Connecting OVE and Jupyter Notebooks.
Create and control a visualisation in OVE directly from your Jupyter notebooks.
- Automatically generate sections in OVE
- Control each section from the notebook output
- Saves outputs and a project.json for migration to the OVE Asset Manager
- Choose from one of four supported display modes
- Setup in 3 lines of code
To install please use the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create a .env file with the following variables:
- OVE_HOST: your external ip. Can be found using the command
. - OVE_PORT: port for file server, default is 8000.
- OVE_CORE: hostname for OVE Core server.
%load_ext ove
%ove_configure *args
%%tee cell_no *args
It is possible to serve the saved files after the notebook has exited using the following command:
cd .ove && python(3) -m http.server -p 8000
Uses the cell_no to fill the OVE space as a grid, down each column.
Specify a top-left and bottom-right corner for the section using the grid.
Specify the row and column for the section to be displayed at.
Specify a width, height, x offset and y offset in pixel values.
- --space (-s): OVE Space to create visualisation in. Default is LocalFour.
- --rows (-r): Number of rows in visualisation grid. Default is 2.
- --cols (-c): Number of columns in visualisation grid. Default is 2.
- --env (-e): Location of environment variable file. Default is .env.
- --out (-o): Location of output directory for file serving. Default is .ove.
- --remove (-rm): Whether to clear output directory on configuration. Default is true.
- --mode (-m): Accepts "production" or "development". If mode is "development", no calls to external OVE are made and information is logged to file.
- cell_no: Required. Unique number as cell id. In automatic display mode is used as position in visualisation grid.
- --row (-r): Display Mode Grid. Row position in grid.
- --col (-c): Display Mode Grid. Column position in grid.
- --width (-w): Display Mode Pixel. Pixel width.
- --height (-h): Display Mode Pixel. Pixel height.
- --x (-x): Display Mode Pixel. x-axis pixel offset.
- --y (-y): Display Mode Pixel. y-axis pixel offset.
- --from (-f): Display Mode Flex. Top-left corner position in grid.
- --to (-t): Display Mode Flex. Bottom-right corner position in grid.
- --split (-s): How to display multiple outputs. Accepts "width" or "height", splits into columns or rows respectively.