Jan Ostman's O2 Minipops for AE Modular GRAINS
The original code was published here: https://janostman.wordpress.com/the-o2-source-code/
Jan Ostman's website is not available anymore. But the code can be found using the wayback machine on archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20170107051059/https://janostman.wordpress.com/the-o2-source-code/
There is a clock signal on output D of the AE Modular GRAINS. This can be used for example to synchronize the AE Modular SEQ8 to the GRAINS-O2Minipops.
There is a problem reading values from A0 to A3 of the GRAINS module. So right now only A4 is usable. A4 is used to change the tempo. The pattern is fixed. The variable patselect
is set to 1. You can change the pattern in line 762.
Wikipedia page of the original Korg Mini Pops https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Korg_Mini_Pops
The GRAINS wiki page https://wiki.aemodular.com/pmwiki.php/AeManual/GRAINS
The GRAINS module in the Tangible Waves Shop https://www.tangiblewaves.com/store/p86/GRAINS.html