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BlocketAPI allows users to query saved searches, known as "Bevakningar", on This means you can either retrieve results from a specific saved search or list all listings/ads across all saved searches. The results from these queries are returned in a json format.

Blocket is one of Sweden's largest online marketplaces. It was founded in 1996 and allows users to buy and sell a wide range of items, including cars, real estate, jobs, services, and second-hand goods. The platform is known for its extensive reach and user-friendly interface, making it a popular choice for Swedes looking to purchase or sell items quickly and efficiently.

✨ Features

  • List saved searches, called "Bevakningar".
  • Query all listings/ads filtered on a region.
  • Query listings related to a saved search.
  • Use motor search to query listings related to a specific car.

🧑‍💻️ Install

BlocketAPI is available on PyPI.

pip install blocket-api

💁‍♀️ Usage

>>> from blocket_api import BlocketAPI
>>> api = BlocketAPI("YourBlocketTokenHere")

Where token?

Function Description
api.saved_searches() List your saved searches (bevakningar)
api.get_listings() List items related to a saved search
api.custom_search() Search for everything on Blocket and filter by region
api.motor_search() Advanced search for car-listings.

🤓 Detailed usage


Saved searches are your so called "Bevakningar" and can be found here. Each saved search has and unique id which can be used as a parameter to get_listings(), see below.

>>> api.saved_searches()
      "name":"\"buggy\", Bilar säljes i hela Sverige"

get_listings(search_id, limit)

Returns all listings related to a saved search.


  • search_id (int, optional) - Get listings for a specific saved search. If not provided, all saved searches will be combined.
  • limit (int, optional) - Limit number of results returned, max is 99.
>>> api.get_listings(4150081)
            "subject":"Volkswagen 1500 lim 113 chassi",
            "body":"Säljer ett chassi/bottenplatta till en volkswagen 1500 lim 113 1967, blästrat och målat.\nFinns en beach buggy kaross att få med om man vill det. \nReg nmr ABC123",

custom_search(search_query, region, limit)

Make a custom search through out all of blocked. A region can be passed in as parameter for filtering.


  • search_query (str, required) - A string to search for.
  • region (str, optional) - Filter results on a region, default is all of Sweden.
  • limit (int, optional) - Limit number of results returned, max is 99.
>>> from blocket_api import Region
>>> api.custom_search("saab", Region.blekinge) # search for term "saab" in region of "Blekinge"
            "name":"Stefan Ingves",

motor_search(page, make, fuel, chassi, price, modelYear, milage, gearbox)

To query listings related to a specific car, supply the following parameters:

  • page (int, required) - Results are split in pages, set page number here.
  • make (List[MAKE_OPTIONS]) - Filter a specific make, ex. Audi.
  • fuel (Optional[List[FUEL_OPTIONS]]) - Filter a specific fuel, ex. Diesel.
  • chassi (Optional[List[CHASSI_OPTIONS]]) - Filter a specific chassi, ex. Cab.
  • price (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]) - Set price range, ex. (50000, 100000).
  • modelYear (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]) - Set model year range, ex. (2000, 2020).
  • milage (Optional[Tuple[int, int]]) - Set milage range, ex. (1000, 2000).
  • gearbox (Optional[GEARBOX_OPTIONS]) - Filter a specific gearbox, ex. Automat.
>>> api.motor_search(
    make=["Audi", "Ford"],
    price=(50000, 100000),

🔓 Blocket API token

Your token is located in the request headers in the "Bevakningar"-section on Blocket.

  • Login to Sign in with your credentials.
  • Click "Bevakningar": Go to the "Bevakningar" section.
  • Inspect the page: Right-click the page and select "Inspect".
  • Open the Network tab: Switch to the Network tab in the Developer Tools.
  • Find request headers: Locate a request where the domain is "" and the file is "searches". Pretty much every request to contains this auth-header, so any request will do.
  • Inspect request headers: Look at the request headers to find your token under "Authorization".


My token has never expired or changed during this project. However, if your're met with a 401 Unauthorized at some point, you may want to refresh your token by repeating the steps above.

📝 Notes