Android app for Students' Association for Alumni Relations-SAAR, IIT Patna
The SAAR app is an android application to bring together all alumni and former faculties of IIT Patna to share their experiences with each other and with the current students and faculties. The app will maintain and update the database of all alumni of the college. SAAR aims to provide guidance to the present students in their endeavour for better employment and higher studies, improve campus placements with the help of the alumni working in reputed industries in India and abroad, organise seminars, debates, workshops as well as cultural and social welfare programs and publish periodical magazines or bulletins with valuable information useful to the members and students. The SAAR app would ease the process of collecting donations for alumni affairs and it would also send notifications for varios events.
- Create the basic UI of the app
- Build a perfect login and signup system
- Create a well maintained alumni database
- Send notifications for various events
- Client side
- Java
- Firebase
- Retrofit
- Gson
- Timeline View
- Volley
- Glide
- CircleImageView
- Timber
- Pin View
- Photo View
- Server side
Clone the repository using the following command:
$ git clone
Then open in Android Studio.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We have the following branches:
master The master branch contains all the stable and bug-free working code. The development branch once complete will be merged with this branch.
development All the contributions should be pushed to this branch. If you're making a contribution, you are supposed to make a pull request to development. It is advisable to clone the development branch only.