I wrote this pkg to understand Golang's concurrency constructs (Goroutines, Channels, Select-case etc) by implementing different concurrency patterns.
You can read the annotated code here
Merge combines input from multiple channels into a single channel
Split broadcasts (duplicates) input from a single channel across multiple output channels
SplitRnd distributes input from a single channel across multiple output channels randomly
Pipeline recursively creates a multi-stage asynchronous pipeline to filter values from the input channel in order of the functions provided and publish qualifying values to the output channel
OrShutdown combines multiple signalling channels and returns a single signalling channel (The output channel is closed if any of the input signalling channels is closed)
AndShutdown combines multiple signalling channels and returns a single signalling channel (The output channel is closed when all of the input signalling channels are closed)
Pool invokes multiple goroutines to process values on the input channel concurrently