A Vim plugin to visualizes the Vim undo tree.
Mundo is a fork of Gundo, and it has bunch of improvements.
- Several new features:
- Ability to search undo history using /.
- An 'in line' diff mode.
- Navigation keys J and K to move thru written undos.
- Merged upstream pull requests:
- Neovim support
- Make faster
- Automated test
- Vim ≥ 7.3 or Neovim
compile option- Python ≥ 2.4
Recommended vim settings:
" Enable persistent undo so that undo history persists across vim sessions
set undofile
set undodir=~/.vim/undo
When submitting pull requests (commonly referred to as "PRs"), include one of the following tags prepended to the title:
- [WIP] - Work In Progress: the PR will change, so while there is no immediate need for review, the submitter still might appreciate it.
- [RFC] - Request For Comment: the PR needs reviewing and/or comments.
- [RDY] - Ready: the PR has been reviewed by at least one other person and has no outstanding issues.
Assuming the above criteria has been met, feel free to change your PR's tag yourself, as opposed to waiting for a contributor to do it for you.
Tests unit tests can be run with nose:
cd autoload
vim-mundo is primarily distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 or any later version. See COPYRIGHT for details.