images, run tools/create_dataset or tools/create_dataset_aug respectively. Either class requires outputPath to where the lmdb file is to be written, imagePathfileLilst which is just the train/test/val .txt file from the dataset, parentDirofImages, which mentions the directory where the HindiSeg folder is present and the lookupFile which was created in step 2.
- Go to the models/ folder and either create new folder or copy an existing folder. The various properties present that need to be changed in config.lua file are mentioend below.
- Run the training code as: src/th main_train.lua <Path to snapshot / saved model> ( <Path to snapshot / saved model> is optional.)
PS: The code is based upon the work done here: (Search in that repos forum in case of doubts) IIIT-HW-Dev dataset link:
A basisc description of the various files and folders Model Folder --> config.lua- Contains all the various arch. defn's like number of classes and the layers. snapshotInterval: After how many iter. a model is saved to disk nClasses: no of unique char's in the dataset. maxT: See from the model defn Model cannot recognize words having more characters than maxT. savePath: Path where the various snapshots are saved testInterval: After how many iterations you get test results trainSetPath and valSetPath need to be set where the training and validation lmdb files are present
In src folder: DatasetLmdb.lua --> only need to change local imgW, imgH everywhere test.lua --> use for predicting results on test set, change snapshot path and wether to use lexicon free or lexicon based decoding. inference.lua --> lexicon size is fixed to 30 characters. utilities.lua --> ascii2label: ranking always starts from 1 ends at nClasses in config.lua label2ascii: opposite of ascii2label function and be careful of label ==0 case loadAndResizeImage: Needs to be the set to the same values in DatasetLmdb.lua