Collection of various config files for macOS (tested 10.10 - 10.12). For easier management, you should have GNU Stow installed.
cd ~/
git clone --recursive
cd dotfiles/
stow zsh
stow vim
stow whateverYouWant
I use vim-plug for managing plugins, so make sure to install it first:
I use tpm for managing plugins, make sure to install it first:
run "make" inside the plugin folder
If you use Pathogen or something similar, you can clone this repository to your ~/.vim/bundle (or equivalent) directory. Make sure you have node.js and npm installed (Tern is a JavaScript program), and install the tern server by running npm install in the bundle/tern_for_vim directory.
If you're curious, on CLI I use powerline-patched Consolas: and Rubik as a UI system font: alogside nord theme wherever possible:
On KDE, I use a mix of Ark Dark and Nordic themes.