SGCRFpy is a Python implementation of Sparse Gaussian Conditional Random Fields (CRF) with a familiar API. CRFs are discriminative graphical models that are useful for performing inference when output variables are known to obey a structure.
A Gaussian CRF models the conditional probability density of y
given x
 = \frac{e^{-y^\top \Lambda y -2 x^\top \Theta y}}{Z(x)})
 = c |\Lambda|^{-1} e^{x^\top \Theta \Lambda ^{-1} \Theta ^\top x})
This is equivalent to:
which is a reparametrization of standard linear regression [1]
In this sense, Lambda
models the structure between output variables y
, while Theta
models the direct relationships between x
and y
. For example, in genetical genomics, a gene network Lambda
controls how genetic perturbations in Theta
propagate indirectly to other gene-expression traits [1]. In wind-farm power forecasting, Lambda
models the spatial and temporal correlations between various generators, while Theta
captures the conditional dependencies on exogenous variables [2].
Sparse Gaussian CRFs are a particular flavor of Gaussian CRFs where the loss function includes an L1
penalty in order to promote sparsity among the estimated parameters. Setting lam L
>> lam T
results in Lasso regression, while setting lam T
>> lam L
results in Graphical Lasso.
The API is simple and familiar and leads to one-liners:
from sgcrf import SparseGaussianCRF
model = SparseGaussianCRF(), Y_train).predict(X_test)
Since the model is probabilistic, it's also easy to generate lots of samples of y
given x
Y = model.sample(X, n=100000)
The API is inspired by Keras which allows continued model training, so you can inspect your model...
model = SparseGaussianCRF(learning_rate=0.1, n_iter=5), Y_train)
loss = model.lnll
...and pick up where you left off:
model.set_params(learning_rate=1), Y_train)
loss += model.lnll
Optimization is performed via alternating Newton coordinate descent of the regularized negative log-likelihood [4], which significantly reduces the computation time compared to previous methods [1][2][3]. The optimization alternates between updating Lambda
given Theta
using a second-order approximation to the objective, and then updating Theta
given Lambda
, which requires no Taylor series approximation.
Notable features:
- Newton steps are solved via coordinate descent because the problem includes an
penalty. - Parameter updates are restricted to an active set of variables which produces a substantial speedup for sparse problems.
- Frequently used large matrix products are cached, and only their rows and columns are updated after coordinate descent updates.
- The step size for
is chosen via line search.
Lingxue Zhang, Seyoung Kim 2014
Learning Gene Networks under SNP Perturbations Using eQTL Datasets -
Wytock and Kolter 2013
Probabilistic Forecasting using Sparse Gaussian CRFs -
Wytock and Kolter 2013
Sparse Gaussian CRFs Algorithms Theory and Application -
McCarter and Kim 2015
Large-Scale Optimization Algorithms for Sparse CGGMs -
McCarter and Kim 2016
On Sparse Gaussian Chain Graph Models -
Klinger and Tomanek 2007
Classical Probabilistic Models and Conditional Random Fields -
Tong Tong Wu and Kenneth Lange 2008
Coordinate Descent Algorithms for Lasso Penalized Regression