Dota Review player and heroes
## development: flutter run -t lib/main.dart --debug --flavor development
## staging: flutter run -t lib/main.dart --debug --flavor staging
## preprod: flutter run -t lib/main.dart --debug --flavor preprod
You can build the app using the commands
for Android
## development: flutter build apk -t lib/main.dart --flavor development
## staging: flutter build apk -t lib/main.dart --flavor staging
## preprod: flutter build apk -t lib/main.dart --flavor preprod
for IOS
## development flutter build ios -t lib/main.dart --flavor development
## staging: flutter build ios -t lib/main.dart --flavor staging
## preprod: flutter build ios -t lib/main.dart --flavor preprod
* All resources (images, fonts, videos, ...) must be placed in the assets class
* Before using them, please declare the path in utility class and the suffix of the class to be type_provide (image_provide.dart)
Get dependencies and generate necessary files.
npm run init
We'll handle the generation of required files for 🚀 your onboarding!
This project is implementing json_serializable. It use build_runner to generate files. If you make a change to these files, you need to re-run the generator using build_runner:
flutter pub run build_runner build
generator using build_runner and remove conflict file :
npm run generate
- Auto indentation handled with git hook using Lefthook.
- For mac users, run
npm run setup
and you should be done. More details below. - This project use npm for Lefthook installation, to ease others getting it up running fast - run
npm install
- After installation, run
npx lefthook install
to finish up installation. - More info here.
Using this library to handle multi-languages. Follow this guide to understand and config languages files
VSC, AS, IJ users need to install the plugins from the market.
intelliJ / android studio:
flutter pub global activate intl_utils
flutter pub global run intl_utils:generate
- Open Flutter intl in
- Click on
arb File
- To add / remove Locale, choose
Add Locale
/Remove Locale
- Then it will promp which locale
Current available locale is en, en
Link library :