This website is built using Docusaurus 3, a modern static website generator.
The documentation is hosted in the Platformatic repository.
mkdir /workdir
cd /workdir
# Clone the main Platformatic repository
git clone
# Clone the Docs repository
git clone
After cloning, your working directory (/workdir
) should contain:
Navigate to each directory and run npm install:
# Install dependencies in the platformatic repository
cd platformatic
npm install
cd ..
# Install dependencies in the docs repository
cd docs
npm install
cd ..
cd docs
Step 1: Setup the docs environment variable
# This sets the DOCS variable to the docs directory within the cloned Platformatic repository
export DOCS=`realpath $PWD/../platformatic/docs`
Step 2: Start the development server
npm run sync-and-start
Deployment is managed automatically through GitHub Actions. Check the workflow configurations in the .github
folder within the OSS directory for details.
We keep online only the last version of each Platformatic major version (excluding version 0.x
Every time a new version is released, this repository is tagged with vX.Y.Z
To generate the documentation for a specific version, checkout the related tag and run the development server.
Deleting directories within ./docs
may cause Docusaurus to crash. If this happens, stop the server (Ctrl+C) and restart it.