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Using Apache Airflow to author, run and monitor complex data pipelines.


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Airflow for Data Science

0. References

1. Why Data Pipelines?

Enterprise Data and software products (like forecast reports and sales dashboards) depend on the execution of complex workflows of tasks that catch, transform, move, analyze and display data to strategic decision makers. A workflow is just a sequence of tasks started on a schedule or triggered by an event. Workflow management systems help us organize and execute tasks that may have different dependencies, start times and durations.

Most data science projects consist of a set of tasks - obtain, scrub, explore, model, industrialize. It is trivial to stitch together and automate these tasks in a workflow. But data is unpredictable and can cause some tasks or entire pipelines to fail. Sometimes servers die, APIs fail and connections are dropped.

For building robust and resilient pipelines, we need a system that has

  • Smart Scheduling to accommodate tasks with varying start-times and durations
  • Dependencies Management to easily define upstream and downstream tasks, consider priorities, and execute tasks in parallel where possible
  • Resilience to retry failed tasks based on state or timeouts and alert the team
  • Scaleability to accommodate more workflows and allow particular tasks to be run on specially allocated resources
  • Flexibility to run anything you want, and to hack and extend where needed
  • Monitoring and Interaction to provide centralized access via a UI to task statuses (completed, running, succeeded, failed, retrying ...)
  • Batteries included so the tool is fairly plug and play, with most requirement fulfilled out-of-the-box
  • Open Source, Python native
  • Great documentation, Community support

2. Overview of available Tools

Files and Targets based systems

  • Examples: Make, Drake, PyDoit, Luigi
  • Pros
    • Work is cached in files so rebuilding is easy
    • Simple and intuitive configurations especially for data transformations
  • Cons
    • No native concept of scheduling (can use cron)
    • Primitive alerting systems
    • Restrictive design; not easily applicable to non-file targets

###Abstract Orchestration systems

  • Examples: Pinball, Airflow
  • Pros
    • More types of Operations possible
    • Handle more complex dependency logics
    • Scheduling, monitoring and alerting services are built-in
  • Cons
    • Caching is per service, the focus is not on individual tasks
    • Configuration is not that easy
    • More infrastructure dependencies like a databse for stroring task-states and a queue for handling task distribution

3. Why Airflow?

Airflow is a platform to programmatically author, schedule and monitor workflows.

There's a focus on 'programmatically authoring' - to build things that are more dynamic and easily reviewed. Airflow provides tools to build data pipelines on-the-fly, allowing us to write workflows-as-code. It can be seen more as an orchestrator that triggers jobs on other systems.

With Airflow it becomes possible to specify rules or requirements (in a YAML or a through front end) that can be parsed and used to generate a workflow automatically. You go from being a workflow-author to being a workflow-factory (writing applications that generate pipelines), thus commoditizing the work of Data Engineers and scaling it up.


  • DAGs are configured via code, new tasks can be generated on-the-fly. Everything is a Python object.
  • Scheduler process handles triggering and executing work specified in DAGs on a calendar or cron-like schedule
  • Built-in alerting based on SLAs (like timeouts) or task-state (Slack or email notification integration)
  • Parameterized retry - the pipeline self-heals when tasks fail and applications crash
  • Great UI with lots of sexy profiling visualizations to monitor DAGs, execution status and run durations of tasks
  • Actions on DAGs like test, backfill, clear, trigger are convenient from the CLI
  • Variety of available Operators and the ability to extend them using inheritance
  • Scalable - supports local (Sequential) or distributed (Celery) execution
  • Variables for setting and storing configurations referenced by tasks


  • DAGs overview

  • Tree View

  • Graph View helps visualize task dependencies and status for a specific run

  • Gantt Chart to discover tasks that are blockers

4. Concepts


  • Airflow uses Directed Acyclic Graphs to represent workflows. DAGs are collections of tasks with their dependencies. (circular dependencies are not allowed as they will create infinite execution loops)
  • Each node in the graph is a task, and edges define dependencies amongst tasks. DAGs sets the context for when and how the tasks should be executed
  • These are defined in Python scripts and places inside the dags/ directory inside $AIRFLOW_HOME. They are picked up by the scheduler automatically.

DAG Parameters

  • dag_id is the unique string identifier.
  • start_date the point in time when the DAG's tasks are to be started. Valid Python datetime values allowed.
  • schedule_interval how often are the tasks to be executed. Can take cron strings, timedelta objects or special strings like @daily
  • default_arguments are inherited by all tasks in the DAG
    • See the documentation for details on depends_on_past, email_on_failure, max_active_runs
# Set default args
defaultargs_ = {
    'owner': 'dkhosla',
    'start_date': datetime(2018, 8, 22),
    'depends_on_past': False,
    'email': ['[email protected]'],
    'email_on_failure': True,
    'retries': 1,
    'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5)

# Instantiate the dag
dag_1 = DAG(

NOTE The start_date specifies the datetime at which data will be present in the database. The first job will run at start_date + interval because that's when all the data for the specified interval will have arrived.

When a DAG is executed, it becomes a DAG Run.

  • Airow triggers this execution based on the schedule_interval defined in the DAG or after a manual trigger
  • A DAG Run is logged, including when the run began, exited, and if any errors occurred along the way.

Operators and Tasks

While DAGs describe how to run a workflow, Operators determine what gets done. Thus, operators define the individual tasks that need to take place within a DAG. They can trigger bash commands, run SQL on a database, transfer data between systems, listen for changes on a server, or even send an email or Slack message.

Built-in Operators are categorized into 3 types

  • Action: perform a particular action with data or pipeline Examples - BashOperator, PythonOperator, EmailOperator
  • Transfer: move data in the pipeline Examples - S3ToHiveTransfer
  • Sensor: test to determine if a state or requirement has been reached
    • Examples - HttpSensor, ExternalTaskSensor
    • Implemented as a Python class with a poke() method which will be called repeatedly until True
    • Useful for monitoring external or long-running processes

Custom Operators can be extended using the BaseOperator class and need to have an execute() method defined.

Task Properties and Dependencies

  • Properties of a task include

    • a unique task_id,
    • the name of the dag it belongs to, and
    • other Operator specific parameters. For example, the PythonOperator requires a python_callable= argument.
  • Task dependencies

    • tasks can have multiple dependencies or none at all (independents)
    • dependencies are specified using the set_upstream or set_downstream methods. The shorthands >>, << can also be used.
    • Note that Airflow leverages the dependency graph to determine which tasks can be executed in parallel, and knows to prioritize parent tasks before running children.
task_1 = BashOperator(task_id='sleep',  
                      bash_command='sleep 5')

task_2 = PythonOperator(task_id='get_raw_data',


Task Instance

  • Airow calls an executed Operator a Task Instance.
  • It represents an attempted operation at a certain time, with certain parameters.
  • It’s log contains the exact command that was given to a worker, at what time, and the detailed output of what occurred.

NOTE Each DAGRun and TaskInstance is associated with an entry in Airflow’s metadata database that logs their state (e.g. “queued”, “running”, “failed”, “skipped”, “up for retry”).

Airflow Execution

  • At its core, Airflow is simply a queuing system built on top of a metadata database.

  • The metadata database stores task states

  • The Scheduler uses DAG definitions in conjunction with the state of tasks in the metadata database to decide which tasks need to be executed as well as their execution priority.

  • The Executor is tightly bound to the Scheduler and determines the worker processes that actually execute each scheduled task. There are two different types of Executors

    • The LocalExecutor executes tasks with parallel processes that run on the same machine as the Scheduler process.
    • The CeleryExecutor executes tasks using worker processes that exist on a separate cluster of worker machines.
  • Workers are the processes that actually execute the logic of tasks, and are determined by the Executor being used.

  • See the attached PDF for a quick walkthrough

Advanced Concepts

  • Branching
    • Use operators like BranchPythonOperator to divide workflow based on logic
def choose():
	return 'first'

with dag:
    branching = BranchPythonOperator(task_id='branching', 
    branching >> DummyOperator(task_id='first')
    branching >> DummyOperator(task_id='second')
  • SubDAGs
    • Certain task structures can be re-used for different data
    • These are kept inside a separate /subdags directory
    • Not discovered by the scheduler
  • Trigger Rules Each Operator has a trigger_rule argument which can be set to one of
    • all_success - default, all parents succeeded
    • all_failed - all parents in failed state
    • one_failed - fires as soon as any one parent fails
    • one_success - fires right after the first success upstream
  • XCom
    • Abbreviation of “cross-communication”
    • Means of communication between task instances
    • saved in the database as a pickled object
    • ideal for small pieces of data like IDs
  • Variables
    • For storing and retrieving arbitrary content
    • Useful for storing configurations and settings
    • Can be created, updated, deleted and exported to JSON from the UI

5. Environment setup


conda install -y -c conda-forge airflow
# or; pip install airflow
# check documentation for more information

export AIRFLOW_HOME='/path/to/directory/containing/dags'
# make sure this variable is available before running airflow commands
# this could be placed in your .bashrc


Modify the airflow.cfg file in AIRFLOW_HOME

  • Check the dags_folder line
  • Set load_examples=False

Airflow CLI

airflow version
# check if you're on the latest version

airflow initdb
# starts the metadata database and creates airflow.cfg, airflow.db

airflow list_dags
# get a list of the DAGs in your modules that will be picked up by the scheduler
# if there are errors in your code, they will be discovered here

airflow trigger_dag DAG_ID
# manually trigger a DAG run

airflow webserver
airflow scheduler
airflow worker
# to start the UI, scheduler, worker processes
# use '&> /dev/null &' to keep the shell 

# for testing behavior of custom Operators in isolation, without affecting the database

airflow backfill DAG_ID TASK_ID -s START_DATE -e END_DATE
# for backfilling historical data without running the scheduler. Useful when the business logic changes for a currently running workflow

airflow clear DAG_ID
# for removing TaskInstance records in the database for a given DAG_ID

airflow resetdb
# for starting with a clean slate by restting the database, but not clearing logs

6. A simple pipeline

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from airflow import DAG
from airflow.operators.bash_operator import BashOperator
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
from airflow.operators.dummy_operator import DummyOperator

# Set default args
default_args = {
    'owner': 'dkhosla',
    'start_date': datetime(2018, 8, 22),
    'depends_on_past': False,
    'email': ['[email protected]'],
    'email_on_failure': False,
    'email_on_retry': False,
    'retries': 1,
    'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=5)

# Declare Python Functions
def print_hello():
    return 'Hello!'

# Instantiate the dag
dag_1 = DAG(

# Instantiate Tasks
say_hello = PythonOperator(

sleep = BashOperator(
    bash_command='sleep 5',

print_date = BashOperator(

dummy = DummyOperator(

# Set up the DAG
say_hello >> sleep >> print_date
sleep >> dummy

8. Productivity Tips

  • Write functions (and Tasks) that always produce the same output for a given input.
    • Avoid using global variables, random values, hardware timers.
    • Explicitly state the order (for ex. using ORDER BY) rather than relying on the implicit ordering (for ex. in Python Dictionaries)
  • Tasks should be idempotent, they should produce the same results when run with the same parameters every time, even on different days. This reduces the possibility of unintended side effects when using rerty logic.
  • Use features like
    • depends_on_past when writing DAGs to ensure all upstream instances succeeded.
    • LatestOnlyOperator to conditionally skip some downstream steps if it's not the most recent execution of the workflow.
    • BranchPythonOperator allows you to choose which branch of the workflow is to be executed based on defined logic.
  • Preserve outputs of upstream tasks as artifacts consumable by downstream tasks
  • Use airflow test <dag-id> <task-id> ... often in early development to ensure your tasks run as intended
  • To test your DAG with the scheduler, utilize the @once schedule_interval and clear the DagRuns and TaskInstances between tests with airflow clear
  • Before running CLI commands, make sure that your Python environment is activated and AIRFLOW_HOME is set for your session.
  • When a DAG has been run, the database contains instances of that run. If you change the start_date or the interval, the scheduler may get confused. You should change the version of a DAG if you change its properties.
  • Airflow uses SLAs to detect long-running (hanged) tasks and alerts you via Email or Slack. You can check the Web UI to inspect the missed SLAs further.
  • Sensors like an HTTP Sensor or a File Sensor allow a workflow to wait for the appearance of a condition or data before continuing to run the DAG downstream.


Using Apache Airflow to author, run and monitor complex data pipelines.








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