This sugar adds autocompletion for native and browser specific CSS3 properties as well as an overall enhanced CSS support.
This branch merges @dstorey’s previous CSS3/SVG sugar with minimalweb’s CSS3.sugar
- images (gradients, object-fit/-position)
- multi columns
- values (rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla, currentColor, transparent, SVG named colors)
- values
- pseudo classes and elements
- CSS-Animations (incomplete)
- transforms (incomplete)
- transitions (incomplete)
- backgrounds & borders
- basic UI
- SVG specific CSS properties
- Enhanced CSS-Syntax zones (e.g. id, class and pseudo selectors)
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Espresso/Sugars/
git clone git://
Download the source and uncompress it. Rename the resulting folder to CSS3.sugar
and put it in YourHomeFolder/Library/Application Support/Espresso/Sugars/
- media queries
- background-size (browser-specifics)
- reflections
- webfonts
- 3D transforms